Back in Halo 3, my friends had a map where a zombie with a grav hammer would chase people on indestructible mongeese. When hit by the hammer, the people would go flying. I think this was because of some kind of gravity change that also affected vehicles. I wanted to know, is this still possible in Reach, and if so, how?
I haven't tested this out or anything, but using Mongooses would probaby work. If the lightest vehicle in Halo can't go flying, then nothing can.
The mongoose needs to be hit at the correct angle to go "flying". I'm not sure if the launch is as dramatic as H3, but the mongoose can be launched by the gravity hammer.
I'm more than certain that it wasn't the vehicles gravity that was affected. Reread what you just posted, see if you can figure this out. No? You getting it yet? Perhaps there is some way of increasing the strength of the weapon a player wield, hmmmmm?
The problem with that is that increasing the weapon strength doesn't nearly make the mongeese go as far as they did back in Halo 3 when hit by the hammer.
SwiftTraceur!!! i think you played that game with me lol i allllwayyysss played that and invited random ppl lol xD im trying to make a new map for it and had the same question as you whats the deal with stuff not flying like it use to.. have you figured out how to fix it yet??
Concussion rifles and revenant guns have incredible Physics effects. Golf clubs have a greater physics effect than gravity hammers.
tbh in halo reach the gravity hammer does give a good whack and if you want a gametype like that then make a map for it. Make the map on the natural grass on forgeworld or make a bumpy map in air. i play the 'Drive to survive' map with the custom gametype and in that warthogs are used. If you hit a mongoose with the gravity hammer and it flys off into hills or bumps it gives a good impact. Also would you think about including this map on the grass on area on forgeworld and perhaps use the rock glitch where it throws vechiles off the map. You could set a trap or something so the zombie can hit the vechiles into that.