Is PC gaming better than console gaming?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BASED GOD, Nov 26, 2010.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    After a heated debate from people with no experience in PC gaming from the shoutbox, I have made this thread.
    I think it is for a number of reasons:
    - A better range of more precise controls when using k+m (Not to mention controller support if k+m is too hard for you)
    - A larger selection of games
    - A larger, far more dedicated community
    - Mods
    - Games are typically cheaper
    - No bullshit like xbl or psn (allowing for easier patching, free and usually less lag)
    - Dedicated servers
    - Better graphics if you can afford it
    - More customisable
    - Better players usually
    - Less 12 year olds shouting racial slurs at me

    Here are some cons:
    - Hacking (which is overblown, I've come across 2 hackers in my time)
    - Expensive (also overblown, my prebuilt dell cost $1000 and can run all current games at med-high)
    - PCs can get viruses but this is a problem with the user not the PC
    - Very little splitscreen

    ok debate

    ps I realise that this is a matter of opinion
    #1 BASED GOD, Nov 26, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    $1000 isn't expensive at all.
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I think he was saying everyone makes a big fuss of the price; when it really isn't that much money.

    I prefer PC gaming, but there is no Halo Reach on PC, and all my friends only have CoD for the 360, sooo..

    But I do play Oblivion and Fallout on my PC.
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    I like PC because most games on it have a more tactical element, like in BF2/BF2142. It's not all about "OMG RUSH/WTF CAMP" like it is in Call of Duty or Halo.
  5. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Consoles are essentially computers that are too old to sell. So naturally PCs have a wider variety of games, which also tend to be better more advanced in general. But like in Reach's case, game designers are able to not worry about adapting their game to every type of PC/computer/etc, so bungie was able to really make the most of the 360s capabilities. But overall, PC gaming ftw, srsly.
  6. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Pc gaming can be a lot better if you know what you're doing and don't buy shitty games. Assuming you can afford the requirements of said games. The cool thing about consoles though is that when you're in school a lot of people have them and you can play with your friends instead of making random friends over the internet.
  7. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    First i can't believe you made this thread lol.

    Aside from every other detail Consoles are machines that are specifically MADE for gaming every part is for the purpose of having better games and a gaming experience, PC's are machines the do a lot of things and one of them just happens to be games.

    Like comparing (a specifically built)Racing car to a everyday car(which can do a lot of things and one of them is racing) and asking which one can race better? Obviously the specifically built things are better at the thing they where specifically built for Other wise they would have never been built because the originals (PC's and Cars) would have sufficed.

    Maybe In your opinion PC's are better maybe you like PC style games more thats fair enough because they have some advantages at the moment over consoles but eventualy consoles are going to dominate PC's in gamming because Consoles are specifialy built machines to play games with virtual reality comming in and stuff Consoles will eventually make PC games obsolete. (there will always be PC games just like there will always be games on phones)
  8. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Implying that consoles are built to support the latest and best rather than the cheapest and/or most bang for your buck. Terribly wrong for all the consoles we've had so far.
  9. Security

    Security Ancient
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    PC gaming is dying. All the pirates are ruining it. Valve is the sole reason PC's are regarded as a legitimate platform.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Its like comparing a Fiat 500 rally version with a Ferrari Enzo

    Piracy is a much smaller problem than it is made out to be, most pirated games can't even utilise MP.
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't really think you can debate this. PC gaming can do almost everything a console can with dozens of more features and customizability. Really the only barrier is price. If you think $1000 isn't much, then you're better off than the average gamer. Consoles cost $400 at their most expensive with plenty of cheaper, better selling versions of themselves.

    I really think this, along with the slightly increased complexity of operating a PC is why many (falsely) regard PC gaming as dead. The average person either doesn't have the money to buy/make a gaming PC or simply isn't intelligent or determined enough.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    This topic makes me lol HPM. First, the debate was about PC FPS not PC gaming in general (unless of course this continued after I left, in which this paragraph is null and void). Second, the PC was where I became a "gamer" so to speak. It was the first instance of dedicating hours straight a day playing SC and Diablo while my parents yelled at me. So if you are attempting to patronize me with this topic, you should check things out first before claiming I have no PC gaming experience.

    As for this topic itself? No PC gaming is not better. Most "AAA titles" are developed for consoles first and foremost. They are just simply more enjoyable on a console than a PC. Take Black Ops for instance (yes it's CoD, I know), the game is developed with the 360 in mind, and therefore is trash on both the PC and the PS3. Yes, there are/will be mods to fix the issue, but quite frankly it's annoying to have to download and install things that should be operational out of box.

    However, I don't deny there are games that are and always will be better on PC. MMO's will always have a home on PC first and foremost. RTS does utilize the PC's processing power and KBM set up better than it would on a console (however, if console companies got their head out of their ass and allowed at least KB support for RTS than some legit RTS could be played on a console). As well, games like fallout and oblivion will always benefit in some ways from the mods that are provided for them, however games often succumb to the mods overrunning the game and diluting the original experience.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    FPS is better on PC
    Black ops is better on PC, allowing dedicated servers of up to 24 players and better controls
    BF3 will have 80 players on the PC with DX11 support while it will have 28 max on consoles (thanks to the 360, PS3 can go up to 32)
    AAA titles are just games with big budgets, they are not necessarily better games
    Games succumb to mods? what does that even mean, mods are completely optional
  14. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Dedicated servers are a matter of preference, in fact it often can be difficult to find a good game, which is annoying. In many instances a matchmaking system is better. As well, more players isn't necessarily better. 4v4 is the perfect number of people for competitive team FPS. Passed that it's just getting progressively closer to stupid, messy "warzone" games. As for KBM, well that's a huge matter of preference (one which I personally go againt). As for a matter of skill? Well, it is more difficult to be extremely skillful at console FPS than it is with PC. You can argue autoaim all you want but it doesn't take more than a few months of solid FPS play on a PC to be fairly good (insofar as your keyboard or mouse isn't terrible). Some people are never good at console FPS.

    As for games with mods, take Oblivion for instance. The original content is huge in itself. The game also has endless amounts of mods you can add. After going through a decently time consuming process of adding a solid number of mods, it's almost tiring to even play the game. When playing the game, the mods side track you so far from the story it ends up being jumbled and confusing; as well as mods from various sources either break game balance or just plain don't work in conjunction with each other. Sure, stuff like the overhauls and bug fixing mods are great but when you start piling too many game changing factors in there it tends to ruin the original experience. You can argue "have restraint", but then honestly..mods are barely something for you to mention as a positive.
    #14 chrstphrbrnnn, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    K+M IS BETTER, it allows for more precise aiming and a greater range of controls. Console FPS's do not take more skill than PC FPS's, you pulled this out of your ass.
    Larger amounts of players is a positive, I'd like to see a 4v4 Battlefield 2 game. Its optional.

    Your mod argument is stupid, THEY ARE OPTIONAL. If it ruins the experience, THEN DON'T PLAY THEM.

    Your argument basically boils down to "less options = good because thats how the developers made it".
  16. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    Consoles ain't got **** on pcs except that they're popular due to being easy to use/setup and costing less. As a result you can play with people you know in real life, because you probably know a couple people who own any given gaming system. I can't think of anything else that would give consoles an advantage to the pc.

    Saying that it takes more skill to use a controller than a mouse is true, but that's not where the skill should be valued. It should be put into other aspects. The best analogy I can come up with is that you're basically making the argument of ghost merging being a bad thing when it came out. Simply because it took away the skill of putting objects exactly where they should be in a time efficient method. I think we can both agree that ghost merging was an improvement, but you can still make that dumb argument that it took more skill and practice before when we didn't have it. Yes I will argue auto-aim, if players can't hit shots on each other enough, to the point where they have to implement auto-aim, there is obviously a flaw in the device that controls the aim.

    Saying mods detract from gameplay is stupid because then why would you install the mod. If you are saying the mods unintentionally detract from gameplay you can uninstall it. If you are saying mods are bothersome to have to deal with, nobody is making you use them.

    Matchmaking on pc games isn't done because it isn't needed nor wanted. If you want to play competitively, you can join a clan or organize matches for your game of choice, or simply play on a server where people match your skill level. I'd even go as far as to say the pc has done matchmaking much better by getting rid of it. It becomes much more competitive when there isn't a rank next to your name classifying you on factors that aren't even related to your skill. I don't know what you mean by it's hard to find a good game, on the games I play you really can't go wrong, all the servers just have a unique flavor. I wouldn't judge a game based on how many players it can support, but being able to have more players is definitely an advantage. Some games like starcraft 2 also do feature matchmaking.

    You say MMOs and RTSs will always have a place on the pc simply because they can't be played easily on a console, which leads me to believe you haven't played other kinds of games ("playing SC and Diablo"). I say the home of all games is the pc. That's where it started and where the best games will continue.
    #16 Mischgasm, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  17. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    ^Matchmaking is a big factor me thinks. PC people are generally more interested in gaming and are willing to find servers themselves. Console people are generally more laid-back when it comes to gaming and prefer matchmaking.

    It's all a matter of preference. Different personalities like different gaming styles. It's like legos. If you like big duplos, chances are you don't like itty gritty mechanics or you've simply never tried legos. Hows that for a comparison
  18. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Consoles are PC's just taken out all crap not needed to play games and improved what is needed to play games. There for better for gaming. As a kid i played every Age of empires and diablo for hours and hours and a lot of games they where awesome games so I'm not saying PC's suck there games are awesome.

    Your asking are PC's or PC's that have everything that's not needed for gaming and improved stuff that is needed for gaming, Which ones better?

    So think about PC has screen keyboard and mouse and actual computer. Screen can be huge just like a Console there = there. Consoles have controllers which are better for your hands (less arthritis) and have more buttons in easy reached spots and easy to remember less buttons which is better if you can have a good game with less or more buttons less complicated is better, So Controllers better than keyboard. Mouse is worse than analogs/Motion control, And the Consoles computer has better gaming capability because its 100% built for it. (as a fact, that's not necessarily my opinion)

    But if you like PC gaming more good for you I hold nothing against it I still play a lot of PC games but Consoles are better for gaming then PC's , Just like going to cinema is better Movie experience then watching a movie on a PC I still watch movies on my PC but there better at Cinema's (because that's a specifically built machine for movies) Can't say watching movies is better on the PC.
  19. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    PC's may be much more expensive, but the gaming quality is worth it completely. From the mods to the price of the games to the better connections to the better controls, PC gaming is better.

    However, gaming systems are expensive as hell, and you wont always be able to play the game you want on the rig you have. This is exactly why I play the xbox more than I game on a PC, because it is expensive.

    And to all of those you say "Oh well its only such an amount of money, its not that expensive", thats okay for you when you can AFFORD to pay for them, but Im sure there are people out there who just cant.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    But consoles have far outdated tech

    Would you rather watch a film in black and white with no sound in a cinema, or would you rather watch it on your 1900x1080 HD LCD monitor with surround sound?

    Using your logic you would watch it on the former

    fyi most PC games have matchmaking optional

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