Alright then, Ive come up with a way to create a working tractor beam, like those found in sci-fi shows and movies like Star Trek. Beam me up, Scotty This effect was accomplished by giving the falcon a advance game type label of KOTH_HILL and setting its shape as 0.6 radius, 0.4 top, and 100.9 bottom (effectively giving the beam infinite length). I also added a teleporter with max radius above the map, and setting it to 'port players only, not vehicles I then created a custom KOTH gametype, using the static, single hill options and giving the player 50% gravity and 300% jump height, but 0% movement speed, while in the hill. Now, when a player becomes entangled in the beam, he/she has no other option but jumping and teleporting to a preset location on the map. The following video illustrates the idea: YouTube - Halo Reach Tractor Beam concept Now, maybe alot of you are all ready thinking of a bazillion different ways to use this in a gametype, but this "technology" has several game-breaking limitations to it: 1. The gametype has to be either KOTH, Territories, or Safe Havens, as these are the only gametypes that allow modification of Hill properties. (Only tested in KOTH) 2. Due to Bungies nerfing of KOTH settings, the only way to score points is via hill controlling, so any competitive ideas using this will be limited to life-based deathmatches. 3. The Beam requires input from the trapped individual, so one can stubbornly refuse to jump to be teleported. This pretty much gurantees that any use of the beam will be team based, i.e for transportation purposes 4. The falcon must be at a set height (above the teleportor) to work. A potentially fixable issue. 5. Actually, I think thats pretty much it. There still might be other issus Im overlooking though. And that pretty much wraps it up. I personally cannot find a use for this thing, so maybe one of you can figure something out. Im positive there might be some use for it, maybe some infection-based gametype. Hell, maybe Ill find some use it for it a little later down the road. If you do decide to use it in a gametype, I please ask you to give me a little partial credit. Throw the dog a bone once in a while, y'know? If you want to test the Beam for yourself, the map can be found here And the gametype here
Hmmm, pretty cool find, too bad it's so restricted. I could see some fun minigames using that mechanism. I'd bet there is still something that could come out of this though.
Pretty clever. I have a pretty good mini-game idea with this now. What I'm also thinking of is a way to...weaponize other vehicles. Example: Mongoose. With that sort of hill in place, you could make a 'beam' that slows down players caught in the hill, making them easier to splatter.
You could potentially weaponize this idea. just make it so that controlling the hill injures people or weakens them, then you can have people flying around in the falcon weakening the enemy while someone else takes them out. Good idea? Yes, I thought so, I'm totally gonna make a map like that now. thnx for the idea of how to do that.
Anyone get the idea of a police force looking for bandits, with the Falcon acting as a searchlight that severely weakens the bandits?
Instead of weakening the bandits why dont you make it so it gives them a way point, so that all other "police" units can find the "bandits".
The problem with all of these ideas is that the falcon user would gain points throughout the game. There is no incentive to search for bandits because that means they will get points.
That may be incredibly restricted and flawed, but thats one of the single coolest things ive ever seen in my forging time. Ever.
No, the hill is set right below the Falcon, the pilot cant get any points from it, or be affected by it in any way.
would this work for an infection gametype ith the save haven bring the hill? eg. hte human must be picked up and tele'd to a armoury, when they run out of ammo they must be picked up again, or something along those lines. edit: and could it work on a banshee?
Sorry to burst your guys bubble, but me and corduroyCHUCK have been working on an Infection mini-game that is following the same concept. We have it made and are currently doing lots of playtests to work out bugs and minor flaws. :/