The rules state that you must provide a link to your map posted on the Bungie forum, not on your file share. I am not certain if I am actually "posting" to any forum in the manner that this site requires for my reach maps. Can someone tell me how to POST on the Bungie forum AS REQUIRED by this site so I know I am doing it correctly? Is tagging the map or making a comment enough to post the map adequately? I suspect not... I did both of those to my map Flight Deck v2. A week later I deleted the map from my file share and now my link to the map is broken. I had another map (Mutiny) which I also deleted from my file share some time back, and its link is still working fine. I suspect forgehub wants a properly posted map for this very reason - to avoid broken links. But I don't know what I did differently between the two maps.
I really wish they would re-word that rule. It's quite simple. Upload it to your fileshare, go to, go to your file share, click the link of the specific map or gametype you're posting, and use that over here. It seems more complicated than it is.
Then don't remove your map from your file share. As far as I know, there isn't a way to keep your map on Bnet without it being in your file share at the same time.
I don't know how to do it correctly (apparently), but I KNOW it can be done, because I did it (somehow). See my map Mutiny. The link is still fine. But the map has long been removed from my file share.
I believe it stays available even when removed from your fileshare if: A) Someone copied it to their fileshare before you removed it (them simply uploading the same map is not enough, you will need to use their link in this case, the above only works if they use the 'Copy to my fileshare' option) B) It is included in a fileset, though I believe these are pruned every once in a while so the link will probably break eventually as well. I could be wrong on both of these, but I believe I've heard of people finding their links still work even after the map is removed from their FS using both these methods.
I know this one is incorrect, as I've had to constantly update my forgetacular file set when I remove my map from my fileshare to update it.
If your file does have to be in your fileshare, then what happens when you get to your fileshare limit of 24 with Pro? Do you then have to start deciding which of you map links you want to remain active on Forgehub?
You'll have to get lucky like Mr. Green and find a way to have a file on Bnet without it being in your fileshare.
Yep, like others have said it will have to be in a fileshare. Doesn't matter whos, as long as its in one.
So we are all doing it wrong? Folks, I am going to look into why Mutiny is still available. I will let ya all know what I find... If I find...
Files will only stay linked if they are in a File Share. Notice that I said a File Share. If someone out there is nice enough to download your map and put it in his/her File Share, then the link will remain working. You could also put it in a File Set, but these are "sweeped" by Bungie every once in a while. Now, about the Bungie Pro thing. Bungie Pro does not give you the ability to keep links working after File Share deletion. I also doubt that, if all your file slots are taken on Pro, your maps are of any quality. Making 24 maps that all play well and have an equal amount of testing done is a miracle. Don't expect to actually have to worry about that.
Are you kidding me? Another thread where we have to explain that you can not share a file if it is not in your file share? Its like trying to fill a bucket of water, you turn the tap on and you have to keep it on until the bucket is full. The bucket isn't going keep filling with water if you've turned the tap off!
File sets aren't sweeped. Once the file is removed from your fileshare, it is also removed from the file set. You can "see" old versions of deleted maps in a file set, but they will go to an error page. For your second point, you also have to take into account of making specific gametypes for your maps. One map could have several specific gametypes (for different objectives, etc.). The only problem with this, is that Mr. Green does have a link to a map that isn't in a fileshare.
Well, that is fine. But I wonder how to make it stick to the link after we delete from our share. That is far more interesting to me, because it essentially expands our ability to share. There was a couple years ago a way to POST a Halo 3 map. There was suppose to be a link or button on the web page for this purpose. Am I incorrect? And if this is true, did the map actually get copied to a forum thread where it remained permanent apart from the author's share?