Xbox compatibility: Triggers = mouse clicks Bumpers = inventory scrolling Thumbsticks = move/look Start = main menu Select or 'Y' = inventory 'B' = back 'A' = jump 'X' = action button plus; MULTIPLAYER!
A huge variety of blocks that react to wires in every possible way to make incredibly complex machines. At the moment I just made automatically opening double door that can be locked from upstairs or just inside door(with all wires hidden, It's a lot harder then it sounds) Made me feel like a electrician
So it's got to be something to do with the build I have, I'll have to try an older version of Hey0s mod (126 - which isn't supposed to work with health). I congratulate you, it took me forever to wire up 2 doors to a switch with hidden wires in a very small space
So, creepers are sneaky; and my dirt/sand base is all but exploded. Probably shouldn't have used it as a TNT warehouse.
[MoD]ControllerBlocV2.0 : Fixs + Update for MC 1.2.3_04 - Minecraft Forums Adding a lovecave to my house right now
Minecraft Mod Encyclopedia Edition 3 « CraftHub Enjoy .
Finally got Minecraft to work! Along with a texture pack! *Dances awkwardly* *Goes to MATT's server!* EDIT: *Can't connect to MATT's server. Is now sad* :C
I'm switching hosts to what is a better deal and will hopefully have better response time and up time then what I've been having.
I was actually quite surprised when I started Minecraft today and was able to sit and play for a solid 30 minutes with no lag. First time I've had fun with Minecraft in a good while.
Thanks to the stupid Vista Service Pack 2 which I had to get, my computers pretty much crawling now. Its going to take a few days to speed up again, so it looks like no Minecraft for me...
My server is finally back online but still with the same host at I'm still undecided whether or not to switch hosts but if I do, I could switch to a cheaper host with more player slots as a special for Black Friday. Frankly, I still kinda like as a host just so far, I've had some terrible times with McMyAdmin and how long it takes them to respond to a support ticket I submit. The other host I could go with (MinecraftGSP) just started hosting Minecraft servers but is apart of a legitimate game server host from the way it looks from the website. The website doesn't offer a lot of info about them and it is hard to contact them except by email. I kinda want to switch to them but I'm still reluctant and frankly you can't beat having 30 slots available to you for only $30 a month as a special for Black Friday. MinecraftGSP - Under $10 per month! Black Friday Special! - Minecraft Forums
Everytime I try joining your server I a message that says "Failed to connect to the server. Connection refused: connect." Am I still whitelist'd?
Our server at ( ), is finally public and live to everyone. We found out the main map was corrupt and so we had to start a new one, which fixed the lag and ram problems. So if your interested come join us, im still mod so .
We are waiting for our admin to open up from whitelist mode again. However just type in and you should log in when we aren't in whitelist mode ( which should be lifted soon!)
My Friend And I Joined Craft Hub Server. We Started Our Own Little Fort. It's Sick. Pics and MAYBE a Video Later. Btw Anyone Interested In Joining The Craft Hub Writer Team?