So I'm making this Frigate...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PublicToast, Nov 25, 2010.

  1. PublicToast

    PublicToast Forerunner

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    ...And I was wondering what kind of rooms it should have. So far I have an Armory, an observation room, a drop pod room, a meeting/planning room, a crews quarters, a prison block, a cafeteria, a bridge, a ship-based weapon room IE Mac Cannon, side turrets etc. Anybody have any ideas?
    #1 PublicToast, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  2. HLG Scemo

    HLG Scemo Forerunner

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    You total need a cafeteria in there, A docking/loading platform, And by observation room you mean like the ship control if so then you need a cyro chamer room thing. Hope this helps.
  3. PublicToast

    PublicToast Forerunner

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    What do you mean by docking/loading platform? I have a hanger if that's what you mean. Oh yeah I'll put a cafeteria in there and also a barracks.
  4. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A brig, you totally need one to keep those bastards on it from starting a mutiny.
  5. FEAR Da BliTZz

    FEAR Da BliTZz Forerunner

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    #5 FEAR Da BliTZz, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  6. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    An engine room or reactor room of some sort
    A prison block

    Also, add a combat area on the ground below the ship so the aircraft and drop pods have somewhere to go, and maybe a smaller enemy ship off to one side that also has aircraft and turrets and drop-pods on it. Not enough ship maps have these. Maybe even put the enemy ship in the path of the MAC cannon, so the MAC cannon is more than just a useless asplody thing
  7. PublicToast

    PublicToast Forerunner

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    Thank you sir. That article has caused a large change in my map. For the better...

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    I don't know about the enemy ship, as things are pretty costly at the moment. If I can spare the cash I will.
    #7 PublicToast, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  8. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    Have you had a look at the frigates in the asthetic section? theres quite a few there, you can use them for ideas ect ;)

    as for what rooms to put in, I'd definatley go with a Bridge, hanger, some sort of armoury probabley with drop pods, Mac gun, thats the sort of thing I put in mine :)
  9. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    a thing that all ships have that a lot of mapmakers seem to overlook is crew's quarters.


    i cant think of a way that it could be done so that the quarters arent just arbitrary empty rooms.
  10. plasmaeagle

    plasmaeagle Forerunner

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    munitions depot(mac rounds nukes etc.)crews quarter's, officers quarter's, hanger bay,and bathrooms
    #10 plasmaeagle, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  11. oOMr BecksOo

    oOMr BecksOo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This i would say all depends on what it maybe for? I when i made savannah didnt really have many rooms that were unnessary. it has a bridge, hanger etc, the new version of savannah has got 4 drop pods, docking area, under ship hanger, access to both nose walkways, bottom walkway is a spawn area, it has a midship deck, and higher ship deck, then the bridge and a small room above that, then the top nose walkway is an escape route, i made more for a playability function and therefore have little room inside and not alot of detail in some rooms but it looks great, check out the first version for ideas, hope this helps, and be-aware key thing is to make sure it looks like it should on the outside tbh as this then shows detail and gives a map a better all round look too. good luck and have fun forging :)
  12. PublicToast

    PublicToast Forerunner

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    Oh I have one. With lighted beds.

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    Never thought about bathrooms. Maybe I can squeeze them in the crew quarters...

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    Hmm... It would definitely save space if I moved the armory into the drop pod room...
    #12 PublicToast, Nov 26, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2010
  13. grimfandango

    grimfandango Forerunner

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    I did put some crews quarters in the Forward unto Dawn, but they were mainly their to 'fill a hole' so to speak. they have beds and actually is one of my favorite bits of the ship now :) not really any reason to go there in game, although there is a couple of spawn points there.

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