The thing about BS is, in order to convey it properly, it needs to sound logical, instead of a rant about things that you've been trying to express passive-aggressively over several weeks only to have them shot down and eschewed every time. On that note, let's address said points. Do you know what Bias is? Let me explain this again. Bias, is leaning toward one situation because you have certain thoughts toward it already. You are not impartial. I was saying you were biased (in reference to you saying you've said something worthwhile in weeks) because to disagree with that statement is to promote yourself, which, in your case, and your case only, is personal bias, because you have the natural urge to protect yourself (unless you're suicidal). Once again, it's an easy concept to grasp. It's k though. /patshead It wasn't "assault on sense of personal wealth" it was "assault on intelligence" as you put it. Stop getting your terms mixed up if you want to convey your BS effectively. By definition, a fact is not an opinion. Especially in regards to art one cannot say something "is better than" something else and say it is a FACT. That is a fact. You can look up the definitions of fact, subjectivity and opinion if you're still confused. Also, pettiness = trying your ever hardest to convey BS in an ever-constant attempt to exhibit a sense of wit and logic you don't have. Actually, if you notice above, I stated my points twice, to which you threw in red herring (which I also pointed out since, at the point, it's clear you weren't conscious you were doing it, sad really) as another attempt to distract from your lack of reasoning. see point above about pointing out your points only to have you go in a circle (like this sentence reflecting the matter) in order to try and seem smarter than you actually are. It's k bro, people grow smarter over time. /patsheadagain You're missing the entire point if you think its sole purpose is to be funny. It is called Contrived Irony for a reason. If you knew what "contrived" meant, could use "ironic" properly, and could connect the two words (like standard english allows for) and bring new meaning due to the new context, then you'd understand the point of the strip. It's funny sometimes, but that definitely isn't the uniform (and titular-apparent) force behind the strip. But you have, boy is all that horribly-apparent BS laughable. /slapsknee, patsyourheadagain Says the person who: a) has constantly attacked me first then claims I'm the petty one? IRONIC ISN'T IT. OMGah b) has never shown any wit (which can be exemplified by bringing new meaning to standard situations, such as, but not limited to, insults [look at Oscar Wilde or Jonathan Swift], or wordplay [really, look at the meaning of contrived, and irony, then put that together bro, I trust it isn't too far above your level of comprehension.[ c) can't convey BS so that it isn't so clearly BS to anyone with a basic understanding of BS. Anyway, like before, back to Halo. Anyone want to play?
Black Ops is a piece of crap. They may as well have mailed an advanced copy to Infinity Ward with a note saying "You win, we know nothing about making good games".