Well you can tell if America's taking it too far if they continue with the planned training exercises with south Korea on Sunday, because if they do they are deliberately and knowingly cocking up the entire planet, since DPRK stated that further "aggressive military provocation" (which for some retarded reason includes training exercises) would lead to more retaliation, which would more than likely start a war. America have no real need to be involved at all as they are just allies and have no desperate need to run a training exercise that could lead to war. They only wanted to do it specifically as a "show of strength" of their relationship with the South, which is a ****ing stupid idea right now.
That's actually not 100% true. And most of our army and special forces are operating in Afghanistan, training the government to keep it's own security and forces. (rather then completely taking over) Apparently, Cameron plans to withdraw from Afghanistan in 2011. And many American soldiers are under-trained, there are simply so many guns, weapons and people willing to use them in America that they have an excess of soldiers. The problem is the training camps need to be less strict to deal with the excess of wannabe troops. The reason America is a superpower is because it has an overabundance of population and resources, and the economy is doing well. And as for most of the other posts, it's not mainly that they're the only country willing, but many countries (Such as the U.K.) have all of their resources being used (recent outbreaks of riots, economic meltdowns, CO2 emission reduction plans, Afghanistan, etc) What countries have what power was essentially just like a game with no score limit. Whatever you have when you reach the modern age, you keep mostly. Obviously now there are so many treaties, and almost every country is allied and invasion is discouraged, America just managed to stay together long enough. Obviously if something like the British Empire had lasted into the current age, they'd be "the world power".
Frankly, from my point of view, America just wants to get into another war. Whenever I talk to an american and point out something bad about their country they immediately retaliate by telling me that their army could kick my army's ass. People keep saying that Kim Jong Il's son is just showing his country that he has the power to rule them, but the same could be said about America's army. They just want to show the world how powerful they are. My favorite quote from a very memorable movie, Black Hawk Down, describes perfectly my opinions on a lot of America's military actions... "You shouldn't have come here. This is a civil war. This is our war, not yours." If a country gets into a war, they should deal with it themselves. They should also think of human lives as human lives instead of numbers. America alone has lost over 1,300 men in the war in Afghanistan. Imagine everything you've done in your life, every moment of joy, every moment of sadness, everything bad that you went through just to keep life moving. Now imagine that being worthless, a waste of time, because you're dead. Now, imagine that happening to 1,300+ people. It's sad, horrible, barbaric. War is horrible, and to be asking the question of whether a country should be a world military power is really asking whether your country should be labelled as one of the least socially evolved, most barbaric, countries on the planet. Now, in response to the question, no.
I don't know why people think that America is Most of the wars and conflicts America has taken part in they had business doing it. Even if we didn't have the best reason for taking part in conflicts, we do try to help. Really i think this subject is a lot more complicated than the thought that America is trying to police the world and force their view on others. The world is a mess right now and i do have very strong views on many of the current event subjects, but it's more than a sentence. I wouldn't mind discussing this with anyone, but i would like to discuss this one on one, rather than start a thread about what i think.
Actually; we prefer to fix our own problems rather than force them on others. I'm not saying we're perfect, we're far from it, but at least we take the initiative to fix our own government first.
Canada has also been allies to the US in wars. They've helped in both world wars, and i think that they have helped in the Middle East.
If other more powerful and influential countries let impoverished or troubled countries fix their own problems, the world would turn to ****. If the UN hadn't intervened at Somalia, hundreds of thousands would've starved. Hell, they did decide to let Somalia solve its own problems, and its even deeper in its own **** right now.
If anyone does not have a COMPLETE understanding of what North Korea IS, please watch this video. And even if you do, watch it. It's crazy how brainwashed their people are. YouTube - Inside North Korea Let me explain why nobody does anything about this. So basically you have China. Below that you have North Korea. Below that you have South Korea. Or should I say America. South Korea is basically a giant American military base. Now China knows about all the bad stuff going on in North Korea. They know it. And they don't necessarily like them because of it. But they don't necessarily dislike them either; mainly because of their location. North Korea is like a giant wall between South Korea and China; a giant wall filled with people that hate Americans. This is why China supplies North Korea with weapons, food, and money and acts as their ally. So America doesn't touch North Korea. The last time they fought them, they chased them into China, and were met with the Chinese army, which basically kicked us in the balls and sent us back the way we came. North Korea is just a symbol. They're like China's little pitbull telling us not to get too close.
StickyMan. Don't confuse the American countriy as the same as American citizens. Those guys are just a bit too proud and defensive of their country. Quite patriotic if you ask me. Trust me, there is a ton of people out there that aren't like that. They are MATURE people, and not unstable teenagers who don't think before they speak. So why is most of Canada insulting America for helping other countries? Please, keep to yourselves; unless you're also paying your lives to help out.
This is all true but i am a pretty firm believer that war is a governments staple regulator when it comes to ecenomics, technology and population density. If wars were actually taxing on the people who decide upon them, they would not happen. They seem to regulate international tensions and ecenomic stability (not instability). Technology research, development and ultimately advancement is always greater during war, and besides motivation, the only thing that could fuel it is finance. People don't complain when taxes are increased at a time of war, or when basic amenities are no longer present. It seems like a political scapegoat. The military is allowed to excersise its vigilantism on another country, at our expense, and our government rests safe in the knowledge that, atleast for now, they are free to make semi-drastic changes to economy, to their or another persons benefit, all overshadowed by the prospect that 'our boys are over there fighting for our freedom'. In terms of this topic, i am however quite for it. North Korea is probably the most destabalized regions on the planet. Ties with South Korea have been strong for a long time, and the lack of nutrition in NK is public knowledge. Moreso the NK's have no allies, and are on a path of inevitable increased tensions, as their quality of life lessens. The US have been present in one way or another for decades, and in my opinion it is the one place on the planet where they need to do something (2nd being Tibet). This is where the US war machine needs to be, not the middle-east.
Actually... America and SK do joint training exercises like this regularly every year. We also do one large "war game" in which we simulate a war against NK... The largest of these training exercises is Yama Sakura and is spear-headed by the 3D Marine Division. Why do we even have this thread? I'm sorry, but it just strikes me as rather crude and tacky.
Theres always threads about popular (american) news, it's okay, it can be good discussion at times. But Rook is a ****ing moron.
Sadfaic, that was uncalled for. Just because I have a different view on things doesn't mean I'm a moron. Though I do agree with you that there is more point to being in NK than afghanistan right now.
The idea of countries just turning their backs on their neighbours defy the fundamental aspects of economy, logistics, charity, pacifism, health and safety standards in food, water, retail goods, places of work such as hospitals and schools, colaborative advancement in medicine, nutrition, prevention of disease, scientific research such as CERN, international law, and your even scratching away at the foundations of your most precious.. democracy. Now tell me that isn't stupid. A world united is a better world. I don't know if you get to watch the news in your ranch in Louisianna, but theres a little science experiement that has been going on in Geneva since 1954. Other than the countless scientific breakthroughs, it has been possibly the cornerstone in the advancement of internet technology over the past 20 years, and it's fundamental goal was free and easy sharing of information amongst fellow scientists, researchers, university professiors and students alike, all across the globe. If it wasn't for these countries taking aside their sense of patriotism and claustrophobic security, perhaps we would not be talking here today.
I'm done, theres no point arguing with someone with the mirror opposite view on world issues. I'm not viewing this as how it affects our society, I view how it affects the well being and longevity of our species. If it is so hard to understand my side of things then it may be easier to just view my opinion as a form of social darwinism. Social Darwinism I honestly do believe that those who cannot support themselves need to learn to. If we continue to help those who cannot deal with their own problems we will still have our own problems that will remain unfixed. Just note, most everyone believes they are right, and my opinion will not waver, even if you or anyone else believes it is wrong. Sorry if you view me as an asshole now.
Which is pretty much what an argument is. An argument like this is usually won by facts too. Matty is right, you are a moron.
Let me lay it straight... America went to war with Afghanitstan because they were attacked by Al-Quida which was based and supported there. They were considered a threat, and justly so. Henceforth, America attacked. America attacked Iraq because the people were convinced (wrongfully) that Iraq was a threat. Unfortunately America annihilated their infrastructure, so it's best to stay there until some form of stability (preferably western leaning) takes root. America IS threatened by North Korea, who have been (and possibly already have) nuclear weapons. They ARE a threat. While they will not attack them because of nuclear proliferation, they will if forced to. NK on the otherhand takes advantage of the fact that a full blown war WILL NOT occur and pushes the issues to the extremes when possible. Now please, if you have no experience in the diplomatic or military field, STFU. 'Nuff said.
I don't think America would really have to intervene that much since NK's army is utilizing vehicles that are nearly thirty years old. SK has an up to date military thanks to the US; Japan and China are only heartbeats away. If Kim so much as twitches over his 'lil nukes, there's going to be so many chinese men raping him, he won't know what to do. I'd like to see a peaceful resolution to the situation, but I doubt t will happen. SK leader's have to make a show of force in such a way that won't escalate the tension, but send a message. He's gonna have to find a way to do what Kennedy did during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
That's true, but this tension has been going on for so long, it's eating up money. It's turned from a laughing matter to a pain in the ass,
Sigh. Do you guys remember why we learn history in school? You've heard it a thousand times. "History repeats itself." What happened when **** Germany invaded surrounding countries? Well, America was still very isolationist in those days. It would be years until America was involved. Europe wasn't so ready for round two either. They looked the other way. Did you know Chamberlain, Prime Minister of England at the time, even tried a peaceful solution? The agreement gave Germany another piece of land, and the country was supposed to stop its military advancements. Hitler must have agreed to that for shits and giggles because Germany invaded Poland next. Welcome to World War Two. Now, other countries stepped in, but America was still officially neutral. They still looked the other way. Then came Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. Finally, America jumped in. Not only did they stop Japan, they aided the European nations in stopping Germany. Should we all look the other way while a dictator in a foreign country is essentially against us? Should we leave our allies to fend for themselves? Should we wait to act after there's attack on American soil? It's the same situation. I'm not saying this is out it's going to play out or there even will be a war. What I am saying is we can't sit on our asses and wait for **** to get real. It's already sketchy