MEAT GRINDER This is my new towering spire multiplayer competitive map!! Featuring a massive tower level!!! Using some aspects from my popular map the spire. This time I have created an even bigger and crazier level, now on the water. This map has been tested out and plays well on objection games and is good on slayer too. Assault, KotH, CTF, HeadHunter, Infection, far. Weapons: After taking a little advice I have reduced the amount of weapons on this map. DMR X 2, 30 - 45 SECOND SPAWNING 2 CLIPS ASSAULT RIFLE X 2, 30 SEC SPAWN SHOT GUN X 2, 0 SPARE CLIPS, 60 SEC SPAWN ROCKET X 2, 2 SHOTS, 90SEC SPAWN GRENADE LAUNCHER X 2, 0 SPARE CLIPS 60 - 75 SEC SPAWN PLASMA LAUNCHER X 2, 75 SEC SPAWN PLASMA PISTOL X 2 , 30 SEC SPAWN PLASMA REPEATER X 2, 30 SEC SPAWN PLASMA BLASTER X 2 SNIPER RIFLE X 2, NO SPARE CLIP, 90 SEC SPAWN BEAM RIFLE X 2 , 60 SEC SPAWN SWORD X 2 , 90 SPAWN HAMMER X 2, 90 SEC SPAWN COVANANT ROCKET X 2, 90 SEC SPAWN NOTE THAT MOST OF THESE ARE 1 EACH BUT 2 ARE ALOWED ON THE MAP AT SAME TIME 12 FRAG GRENADE, (X2) 12 ALOWED ON MAP (AT THE BOTTOM OF TOWER) 5 - 15 SEC 10 PLASMA GRENADE 4 X TOP + 2 X BOTTOM (MAX 10 ON MAP) 5 SEC SPAWN 1 X OVERSHIELD, 60 SEC SPAWN 2 X HEALTH PACK, 30SEC SPAWN This new map uses all my forging skills creating a new spire, some aspects you will notice from my last map! But you will see this is bigger, faster and crazier than my last map. It begins in the water, nice aesthetic touches, all the way up to the top. Objectives have been layed out differently to give plenty of variety. This may have taken me 8hr to make but it isn't rushed and you will see that it is aestheically pleasing. Enjoy My friends that checked out my map today all enjoyed it and commented on the mad aesthetics and good game play on the map.!!!! Thanks MEAT GRINDER - THE TOWERING WATER SPIRE This is the bottom of the map, unlike last map spawning is not here. (Except 2 neutral spawning) The meat grinder!!! Get ready for total carnage!!! Showing the bottom sections of the tower. This is the central lift room up. containing 3 floors in this section alone. This time I have used teleporters instead of the lift down, Takes you to 1 of 2 teleporters on the 2nd floor. Looking at the accent up to the top floor The bottom is submerged and coloured for effect, This is the main lift up you can go either way, this depends on the direction you hold, left for left right for right. Taking you to the top floor red or blue side. The majority of the spawning is on either side of the top floor, they are positioned behind cover on the top floor. Also shows the shoot up in background This is the other teleporter on the red teams side
Thanks! I have made an even crazier map, this one is sure to get the wow factor enjoy the DL. P.S. please be careful with posts as lots of the comments on my map are being flagged for spam as they are too short. I don't mind but the forge admin do and I have been reported too many times. Thanks again
i like the layout of the map with 1 exception mobility having only a few ways to move from the top and bottom level give way to much potencial for camping which will lead to call of duty play and no one likes camper id suggest making alternative ways to reach each level
Hi, yah my post got flagged as spam and i got a notification. SO i shall be more percise. I love the bottom part of the map which feels a bit part like the top of the spire( the one made by bungie) in an odd way Playing is fun but it kind of laggy because of the amount of detail. Is their anyway you could remove the details which people cant see for example the stuff under the bottom part.
Thanks for the comment! Didn't notice the lag as moved alignment of objects so they don't clash, and have $1400 left in budget so not used all items. Where was the lag please and I will see if can fix it? Do you mean the inclines on top floor ? They are the only decoration on map. thanks for your comments and feedback!
Before I opened this thread, I saw the picture you have up for it, and just by that I knew it was another of your maps. I really like the way you design these maps. No one else I know, or have seen around have your design scheme. It's like your "Signature Mark" on your maps. Well done, again, on another map finished. I'm sure i'll enjoy!
the "fight for the top" style of gameplay is enjoyed by some. usually, the people who are on top. it seems to me like you are rushing. you've thrown together 3 or 4 of these insanely cool-looking spirally structure maps within the last month or so, possibly within the last 2 weeks. my perception of time is skewed by many things, but thats not important. for your next project, i'd like to see you stop rushing and plan out an actual solid competitive layout. because, imo, these have all been casual. after you get you solid comp layout planned out and into the beta stages of building, you can decide where you will add your awesome spiral stuff. add it in a way that enhances the environment,and makes the map feel like a new place, not just same old forge world. and not just another one of your maps with a couple platforms and some insane aesthetics. lookin forward to the next one.
Thanks! As crazy as it looks it does actually play well, I think it does need a few extra touches in places, I do have some spare cash on the forge $1400?... was going to make more spheres but thought everyone would be sick of them by now ha! Thanks for supporting my maps! And your kind comments! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I know what you mean, I make to many maps, I have made much more than I've published too, many times I agree I put them out rushing as u say.... This is for a number of reasons and you are right I should take more time before publishing. I didn't even know I was going to make this one it just happened in couple of hrs getting the tower part. Although I like some parts of the top, cover, colouring and things, I think it needs something, But I did want to keep things simple and they worked. Like on second floor where you teleport the columns work well as they are off center with enough room to get around. I will take what you have said on board thanks and make my next map something special.... Have some Ideas already.... Just waiting for the bungie DL on the 30th to get more forge locations hopefully. Thanks
Very creative aesthetics, though I don't see why this would be in the competitive section. I'm not saying that a competitive map can't look good, or that your map does not look competitive, i'm just saying that this map shares more components that an aesthetic map would use. I'm not exactly sure how this would fall into the competitive category, but it looks very good and definitely worth a download. Also, you seem to be showing a lot of overview pictures of the aesthetic areas rather than showing off the more gameplay-oriented areas. You're basically giving the community the feeling that this is an aesthetic map. I'll check it out, though, as I cannot really give full judgement yet.
Thanks for your comment. I am always hearing my maps are not competitive... making me qustion my map building skills . I take time getting all game types working so they play well. I've made it to play not to look at . I will research and ask the admin and testers guild as i constantly here same thing on all maps i make. So apoligies if it appears aesthetics catagory . But i have made it to play matches on . Thanks for your comment