EDIT: WATCH THIS VIDEO PLEASE BEFORE POSTING ABOUT NORTH KOREA YouTube - Inside North Korea So today I talked to some of my friends from Canada about the events going on in North Korea. We discussed mainly what America's response should be to the situation and whether it is right of America to yet again feel they must act as the police of the world. We then discussed the general dislike many countries have for the US. We discussed many reasons why. My friends pointed out that America's stupidity caused themselves, but more importantly, many other countries to fall into economic recessions. They also told me that they feel it is wrong for America to act as if they have the right to tell other countries whether or not they are allowed to possess nuclear weapons or what they should do. One of my friends even accused the US of being an imperialistic country. Now this is mainly a question for people not from the US on this site. Do you feel America should be the world power? Because I personally am just glad it's not a country like Russia or China. I think overall we do a decent job. I mean, who would you rather have?
Do your friends know anything about current leaders like Kim Jong Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? They're maniacs. Anyone who thinks it's a good idea to just be like "Hey, you want to kill us with nuclear weapons? No big deal, go for it man!" is either idiotic or doesn't know enough about current events.
America doesn't have to be the police of the world, but you don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate.
It's not so much as to which country is in power, but rather that there is no other country that is willing to help out those who are being tortured. America is bleeding it's ass off helping other countries. America's people are dying for other countries. What the **** is Canada doing? Being idle. Very idle. They're sitting up there, not invovled in war, and they think they have the right to criticize? I see what your friends are saying about America forcing their opinions on other countries, but look what has happened when other countries try THEIR views. We get war. We get war, where we have to go and fight in again. But honestly, this is all I hear from with Canadians. It's always about "America is forcing their view points on other countries. ****ing ignorant bastards (eh?)." Another thing. You don't have to be in power to force your view points on another country. May I remind you people of Hitler? He was much more influential. And guess what? His country, his view point. WW2 was the result. Now I'm not saying that people that don't live in America can't think right. I'm saying that they aren't taking care of their own problems well enough, and are too busy talking about how America is ****ing up everyone. Let's also take a look at how America isn't blaming their mistakes on anyone else either. I have yet to hear anyone in America start blaming England for our rise in debt. Or blaming Canada for not helping out the Americans. Don't get me wrong, America is ****ing itself up. But from what I know, it's doing much better than where I live.
Canada does not have an army big enough to actually do anything other than support missions. As well, our military is mostly in Afghanistan being peace keepers with the U.N. Don't criticize stuff you have no clue about.
America will and always will be, until its destruction, be the police of the world, even if the rest of the world doesn't like it. Just look at the cold war era of America, we thought that if some country wanted to be communist we had to stop them, but what right do we have to force our capitalist ways on other societies? Who is to say that our way is the right way? But America kept chugging along, not caring what everyone thought about it. Now here we are in 2010, still at war in the middle east, STILL trying to force feed democracy down peoples throats... but this is the way we are. We fight for what we perceive as right and wrong and to be honest, the only thing that I think can stop us is ourselves. Revolution is the only way to stop us from going down the road of imperialism any more than we already have. I personally don't like the idea of the world being America, but thats the only way we will settle all of our debts and possibly achieve something similar to world peace. Take this from an American that when able, is moving out of the country.
I don't think any one country should be a world power. But I would like to add that we've been allies with South Korea for a while now, and I will admit that America likes to stick it's nose in everyone's business, especially with this middle east war which should have ended long ago.. But there's nothing necessarily wrong with helping an ally, especially when American troops are stationed over there because of the fact that there's been conflict between North and South Korea since the Korean war, which didn't technically end because no peace treaty was signed. It was just put on a stand-still. For years things have been heated between the two countries, something like this was bound to happen. Things have been escalating for the past couple years, but this has been the most violent act, hence why everyone's jumping all over it. The past conflicts were more like poorly aimed missiles not really directed to hit, but provoke South Korea and America. Not only that, North Korea pretty much detests America, and has threatened it a couple times in the past. Why would the US government try and be sensitive towards North Korea when we aren't exactly BFF's? Especially when we don't see eye-to-eye with it's nuclear policies? If anyone expected America to not get in North Korea's grill over this, all I have to say is you should pay attention to the news more often. This was definitely bound to happen. I don't want to sound elitist, or that I'm better because I'm American. I have no problem with Canada what-so-ever, but from what I've been around long enough to see, is they don't really do much in terms of helping other countries (if I'm wrong, prove me wrong, it's just an observation). Our government meets to have talks with them from time to time, but absolutely nothing comes out of it. I also don't think your Canadian friends understand relations between America and North Korea. On one hand, we're not well off with them because South Korea is a strong ally, another reason is we disagree with their nuclear policies and are on edge with the fact that we don't really know what they're doing with their enrichment plants (if there any, or if we're just being paranoid), and we've just never been on their good side most likely because of the Korean war. We aren't doing it just to 'police' the world, it's because we've been on edge with them anyways. They were just the first to do something about it.
Have you noticed that America only invades countries where the majority of the population is poor and has no say in the government? Weird.
Oh, so what's the um, well I don't know, government taxes being used for? Certainly not for a military, as you have so kindly stated. There's no excuse to not help out for the cause of good, unless it's for the greater good. Don't be a hypocrite.
I must say, your friends aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. The reason that America is the so called "police force" of the world not only because we are one of the only countries capable of being the so called "police force", but because we are the only capable country willing to be this police force. You think of all the other potential superpowers in the world. Countries like China may well be capable of being the police force, but they aren't willing to. Do you see China intervening in any humanitarian issues in Africa or parts of Asia? No. Then you have countries, mainly in Europe, that would love to intervene in the world to the caliber that America does. Do they? No, because they aren't capable of doing so. America is the police force because we are both willing to intervene and capable of intervening. PS: Your one friend might want to turn to the "I" section of the dictionary. America isn't taking over any countries, seeing as democracy and the post-Westphalia world respect sovereignty. Thus, America is most definitely not being imperialistic.
I don't mean to sound like an apathetic asshole, but if they are poor its their own damn fault, and the same goes for their government. If you are fool enough to not try and fix your living situation, then you deserve for it to not change. I'm sick of people saying we do it because they have no choice over the matter, everybody has a ****ing choice so **** off. (pardon my language) I don't care if they are poor or not, the only thing America invading anywhere accomplishes is making people dislike us and get rid of the people that have different views than us. (us is a generalization of American people, not my point of view) And just so you know, a good amount of Americans are poor... but guess what, they have a say in our government. Why? because we actually decided to do something when we noticed that we didn't like the way things were in Europe. WE FIXED OUR OWN DAMN PROBLEMS, BY OURSELVES. Therefore we should let others do the same.
And while those countries are "fixing their problems" and we aren't doing anything, those countries are nuking us and then we attack them. I don't see how that is any better then how it is now.
waahhhh America stop interfering with our deep and enriching culture of violence and discrimination waahhhh America gib aid money pls we cbf'd to build proper infrastucture look at me I'm a third world country
It's a complicated question, and anyone with a black or white answer (Hotpokkaminny, Rook and Frag Man have incredibly "white" answers) isn't going to be right.
yeah what is a "black" answer? Nuke the world, america all the way? honestly, we all (the countries of the world) need to learn to leave each other the **** alone. If everyone is busy fixing their own problems why would they even think of nuking us? In no way does fixing problems equate to bombing America unless you view America as invading infidels. But food for thought, we still have problems in America, why would we attack another country if we too are fixing problems? If you don't like whats going on, change it, don't be a lazy **** reaping unemployment benefits, do something if you are poor. If your country is in turmoil, ****ING CHANGE IT. But for the sake of whatever you pray to don't involve other countries in your ****ing problems, that only makes more problems and then you get a country like America trying to fix every damn thing because nobody else wants to even try. (I feel like I've just said the same thing over a couple times, just reworded...)
The thing is, the governments are rich. In countries like North Korea and Iraq, the people are poor and the government does nothing for them. The only reason Haiti is regarded as a third world country is because the Government takes all the profits from the people's work and uses it for themselves. That's why America has to step in. And sure, people in America are poor. But then it truly is their fault. Everyone in America can get an education one way or another, but people drop out or don't pay attention and when they grow up they're too stupid to take care of themselves.