Crystal Summit Observatory Taking place in a scenic observatory, this maps aesthetics are rivaled only by its competitive gameplay. A nearly symmetrical map (some variations in cover, but layout is symmetrical) with a variety of elevation, aesthetic touches, balanced weapons, and a layout that provides great competitive gameplay. The observatory supports just about every standard game type and is best with about 4 to 12 players, teams or no teams. Two bases (Red and Blue) are separated by the middle area in which most of the action will be taking place. The middle area is broken down in to a high and low elevation area. Each area has a main power weapon (rockets low, sniper high) as well many other great gameplay and aesthetic features. An additional lift that goes from the lower lobby to the back of the upper deck is provided to keep gameplay fast and fair. Spawn rooms have a variety of ways out and spawns are set up to be fair, but not campable. By A SILENT EMU Contributions by D0NT SH0OT ME ________________________________________________________________________ Weapon List Sniper Rifle (X1) 90 sec respawn, 1 spare clip Rocket Launcher (X1) 120 sec respawn, 1 spare clip DMR (X6) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Needle Rifle (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Assault Rifle (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Magnum (X2) 30 sec respawn, 2 spare clips Plasma Pistol (X1) 45 sec respawn Plasma Grenade (X2) 30 sec respawn Frag Grenade (X2) 30 sec respawn Screenshots Lower Lobby (Rocket Spawn) Upper Deck (Sniper Spawn) Bottom Lift Blue Base Red Base Additional Screenshots _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Comment, Rate, Download, and Enjoy!
I really like how you incorporated the map's natural features and your natural stones, for the most part. It always bugs me to see stones jutting out of metal, though. It's visible in a few of your screenshots. Do you have it in your budget to surround the base of the one by the window? The one jutting out of the wall, I'm supposing is for covering something up? The purple light in your screenshot seems a bit out-of-place to me, here. Overall it's beautiful and the stones thing doesn't matter in the end. Going to be playing this, most likely.
I just walked around this in Forge and it looks great. I like how you incorporated multiple trees into the map. The rear wall made of windows looks pretty epic looking over the island. Also, the layout looks like it will work well for all game modes. Hopefully i can get some games in on this tonight. Good stuff.
I for one actually think that the stones help enforce the natural theme of the map that is established by the trees, so I am not as apposed to having them in contrast to the metal parts of the map. The stone near the windows is not a natural one, we placed it there. Once we finished the map we realized that the rocket spawn could use more cover, but since we were out of just about every piece we took the simple approach and went with a rock. As for the stone jutting out of the wall, im not sure if it is natural or not, I never checked. If it isnt natural though it is definetly there for a purpose.
This map has some good incorporation of nature and structure. Some cool architecture as well. I am downloading this and will test it out. I do like how you "stole" the name of this map from Burnout Paradise
thi smap looks really good. ill have to try it out in team slayer or swat someday. looks like a really playable map and it has some really good aesthetics to it.
Ha yeah I was hoping someone would catch the name. I might have some budget left (not sure) but I don't think it is a problem. Generally if there is a rock there it is to provide cover or cover something up. I think it looks fine but I'll look into it.
The map looks good but how big is the map? cause I see that you have several pics of the same area...
I really like the maps you make, they all give a great feeling. Well this map, is just one of your prettiest/best maps yet. Sure we go again with the trees, but ive done a forge through and I cant wait to play it. I really like the windows part, there is so many!
The lower lobby windows took me a while to get up but they were the first thing a built and set the theme and structure for the rest of the map. It can easily play well with a 4 v 4 and even with a few more or less. The one area in the pictures is quite large with lots of variation and cover, as well as the grav lift tunnel/area and the two bases it is plenty large but not too large. Thanks I really put some time in this map to make it look as good as it plays. I'm glad you like the window part too.
This map is awesome. I really like the aesthetics you put into the map and the layout looks like it would work good for some slayer or ctf games. Overall I think this is the best map you've made yet. I'll give it a dl and let you know how it plays when I'm able to get some games in.
Alright sounds good thanks for the feedback, glad you liked the map. I think it's probably my best Reach map yet as well.
I love the windows, but I swear I've seen that done before. Hmm...where was that? Seriously though, I was wondering if and when someone was going to use that idea, it really does give the room a certain splendor, even at the risk of low framerate. I'm really liking the aethetics in these pictures, adding color to Forge World is a difficult thing to do. I've downloaded to take a closer look, I'll let you know what I think. I do have one question, because I haven't looked at it in game yet, but the raised part with the interlocked wedge pieces with the tree above it, is there any signifigant z-fighting there? It may cause a framerate drop in game if it does.
There is none on the surface, however there is a slight drop in frame rate in that area when looking towards the windows due to the amount of objects on screen.
Judging simply by your screenshots, parts of this map are breathtaking. Your very first screenshot made me giddy. What you did with the rocks looking like they're almost in flower boxes was really cool. That first screen alone really made me interested.
Nope, no z-fighting. Haven't noticed many frame rate issue except when a significant amount of explosions are going off near the sniper area but it is somewhat rare. Yeah the first screen is also my loadout camera I really wanted to get the window in there but I thought this just set the atmosphere and looked so much better.
Well got a few games on this last night, here is how it went. First we played some slayer. Spawns seemed to work well for the most part (not sure if it was designed for ffa games or not but it works). Was fun and hectic. Sniper was very hard to use. Next we played a game of 4 v 4 CTF, this was the best by far. Close game, crazy fun, balanced, good spawns, power weapons not too powerful. A really good competitive, team based objective game. Last we played some invasion just because it supports it. I could tell the map wasn't designed for invasion and was kind of just an add on but it was fun all the same. Some intense action and just simple fun.
I really like the layout of the map because its so simple, only 3 rooms so there is no getting lost. the aesthetics seem to have been your priority though, which is unfortunate for gameplay. Anyone hoping to snipe from that upper tier facing the large window will realize soon the severe drop in framerate will make it very difficult. Part of designed aesthetics is making them balanced so that it does not impact the framerate in a negative way. Something that bothers me is the rocks and trees that jut through the geometry, if you are focusing so heavily on aesthetics it is a shame to have them feeling so out of place. Overall its a very nicely designed map, but its a shame it has a few things that detract from it.
When I saw the screenshots of this map I was like wow, I bet it doesn't look this good in real life and so I downloaded the map with few expectations. I must say though this map is amazing. It looks GREAT and is in fact the nicest looking map I've played. And after playing a bunch of slayer games I am glad to say this map also plays fantastic. Im going to recommend this one gets featured . Good work!