Ok, I couldn't find an official Fable 3 thread so I decided to start a new thread to ask this. I've trawled teh internetz for the answer and haven't found one - maybe YOU are better than the internetz! The ultimate question: How long is a Fable day in relation to real time? I'm on the quest 'The weight of the world' and I'm feeling pretty screwed, I've decided that renting is probably the best way to earn money but I need to work out how much that will gain me in the alloted time (365 days). I know that you get your rent money every 5 minutes but it's not very helpful if I don't know how long 5 minutes is ingame. Your help is appreciated.
CALM DOWN. Thats the first thing. This is a very easy problem to sort out. Firstly, you need to remember that no matter how much people hate you when you use this method, when its over, you will be loved. This is what I did, and it took lots of work, but mainly I did good decisions. But remember, you cant make ALL the good decisions. Keep in mind that as long as you dont finish your duties for a day, that day never technically ends. So you have an infinite amount of time to raise money. First off, I lowered the taxes, and built the orphanage, and did a few other things. This put me in debt of about 1m. So theres a demon door just outside that marshy area...cant remember the name. Look up Sunset house fable 3 on the internet and get the location. The door gives you 1 million for nothing. Next, youll eventually come to the part where you either choose to save and rebuild Aurora or turn it into a Mine. I chose turn into Mine, and that was the only morally wrong decision I made. That gave me another 500k or so. This, along with all the decisions youve made so far, should mean you have about 500k or so in the Treasurey. Then, youll get a quest around day 250ish saying theres a Stone outside Aurora in a temple thingy. The stone is worth ALOT of money. This should help too. DO NOT FINISH ALL YOUR DUTIES. On about day 250, you should stop doing your duties. This is so you can raise about another 8 million on your own so you can make morally good decisions AND keep everyone alive. You need to get Lute Hero to lvl 5, and start playing until you have a fair amount of money. Use that money to buy property. Rent out the property at highest price and have the shop prices at highest too. This will mean that EVERYONE will hate you. Once you get enough money to stop the darkness, and you do, and everyone lives, lower all the prices down again and BAM everyone loves you, they are all alive, and your world looks great because of the morally good decisions you made. But you have to work hard to have it like this. If you choose the easy road, raise taxes, break promises, and make your world look like hell so everyone can live, even if you have the shop and property prices at the lowest, everyone will still hate you and your world sucks. And remember, you dont have 365 days to do this. Everytime you finish a day (All the duties for one day) a month passes. But, considering a day can last an infinite amount of time, as long as you work for it, you can have an incredible world.
You know how every day you have a list of "kingly missions" you have to do? Well, you never progress through the year if you don't do those quests. For instance, if you are on day 270 and you have a mission to go to the throne room and decide what building should be built, simply don't go to the throne room. You'll be stuck on day 270 until you do that quest. You can spend that time buying and renting houses and simply questing for gold. Once you have enough money, then you can start doing kingly quests again.
Thanks for the help guys! I'm in debt around now but I've bought basically every property and I'm renting them out at reasonable high prices. Is lute hero really the best job to do? I've been blacksmithing because I thought that was the best.