So my friend peanut made a chorus of weapon sounds into a song. Its really epic so i thought "Hmmmm, maybe i should make a thread so more people can see his awesomeness." well i did and THIS IS IT. i know lets get straight to the point you want a link or a video, preferably a video that you can see on forgehub like youtube. well im giving you it. YouTube - Halo: Reach Musical machinima/weapon music HD
The ending was done pretty nicely, and the plasma launcher really tied everything together. Nest step: Lyrics! But in all seriousness this is really good. Granted, it's not all weaponry, but it's much better than I could do. The beginning could have used a steady beat though, to make sure everything molded around that beat.
That was amazing, the T-Bagging thing was cool. If Forgehub features media, you gotta feature this. It looks like so much effort was put into it. Good job fluffy!
This. Is. Awesome. Your friend must be really cool to make something like this. For all those mad that it is not all weapons, know that it would have been bland without some of the invasion effects. I think they added more to the song than took away from it.
That was really epic. If there's anything to be disappointed in, in which only a whiny nuisance could be disappointed with this, is that you should have ended with the invasion sound over the jetpack. But that's obviously not from me.
There's no real other way to post it. It's just youtube. Even if I try to just post the link, the youtube video will auto. embed on this site. You could try firefox, though.
Thanks guys but all thanks should go to pnut for his epic dedication. He told me that he wanted this for straight instrumental and that adding lyrics would be hard. Not only that but he doesn't think many things fit. I also agree that this if possible should be featured in like in an update or something.
Bom, bombom bom, bom bom bom *diddydoodiddydoodiddydoodiddydoo" frwooosh fssh fwoosh Yeah, that was pretty amazing actually... and its stuck in my head. GOD DAYUM! D:
Thanks for all the feedback guys, I'm glad that all my effort didn't go to waste. I just wanted to answer some questions. First off, I never said it was all weapons, the video's name is: "Halo: Reach Musical machinima/weapon music HD" Prioritising "Musical machinima", not "weapon music" And just think how boring it would be if it was all weapons. As for the lyrics, I didn't want to distract attention from the actual thought-out idea with some crappy, half-arsed, ill-thought-out, cliched lyrics. And what would I do? Rap? What would I rap about? Being a 15 yr old english white boy who plays Halo? I don't think so. Thanks again everyone, especially Fluffy, who posted this thread. If you have any more questions, PM me on Youtube or XBL, my name is universal. And as always, comment on the actual video, not just this thread (or do both), rate t3h v1d3o and SuBsCr1b3 =]