The Truth About Black Ops

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by jameslieb1, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Well, I've been constantly playing Black Ops for a couple of weeks now, and I'm prepared to share my opinion on it. I'm a hardcore Halo fan and have always preferred Halo over Call of Duty, so you might be surprised about what I say.

    Black Ops is good. Really good. It's great. The Campaign is the best of the Call of Duty series by far. It has an excellent plot and pulls you right into the story. The ending tied the whole thing together. There's no co-op, but they make up for that with Zombies co-op. Zombies was amazing in World at War, and it's just as good in Black Ops. Zombies is the best part of this game in my opinion, I am addicted to it. And the Multiplayer. The Multiplayer is great too. Treyarch has managed to add more balance to the Multiplayer and make it feel fresh again. Black Ops's Multiplayer has some of the best Call of Duty has to offer.

    In the end, Call of Duty: Black Ops is a fantastic game. I still haven't decided if it's better than Reach or not, but I have to say, it looks like Black Ops might have a fighting chance after all. I was SHOCKED at how good this game was.

    #1 jameslieb1, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  2. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    It's only been out for 12 days....

    Anyway, I like the game. think that the guns and perks are much more balanced than what they were in MW2. I haven't had any major flaws with the spawns (yet I have heard about them).
    Overall it's a good game, but I don't feel as addicted to COD as I used to be. I've been playing Reach more than Black Ops and I doubt it will ever change.

    I get the feeling this thread is gonna turn into a flame war about how everyone thinks COD sucks.
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Nah it wont. Oh wait thats what happened to the other thread...

    Yeah its a fantastic game, and the only real flaws it has are the bugs, which can indeed be game breaking, like characters getting stuck in walls.
  4. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    This thread was unnecessary. There is a discussion thread for Call of Duty: Black Ops already, and you can post your opinion there, instead of making a whole thread for it.

    Comparing it to Halo: Reach is stupid, because it's an argument based on one's preference.
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    This balanced thing is bs. 98% of the people i played used assault rifles. How is that better than mw2, where you can find an even amountl of every single class of weapon in a game.
  6. masterpete117

    masterpete117 Ancient
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    i feel the same way you do. i prefer halo to cod all the time but black ops is just great and it defineatly rivals reach
  7. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Matty is right. Black Ops is a step down from MW2, and anyone who says differently is easily impressionable, or just an idiot.

    Treyarch thought they could coast on the popularity of the Call of Duty series, and they were right.
  8. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Black Ops multiplayer is fun... But i'm afraid it gets boring real quick. Unless you have a good party, in that case it can be hours of fun.

    As for balance... hell no. Everyone uses an Assault Rifle or SMG. And to further that, AK74u.

    Not to mention the large amount of bs with knifing. They said the shortened it a tad in the last update... They lied. :)

    But better than MW2 for sure. For now... Until they start updating and nerfing ****.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Sniping is gone in this game. That's why I only play some zombies which really is the only thing they did right in this game
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    wrong. the story is poorly scripted, predictable and unimaginative, twists i can see coming 6 missions prior. Endings should tie things together, thats what an ending is.

    Multiplayer isnt balanced, it has exploits that are less accessible. the weapons are all dumbed down and dont leave the player with any reason to choose one gun over another other than fire rate. AUG and FAMAS are overpowered - one having a fire rate of a minigun and the other having misleading stats so it does 10x the damage shown.
    the killstreaks are weak. i stuck with a 3 5 7 the entire time i played it because they are so uninteresting. NO IMAGINATION on treyarchs part AGAIN!

    zombies is a weak mode, two maps. and dont say they are like x number of maps rolled into one, because you cant choose them, you have to play through them. the difficulty curve on the zombies is ridiculous, and the worst weapon set ever drags the mode down as well.

    and another thing. since when was an ACOG scope just two panes of glass on teach end of a tube?
  11. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    hey hes close! a couple is two, so i think he was referring to business days, not weekends. DUH! lol

    yes, yes it will so i will not comment about the game on this thread ill save my rants for the other one!
  12. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    The game is pretty freaking awesome. Some days I really want to play it and some days I don't. I accuse a lot of people for hacking and I'm not sure if anyone has though. The map cracked sucks ass. The worst map in all of the entire Call of Duty series. There have been bad maps on some but by far Cracked is the worst. When you try and go to where a camper is another camper kills you and then you try to get to him and another one kills you. The rest of the maps are great but some support camping way too much.

    About the guns. They take way too long to kill someone and the recoil is insane. I know guns have recoil and some have a lot and some barely any. The people in this game honestly don't know how to hold a gun. If you have that much recoil while holding a gun, even standing, you really need some more training. The guns damage seems extremely dependent on the damage and if trying to shoot even medium range the gun kicks back too much and becomes extremely useless.

    If you can get past these setbacks then the game is actually good. The gameplay is great if you can get used to it. The game seems a lot different after playing reach for a while or just taking a break for a couple days. I enjoy the game a lot but there are some times where anyone can easily rage. Once people start really hacking it, more than aimbots, the game will decline like MW2 but it seems like it will go down a lot slower seeing that no one has really hacked it to the levels MW2 got hacked on the first day.
  13. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    While there isn't as much Bull **** kills by explosives and knifers to name some, from MW2, the problem of balance still remains. Assault rifles still have minuscule recoil and are not challenging what so ever to use, but they keep the SMGs in check from being the dominant weapons like in WaW, which proved to be incredibly frustrating. Treyarch is apparently working on some fixes, such as balancing the 74u, G11, etc, but I think they need to add more of a drop off of damage at range for weapons, except Snipers. The fact remains that ARs can still cross map you, SMGs and LMGs are pretty balanced as weapon classes, but the lack of variety of SMGs used by players proves that some tweaking is in order to balance itself out. However, with that range drop I mentioned before, Snipers would become a lot more viable options because they would be easily able to take people out from distances like a Sniper should, without the worry of being tap-fired by an SMG user from kilometers away.

    The maps are good, I always liked Treyarch's map design; the Killstreaks are not as easy to achieve, and worth the effort without being gamebreaking (with the exception of dogs), and the variety of class set ups is top notch when it comes to customization. There is a lot of potential for Black Ops, but Treyarch has to make some changes, otherwise the longevity of the game will be minuscule, and suffer a similar fate as MW2 multiplayer.
    #13 Speed-e-cake, Nov 23, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  14. Phill3593

    Phill3593 Ancient
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    Black Ops, overall, seemed to dissapoint me. There are a couple main things to grade between MW2 and Black Ops

    Multiplayer: The most important part of any COD game and almost every game. This is where Black Ops just lost me. I'm not sure what some people think "balance" means, Black Ops barely exceeds the low standard of the MP40 being the one and only gun used in WaW. M16, AK-74: The 2 superior guns by far. Treyarch made Snipers more realistic with no "Quick-scoping" as there was in MW2, which is a bad thing. It just seems like they tried to hard for realism. I never see a sniper used on any map other than Array. The weapon balance is TERRIBLE. Period. The second and main part of multiplayer is the maps. They probabaly make about 65% of the multiplayer experience. And there are a lot of other variables, but all are small compared to the map quality. No unbalanced gun or unfair perk can handle the mass ammount of campers in Black Ops due to the maps provided. They are AWFUL. I'm just gonna break each map down into a sentence or two. Again, maps are about 65% of multiplayer success.

    ARRAY- Really Treyarch? Make a huge open map, with a big center structure, and little cover... I'm just gonna stop there.

    CRACKED- Like the other guy said, it is an awful map. It has a million corners and is still a fairly large map.

    CRISIS- They didn't completely fail on this map but the big open end with the ocean is great for camping. Sweet...

    FIRING RANGE- Best map in game, but only about an 8.5/10. It is an appropriate size, only slight problem is it is pretty divided. (A small flank route, a big open center and a right alley)

    GRID- Also not a bad map but it has two big buildings for camping and a huge open lot. Seems like there wasn't much effort put in the map...

    HANOI- Like Firing Range, it's not bad, but it's pretty didvided again. I like the night feeling though.

    HAVANA- I think they tried to bring back Crossfire from COD4 and failed. Way to many corners, buildings and a nice big spawn on each side where even the worst players can do good.

    JUNGLE- This is also, as it it seems to be repititive, but is too divided. It is the second largest map size in area but there are like 3 huge rocks in the around the map and just make the game play poor.

    LAUNCH-Seems like a slight resembelence of Ambush from COD4, bad map, a bit too open in central.

    NUKETOWN- Alright map. Stuck to the basics of creating a small symmetrical map but camping is still present.

    RADIATION- Pretty good map, big, good spawns that players can't camp well in.

    SUMMIT-Another good map, well sized, like the theme, best layout of the maps.

    VILLA-Decent map, too big, and who doesn't cmap in the back building with the balcony?

    WMD. One big central building with map surround layout... Fail Treyarch.

    So there are about 3 or 4 good maps in my opinion. Map size is important and Black Ops has way too many oversized maps with spawns that were built for camping. MW@ maps were way better. Not even close. I played the multiplayer for 4 weeks and I'm done with it.

    Campaign in Black Ops is defineitely the best of the COD's. They threw you into the story and the end with the clearing up of events was nice instead of some unassumed things that were in MW2. Who doesn't like all the executions and interrogations in the campaign? Epic campaign.

    And lastly, additional features. Black Ops Zombies was very well done, it is addictive and much better than MW2's co-op mode. The maps are well designed and are interesting. It calls for great teamwork and good strategy. One huge problem though. The leaderboards have been getting reset and it seems like when you play another game, it records that one even if it is lower than your record. I got to 28 on Kino Der toten and then two games later got to 25 and it took my score down to there. My friend told me Treyarch apparently has to reset the leaderboards at certain times to erase the cheaters who got to like rounds 70, which they get there buy doing the glitches which is also another problem. A lot of people know the glitches and it is used often. I'm not sure about the leaderboards, might just be a rumor but your scores can reset. It has happened to all my friends. Now I don't want to play it any more because I know if I lose early, my score might get reset, and that is a huge problem.

    Black Ops Rating: 6/10

    MW2>Black Ops. It is a good game, but nothing compared to MW2.

  15. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    any gun works well in bursts, prolonged firing just magnifies the area of spread.


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