"These geothermal rigs abound on Arcadia. Incubus IV was the first to fall into Covenant hands." This is a perfectly symetrical big team map best suited for 8-16 players. It is a very similar design to a previous map I did called Arcadia Precinct 2, but it's basically a nicer, crisper version that addresses the minor game play flaws in AP2. Light vehicles are supported with 2 ghosts (60s), 4 hogs(60s) and 4 mongooses(30s). Power weapons are 2x rockets (0 spare clips, 180s), 2x snipers (1 spare clip, 180s), 1 grav hammer (180s). Other weapons include 2 shotties (2 clips, 60), 2 concussion rifles (2 clips, 120s) and lots of DMRs (2 clips, 30s). Overview shots: As you can see it has diagonal symmetry with blue and red base in opposite corners. The map combines an open series of roads with a complex, layered middle area. Sniper location. Rocket location: Hammer location (just in front of the hog) Shotguns both spawn in the internal areas. Random explosion The waterway. Holding the central high ground. Pretty simple, but it's been well tested and offers very good BTB game play. If you download please rate and please check out my LANDSLIDE map.
Your choice of implementing a warthog, with a good amount of spacing, sells this to me. Otherwise, the structures (somewhat bland implementation of building objects), the concept (another map dipping into the water), are fairly unoriginal. I'm sure the gameplay is solid and, if not, I'll come back with my critique of it. But a concept is very important. Before forging, I'd advise you think up some sort of idea that will set your map apart.
I know what you mean about parts of the map being rather bland. I wanted to do more decoration and had over $1500 left in the budget, but I was just about at the stage where the map was starting to flash and flicker. Would you advocate adding aesthetic detail at the expense of frame rate? Just want to correct you on one thing though. My concept for the map was not to have it dipping into the water (which I agree is unoriginal pants). The idea was to make a rats nest style of game play that combines nice open loops of road with tight infantry only areas. The fact that it dips into the water is neither here nor there as far as I am concerned. Thanks for the feedback though. I'll be interested in your opinion if you find enough players to do a BTB custom on it.
About a week back I played on this and really liked this--I love the location of the snipers. You can risk your neck trying to get it or just sit back and kill those running for it. Another thing that's great about this map is the water way. It's less of a fighting area and more of a chance to escape. Finally, the upturned large walkways work great for aesthetics and gameplay, it's actually something that I've tried several times to incorporate into my maps. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I beg to differ, not only did the size of the towers capture my attention when first playing on the map, but the large bridge in the center felt very naturally constructed (hard to achieve when using prefabs). The map felt good, played well, and looked nice too.
This is a very nice map! It looks like a combination of two maps: Rat's Nest and Gephyrophobia. And a little touch of Infinity. Congratulations! my only advice is to make a little more expanded base. Bases are always cool But otherwise: very great map! EDIT: By the way, with Jetpack it's very easy to go into the towers. You might want to expand the kill barrier, or make it impossible to go inside.
You mean they actually go inside? Are they gaining an unfair advantage from it? let me know more details and I'll modify accordingly.
Well, if they go in, it's almost not possible to hit them. So if the team with the most points go in there it's a little unfair. But I don't see an actual problem, I just noticed and thought it might be worth saying. And it makes your map all the more perfect [br][/br]Edited by merge: By the way, did you make it a simmilar-to-Rat's-Nest-map on purpose?
I wanted a rat's nest feel and style of play, but on an original map. For me, rats nest was a good map because different parts of the map had different properties. The road area was very favourable for hoggin' and the tunnel areas made for close infantry battles. That was the idea of the map... open areas for the hogs and tight infantry only to combine different play styles. Anyone who plays the map will know that it is absolutely nothing like rats nest, but many comment that the style of game play somehow feels similar.
Gadddonnka!!! Huge hit with my customs group most everyone DLed it off one play. Ran Team Slayer and two flag on it. Gameplay was fast and furious, lotsa oooohhs and ahhhs from surprise ambushes given the multilevel vehicle action. Warthog drivers dream. In our top 5 right now for customs nights. MRX
The map looks perfect for gameplay, altough having 2 rockets may change the dynamic a lot. Making both large ways for vehicules and interiors for close combat are making your map perfectly suited for BTB. It could be compared with Rat's Nest but with more possibilities for vehicules and, thanks god, three levels. I'll try download it but I honestly cannot find 15 other people to test it, few of my xbl friends kept playing Reach, they all got back to H3.. So, if you plan on testing it, I'd like to be part of it! I could give you the opinion of someone who never uses vehicules.
Cool, I'm getting some good feedback from this one. The french BTB league (Ilovebtb.com) has adopted a modified version of this for their tournements. (they changed some minor details and weapon placements to make it fit their torney format) In case you hadn't guessed, I love hoggin. You will see this reflected in most of maps which I design with hog combat in mind.