hey guys, i found out a way to make a "Light Bridge" of sorts. It was my original idea with One Way Shield Doors. You lay them down and walk on them but instead you bounce on them and its just stupid. but i was trying to find an "invisible" walk way and to be honest, this was found by complete accident. i had a grid placed on its side so it was standing vertical and i jumped on top of it and was like wait a second. i can walk on this. so i placed two of them side by side and walked in between them, like i was walking on air. so then i placed one ways in between them so grenades don't fall down, and for the looks. Ill update this post later with pix/ steps.
But if you look at it from an angle, you'd be able to clearly see the Grids; same if you stand on the edge of the "bridge" and look down. Still, though, it's a clever find.
If you merge a regular shield door onto the surface of a block or something of the like, you can produce an effect that looks like a light bridge but has no bumps and doesn't affect gameplay in anyway.
what if you put two one-ways, with the red side facing each other (blue sides out), pretty close to each other? In essence, wouldn't that make the game want to push you past the top one but the bottom one keeps you up? It may be different in practice but it seems like an interesting idea.
Doesnt work in practice, ive tried this before. There is no real way to do it using one way shield doors, it either bounces, keeps you from jumping, or shoots you out the bottom.
I was thinking the same thing, and ironically enough was just thinking about a light bridge today when I started about Halo CE. I think you'd have to put railings on the sides of the one-ways though. It'd be pretty cool to see an invasion map incorporate this concept, possibly even re-create that portion of the level in Halo CE. The first phase is outdoor, second is the forerunner building, and third is the light bridge. Are those all random events? Or is it dependent on the distance between shield doors (or some other factor)? If it's based on something that could alter the mechanics of the bridge with a simple tweak in forge, then I think that could be used nicely. If you can adjust it so that the only limitation is that you can't jump, that could be part of a backstory, or built into the map with aesthetics. In other words, you could make the entrance to the bridge look like a separate area from the rest of the map, and that area happens to have much higher gravity.
First, I love your profile picture. Second, this is true. The only option would be to cover the grids completely with structures so that you can't tell, but that almost eliminates the purpose of a light bridge.
Its not really functional if it effects the gameplay at all. But yes, it can be adjust to some degree.
exactly my boy. people would be like, 0mgeeeee hes hacking lololololol but seriously, this could be a very versatile find if people get creative with it.