
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Toastman, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    This is the map that I want to see in matchmaking. This map's theme is strong and is carried consistently through out every location on the map; and you can maintain your orientation through out the map due to its open architecture. This map is far superior to 95% of the maps submitted to this forum.
    #21 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  2. ManRayX

    ManRayX Ancient
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    We played this last night 7v7 and it was a big hit. Not too many people liked the filter though but then again most people dont like filters on maps. We played it as slayer and swat (swat was esp hard w the filter). Really cool look and flow though. It's a keeper.


  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello! Right just got on your map, I'm just floating around going WOW!!! Every second.... This map is amazing... The detail is unbelivable . This is my hot tip for the winner of forgetacular contest if you are entering it. The toilets, undelivable how an antena turned in to a toilet... Worked so well... Train.....ssssss 2 trains man that is so good.
    Had some good news on my own map. have you heard of a show halo reach maps? a tv or internet show? I'm not sure but the director has asked to show my map on it :)
  4. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    My son and I were totally amazed at the aesthetics here... Absolute genius creativity here!
  5. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I am really surprised by the amount of positive feedback surrounding this map! The entire time I was making it I had doubts about it's reception so I appreciate this very much! It is this kind of comments stream that keeps me making more maps :)

    I have playtested a new version without the filter (for greater MM eligibility) and with spawn points in a better layout. I also have added anti-respawn zones and will be eliminating stockpile mode.

    The reason I have to eliminate stockpile is due to a hidden forge memory limit I have reached. I am no longer able to spawn any objets in forgeworld, period. Once I delete an object, I can spawn another. Since stockpile isn't highly popular and it uses about 10 objects on my map, I will be able to improve spawns with it gone.

    For those thinking to themselves "...but Toastman, why not delete the abundance of flagpoles that do nothing but decorate the bathrooms and train cars? Modes are more important!". I will say to you that Flag pole bathrooms are indeed their own game mode and must stay!

    I really appreciate the feedback and props. I would not be making these maps if you all weren't around to play and enjoy them.

    I will post an update about the "final" version once I get it squared away.
  6. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    The flag poles make the map aestheics... when I took few people on your map they mentioned it but i said you can turn the game specific off. I think they are good.He also said about the vision filter, I agree that isn't needed. The map played well, looks amazing. Had game on headhunter which was prity awesome. Plays well 2-8 people, if the top was accessable would accomadate more players and game types but it is almost perfect how it is. Had 4 of us gawping in shear amazement. 2 said they not making maps anymore and they are leaving it to the pros ha.
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    Well, again, I hope you put this into the contest. I would really look forward to playing this map on match making on a regular basis. If you need any help in entering it, let me know. This map is worth the effort to get it entered.
  8. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
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    I got to play a match on it, it was impressively detailed and everyone liked the bathrooms and trains. That layout is nice and open, but maybe too open for my taste. You could not make it up those staircases without someone coming after you. I also wish is were easier to get out of the train tracks. Overall its very good but you can work on some little accessibility details now.
  9. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I disagree with this, there is cover everywhere. From pillars, crates, the general structure of the map breaks up sight lines quite well. How many people were you playing with? If you play with 6 or more people you'll run into other people very often because the map isn't that large. Also the way the current spawn setup, which toastman says he fixed, sometimes ends up putting people right next to other people from a different team but that isn't the map's fault. There isn't one point on the map where you can see most of the map which I think was done very well. As far as the train tracks go I too got stuck in them a few times but that was only because it was in the heat of battle and wasn't paying attention to where I was and kept missing the jump crouch. You can easily get out of the tracks by going to either end of them and jumping up on a structure (such as the rocks on one wide or a bent piece of architecture on the other)
  10. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    Wow, this map needs to be featured. I don't say this often but this is easily my favorite map of all time. The whole map is smooth, no z-fighting (from what I've seen) and very balanced game play. The attention to detail can only be described as amazing. Even the sinks were amazing. Really the only problem I had was the spawning. Although it didn't detract from the gameplay or my enjoyment, it was pretty predictable. This map is innovative and unique while providing balanced and competitive gameplay. I thought the f/x also made the subway look all the more realistic. I can't stress enough how good this map is. THIS NEEDS TO BE FEATURED. My only suggestion is to lower the power weapon spawn rates and fix spawn points. If you do that then, the next version of this map will be flawless.
  11. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    What an excellent map. Aesthetically it looks beautiful, refined and original, and it's one of the only maps where a filter enhances the atmosphere and playability. After testing, I've found the weapons are balanced and placed well, and the set pieces like the train and ticket booth were excellent places to fight. My only problem with this map is the spawning; I have the suspicion that enemies kept spawning behind me, and when they weren't they were spawning miles away.
  12. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok so if I can get a 4v4 custom game of team slayer played a few times for my forgetacular vid I will publish the sucker and it will be finished at v1.4. If anyone is interested just post here. I will be refreshing every so often.
  13. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Well, I'll agree with everyone about the aesthetics. It's true, they're amazing. BUT, when playing I noticed some problems.

    1.) The spawns were incredibly predictable. My team either spawned in the restroom or behind the stairs. EVERYTIME.

    2.) Rockets spawned way too fast. Since the enemy team gained control of them first, they easily dominated the map til they spawned again. Rinse and repeat.

    3.) While FX are cool for Infection and other casual games, I feel they have no real place in competitive maps. It made the map look depressing and made the blue team slightly darker.

    I would've liked to see more height variation seeing as the highest point is grenade launcher spawn and it's not a very big area.

    Without these problems, the map would've been much more enjoyable. Although they are, of course, just MY opinions.

    Team Slayer on Whoring Rockets in the Subway

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    I've played Sub-System a few times now on TS and it played great everytime. It always provides constant action without getting too sloppy. I think it offers a perfect blend of openness/close quarter combat, without staying true to just one.

    The theme for this map was pulled off to perfection imo. Forge doesn't offer many opportunities to make theme maps like this one stand out, but i'd say you did a hell of a job making this map feel different from the masses of Forge maps that are out there.

    Great work Toast. Hopefully we can play some more games on this soon.
  15. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Initial post is updated with version changes, new screenshots and an updated link to the version begin submitted to Matchmaking. I will be adding a rendered video soon.

    Unfortunately the video was recorded during a lag spike so the gameplay is slightly off beat but it gets the point across.
  16. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    After finally getting a chance to get back on xbl, I was able to run around on the map by myself to check it out. The layout is pretty cool and the aesthetics are definately top notch.
    I did notice a lot of framerate lag from inside the bathrooms and from the far end of the tracks looking down. I'm really suprised no one has mentioned this yet as it is pretty severe.
    I also agree with pretty much everyone else on the FX. They need to go. Forge World is already plauged with boring grey, and the FX makes it that much worse. After removing it, the map looked 10x better and the team colored lights gave the map the look it needed.
    Feel free to send me an FR, i'd be willing to run games with you and offer more feedback.
  17. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    About the lag: It sounds like you looked at it in Forge. Forge always lags. I have played many games and no one mentions any amount of framerate lag that causes problems in custom games - where it matters. No one should ever judge based on Forge alone.

    The newest version as my post right above yours says, is out and the FX filter is gone. it sounds like you saw the now old version.
  18. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    Hey Toastman, ya this map was probably one of the most creative - playable maps i've ever played/ seen lol. it was truly fun to play test this and it can only get better. there might have been some lag when we were playing but that was only in select areas and not really noticeable in combat. but it coulda just been that australians connection ><
    well anyways, great map =D
  19. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow! Thanks to everyone who is recommending this! I just checked in the game and this map is the 4th highest recommended map! Well it is an old version now but cool nonetheless! Go check out my final version. Just click the sig!
  20. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    It's because we all want to play this in MM team slayer or FFA games lol. I also want to play Sequence, Pennance, and Megalodon (however that is spelled) over matchmaking. I hope all of those win too.

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