Remake 007 Facility Perfect Dark

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by longridr, Nov 22, 2010.

  1. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    Facility - from Perfect dark and originally from Goldeneye
    description - Facility is a small 2-10 player arena with many rooms. i tried to stay as true as possible to the original as i could.
    it supports almost any gametype. me and LT Forge also made a perfect dark slayer variant to go with it to make it as close as possible to the perfect dark playstyle if anyone likes that kind of thing.
    picture comparisons -

    middle column area


    hallway below bathroom

    connection between red and blue base

    hallway through red base

    one of the two rooms in red base

    the other room in red base

    enjoy all you perfect dark/ goldeneye lovers!!! and everyone else!!
    Comments appriciated =D!

    link here and gametype link here
    #1 longridr, Nov 22, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2010
  2. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    I remember this map and it looks like you have done good job with it.
  3. The Devionne

    The Devionne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    EVERYBODY better remember this map or you should not be playing FPS games lol. Oh ya and this looks like good ol nostalgic fun. Nice job. Bathroom FTW!!
  4. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would change the thumbnail to an actual picture of your map, comparisons are fine in the post but why not showcase your work as the face of the post.
  5. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I snagged this bizitch quick! A great map from a great game and it looks like you hit the nail on the head with this recreation! Now if we could set it up for only laptop guns and rcp120s!

    Perfect Dark is one of the best shooters in history. It set so many console shooter precedents its not even funny. It still has the best in bots anyone has offered and some of the coolest weapons (with over 60 of them each with secondary fire!) On man dont get me started!

    I have PD on XBLA and if anyone wants to play give me a buzz!
  6. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I'm seeing lots of comments based on its looks, how many of you actually download it?

    First of all, I never played Perfect Dark or Golden Eye (shoot me) so I guess I'm not being swayed by any nostalgic feelings.

    From the comparison shots, it does look like a very close remake, you've got the geometry but the problem is its just too small for Reach. I figured how to get in to the vents (are they vents above the toilets?) and just couldn't see the point. Maybe they were cool in the original but they don't seem right in Reach.
    I guess all the rooms are to scale with a 6 foot, fully armoured soldier but I just felt like I was moving from one narrow corridor to the next with nowhere to go but 6 feet under if I did happen to see anyone.

    I guess its like the Legendary Halo 3 helmet. Super awesome for fans but just too small to be any use.
  7. Negrumir

    Negrumir Forerunner

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    Seriously, there's a reason people get nostalgic about those games, they were awesome.

    But yes, from the pics this looks awesome. I just downloaded it and will check it out soon.
  8. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    thanks for letting me know. i just changed it. shoulda realized it before hand ><

    and in answer to the post that this is small and "cramped". it is, but its not made for any regular reach game mode. if you want the feel of perfect dark just play it in the perfect dark game mode.
    it may actually be bigger than the original just because of the 7 ft beastly dudes running around in it. but i tried making it as playable as possible for being a small map, and thats why its mainly a 2v2 or 3v3 map.
  9. LT Forge

    LT Forge Forerunner

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    When i played this map with standard gametype, yeah i felt cramped, what do ya expect tho, it's a remake not a revisioning XD. But when i played with the gametype....awesome and win. Couldn't have made the gametype any better myself truthfully. Very Fun, Very Accurate (even the column leading to the top of the cylinder).
  10. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I did a walkthrough of the map and it really is a very accurate remake of the facility. Brought back so many memories going from room to room. Having said that, it is a very poor Halo map. In my opinion, this belongs in the aesthetic section for how well you recaptured the facility from Goldeneye/Perfect Dark. Gameplay wise however it's just too small and disorienting. Other than spawning in the bathroom area noone will end up there because of how out of the way it from the main part of the map. The lab rooms again are great throwbacks (I can remember now accidentally shooting a scientist and having to restart the mission over again) but with the objects in there it just not a functional space to fight in. Moving around I kept getting confused what part of the level I was in because of all the grey. That I am someone who played goldeneye a lot so I thought I knew my way around pretty well and I was still getting disoriented.

    (out of curiosity, I wonder why you didn't remake the tank room with the conveyor belt escape and the conference room but no big deal).

    I've seen other people try to recreate other games maps in Halo and that is all well and good one has to remember what works well for other games doesn't always translate well to a game like Halo. Call of Duty maps are faster paced because 1 or a couple of shots can kill you. Goldeneye maps were smaller and more like labyrinths with lots of hidden paths because your player model was small and you played with a small number of people. When transferring the aesthetics from one game to another you have to remember to also account for the gameplay mechanics. If you made the scale of this facility twice as large you would still have the aesthetics down and you would have better 1v1 or 2v2 gameplay out of it.
  11. longridr

    longridr Forerunner

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    ya i know it is very cramped and all. but we answered that question already. this map was made for a less mobile game.. perfect dark/ 007 but that's why we made a custom game-type to match the gameplay of both those games. which makes the experience more like PD/007.
    it wouldnt be a true remake if i sacrificed size comparisons for gameplay. and making the custom gametype adds to the feel.

    II CASHnDASH II Forerunner

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    Love the map. It's about as close to the original as can be done in Forge. The games of we played of Zombies on this last night were alot of fun. I had no idea what this map was supposed to be when you first showed it to me, but once we began actually playing it, i quickly remembered the layout.

    Great work!!
  13. SpecterCody

    SpecterCody Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I took a quick walk around, its obviously cramped but accurate and brings back memories. If you are feeling ambitious I'd like to see you make a spiritual successor with much larger proportions for reach... please! :)
  14. Dot

    Dot Forerunner

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    I like that you put a lot of work into the small details, like the bathroom stalls or the shape of the arches. Good effort, good remake.
  15. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    Wow, I only played this map twice and I am being 'swayed' by MAJOR nostalgic feelings! Ensured my download!
  16. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    When played with the Perfect Dark gametype longridr built it is much more fun than the standard Halo setup - which was his plan from the beginning! Its good stuff folks!

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