
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Toastman, Nov 20, 2010.

  1. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Version 1.4 is the newest published version

    Video Playthrough
    We had lag when recording so this isn't a perfect video but it gets the point across.

    Version History
    Version 1.4
    Weapon Changes
    •Rocket launcher respawn increased to 180 seconds
    •Grenade Launcher respawn increased to 120 seconds
    •Grenade Launcher spawn placement altered for better visibility

    Mode Changes
    •Modified objective locations for KoTH, Territories and Oddball
    •Removed Stockpile mode

    Spawning Changes
    •Modified respawn locations to promote team-based spawning
    •Anti-respawn zones added to help stop near-enemy spawning
    •Added initial neutral spawns (8 count)
    •Added initial spawns for all team colors

    Other Changes
    •Minor aesthetic change to cylinder roof details
    •Removed Next Gen filter due to belief of matchmaking ineligibility
    •Fixed plasma grenade pickup glitch on benches

    Version 1.3
    •Initial Public Release

    Map Description:
    The Blue Line has free drinks. The Red Line offers complimentary pillows. War was unavoidable. 4-10 Players

    Well since I finished polishing Embassy and submitted it into Forgetacular I decided it was time to start my next project. For some strange reason I wanted to do a subway and really do a layout some "real world" justice.

    I ran out of budget or I would have kept going but I managed to get team bathrooms, entry and exit platforms and a red & blue line train parked, awaiting passengers to board. The entire arena is color-coded to help you keep your bearings in the mirror world of Sub-System. Even the 2 entrance platforms are green and orange in case you have to call out a location. The red line railway has a rock slide and the blue line railway has a fallen metal object to help further differentiate between sides.

    These subways are standing room only due to lack of room to navigate would there have been seats.

    Click the image for best view

    6x Plasma Grenades
    2x Grenade Launcher
    8x DMR
    1x Rocket Launcher
    2x Shotgun
    2x Magnums
    2x Assault Rifles
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Needler
    2x Plasma Repeater
    2x Plasma Pistol


    •Railroad Angle
    (Its near impossible to jump back out towards the middle, only the angled edging can be mounted.)

    •Boarding Area

    •Entrance/Exit Hall

    •Inside the Train
    (Standing room only - Budget and space concerns are the reasons)

    •Tunnel Cave In
    (A visual landmark to help differentiate Red side from Blue side)

    (Rockets are a good way to magnetize players to the center)

    (Team Initial Spawns - It is hard to get good screenshots of these rooms)
    #1 Toastman, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2010
  2. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map is so detailed! Sinks, benches, the curved walls, and that rockslide!- Beautiful. The whole map looks incredible and like it would play very well. Sorry I cant DL, but my internet is having problems still. You continue to amaze us Toastman!
  3. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Been waiting for this since the preview of the map and I am blown away. I LOVE the debris area you added which not only looks great but really helps with map orientation as well.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    i was working on a similar idea a while ago that ive put on the backburner for now.
    i think you did a really great job of accomplishing this aesthetic,
    definitely a better job than i did on my uncompleted thingy.
    You came up with a lot of solutions that i was stumped on myself.

    I cant wait to get some games in on this and see how it truly feels,
    but so far without gameplay knowledge, my comment is only based on visuals.

    i will try to return with gameplay feedback asap.
  5. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    First off I am so going to steal some of your decorative pieces, especially the benches. But not the toilet though, as it looks the most uncomfortable design ever.

    Excellent work overall. But I have to warn you, back in Halo 3 bungie flat out said they would not put a map with SFX overlays into matchmaking. The reasoning being they wanted to keep the fidelity high for usability. Now they haven't said this for Reach specifically, but I would seriously consider taking out the Next Gen orb to maximize your chances at winning.

    The only design choice I found odd was the grenade launcher placement. Specifically, it is a little hard to spot. I would consider rotating it vertically to increase visibility, so both:

    A) new players can find it easily and
    B) experienced players can check easier to see if it has been grabbed already.

    Other then that, great work!
  6. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Oh crap! I usually don't use them either but I really thought it made the map have a gritty feel like a subway stereotypically does. I will be releasing a revision of the map (hopefully only 1) based on user feedback before I get my final film in for the contest submission so if Bungie hates orbs then it'll have to go.

    I will also play around with the grenade launcher. I just wanted them to be as far out of the way as possible to increase distance to pickup.
  7. PlayPong

    PlayPong Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Great map. The layout is really smooth, spawns work fairly well, and battles seem to rotate around the map evenly. As said above, I think you should remove the visual filter as it ends up being too 'gray' otherwise. It needs more color to be less blah. Without the filter, it looks just great.
  8. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If you got a game in I'd like to see the video please. Can you link it to your file share and tag it with toastman real quick? PM me if you can get this done. I want to see my non-friends playing.
  9. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes it's here! I was very exited for this map to come out after the amazing embassy. Don't worry, I'll be back after playing it for a hopefully outstanding review.
  10. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I've just given the map a quick forge-through and boy am I impressed. You've just set the bar in how maps should be built. The attention to details and general map flow are superb. People will be copying your aesthetics for a long long time.

    There were some small adjustments that I though were needed though. Like posted above, that grenade launcher needs a better placement, because right now you don't see it until you're right on top of it. My only suggestion would be to possibly bump out that upper stair section with a little room (if supplies are abundant enough, I noticed you're quite low on items and budget). But that small addition would be a better placement for the weapon and help round out that area better in my opinion.

    And my second issue is your spawns. Your initial spawn points are waaaaaay too cramped, and you have some player's spawn paths directed right into other players. That will definitely be an issue and cause confusion in larger parties. I suggest moving some of your starting points outside the toilet area to relieve congestion (c wat I did ther?). I would also suggest adding more spawn points throughout your map as well. I say this because when an entire team is killed off almost at once, you want them to spawn near one another so they can recover. But with your current spawn placement, that may not occur. I'd just throw down some additional spawns here and there where you have others placed already (just make sure they don't cross paths). And my final beef with your spawns is a respawn point you have placed by the metal detectors. I find its too close to the barriers, and it's just at too obscure of an angle for the metal detector entrance. I think if you just move it to the center more that'll fix that small issue.

    And finally the lights. If I were you (just my opinion this time) I'd push the lights further into the trains so that the majority of the light is seen from the inside. Or possibly use a teleporter node (if you have any left) to frame the lights. It's just a small aesthetic thought. And I honestly wouldn't remove the FX orb, its one of those very few maps that works incredibly well with it in.

    Anyways, I love your map. And visually it's the best in Reach I've seen so far. I look forward to playing some games in it!
  11. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I played this map last night with 2 other people. It played pretty well but I agree with Draw the Line ^ there with the spawns. Even with just 3 people on the map it seemed like I spawned in an area I just died in and would almost immediately start being shot at. I also agree with the train light idea.
  12. robbie2705

    robbie2705 Forerunner

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    Just kicked your downloads into the triple digits.

    Good lord man... Sinks with FAUCETS?!
  13. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Oustanting work!

    Okay, outstanding is a bit of an understatement.

    I downloaded this map and will be looking it over more to give additional feedback if this post proves inaccurate. But here is my initial thoughts based upon the pics alone.

    The map is not only laid out extremely well, but it has a VERY STRONG THEME to it. Most maps you see here are nothing more than "yet another path map". That is, they are all the same, they just look different because the paths are moved around. I cannot even begin to tell you how boring they are for this very reason. Very few - read that VERY FEW - come along where you actually feel you are somewhere unique.

    Unlike the other "train" or "subway" maps I see posted here at Forgehub, this one appears to have one strong edge to it that they lack - no matter where you are on the map, you are always able to see the theme. Other maps that say they are based upon a similar theme have hallways and such that once you get into them they are like tunnels and you can loose the sense of where you are suppose to be.
  14. Toastman

    Toastman Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I have already been grouping spawns into a more proper layout. The problem is I cannot add very many because I have hit an invisible maximum of spawn/objective objects. I have never heard of this before - I have 180 remaining spawns but cannot place any more.

    About the lights - They need to be extruded or the actual light will be inside - not just its ambience. It looks stupid when the control room has a huge light sticking through the wall in an arbitrary spot.
  15. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, I don't think he intended for you to actually sit on them... ;)

    That is very good feedback. I was planning to use an Fx for an infection game, but not after reading this.

    Really good feedback. I would agree on the vertical orientation bit.

    This is an outstanding map and I believe it has a big chance of winning the Forgetacular contest. If you want my help in tweeking or testing anything, especially things like spawn points, I will make myself available (MrGreenWithAGun).

    #15 MrGreenWithAGun, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  16. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is amazing, great forging skills, another great map from toastman, and an asset to anyones forge maps. The toilet and sinks look great, this is an aestheticaly pleasing map, and its even got a train!!! And the rocks look great and the fallen cone like there has just been a cave in or something. Expertly presented too.
  17. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    Dude this map is super AWESOME! I love it. Really creative thinking with the bathrooms and decrative items. Can't wait to use it in some custom games.
  18. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The problem is not that you need more spawn points, but that your respawn zone is forcing people to spawn in that area, even when an opponent is near by. Keep them all the way they are, but use weak respawn zones. That way, blue will spawn in the blue zone only if there is no red near by. This is a common mistake.

    Otherwise, superior to anything else out there. My son and I played through it and we both thought it was great.
  19. Backwards Logic

    Backwards Logic Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Beautiful map Toastman! I love the use of the trains and platform columns to break up LoS across the map. Given train platforms are generally pretty flat, you've done an excellent job providing cover while keeping the feel of a subway station intact. Awesome. I have one concern though that hasn't been voiced yet: I noticed picking up the plasma grenades on the benches outside of the bathroom is impossible (both bases). They're too far in on the bench to be picked up - even jumping on the bench doesn't allow you to pick up the 'nade. As an alternative, repositioning it on the very top of the bench seems to work.
  20. DeathstarsOG

    DeathstarsOG Ancient
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    This is the third train station i've seen in Reach so far including SecretSnitzels "U-Bahn" and my own "Transit". One of these needs to get into matchmaking through Bungie's contest. Great minds think alike I guess. I've downloaded and will take a look around on it as soon as I can get on my box. Great job toast.

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