damn... essay on Kansas-Nebraska Act and slavery due tomorrow. have to read the whole court case. smh...
If it makes you feel any better, I have a 2400 word essay on addiction due in 8.5 hours. And I have yet to write my second draft.
So here has been my day: wake up, take the 16 year old dog out three times to piss, dog pisses himself on bed anyway (we are putting him down tomorrow, which has made today depressing), finish Red Dead (I never did the last ranch missions LOL), have a friend and his girlfriend come over to watch the overextended edition of Avatar. Now I like both of them as friends, but together I'm a third wheel, which sucks ass. Get bored two hours in (after the scenes I hadn't seen in the extended rerelease in theaters), play Assassin's Creed multiplayer, get infuriated every time I die despite finishing in first or second. Eat a piece of pizza, take some meds that don't work. Now I'm watching Thank you for Smoking on my laptop.
brah, you put yourself in a third wheel position, and if its the couple I am thinking of, anybody in a 1 mile radius feels like an awkward third wheel. If I had money and therefore had live gold id get you to get on xbox, but alas, I dont.
It was who you were thinking of. Oh and I asked Emily if she wanted to go eat at Blue, but she was already at dinner. So instead of eating upscale sushi I had leftover pizza.
Fail quote tags are fail. Anyway I'm more into the extended universe (IE fanart and fanfiction, but I've sort of stopped reading it...)
I thought the fact that the whole worlds had to be made, and the fact that it had so much life was cool. 2 of the viewings were because of that, 2 were with family and friends, once for the story, once to compare the story to Pocahontas and the rest were because the 3D was good.