WHERE EAGLES DARE TRAILER http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERzqdUKUZ8I Where Eagles Dare is a 3 phase Invasion/Invasion Slayer map optimized for 12 players, but can play with 16. The custom gametypes are a must for objectives and loadouts. PHASE ONE Spartans storm the beach get the bomb. destroy the gates. PHASE TWO kill the generators..... to open the doors and... activate the mancannon to.... get upstairs to steal the core.... on foot..... or catch a ride back to the Spartan submarine. Extended Gameplay Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sr0tOEN1_oE OVERVIEW As you can see I placed multiple backfield spawns on this map. The ship serves as a backfield spawn in all three phasesc The heavy vehicle backfield spawn is available in Phase 2 and 3. Surrounded by rocks in front and a soft kill zone behind to keep Elites out. I also created multiple fireteam spawns that run the length of the action for each phase. For instance this little speedboat that appears in phase 3 to act as a forward attacker spawn. TACTICS PHASE ONE Use the rocket turret and the sniper rifle cover your teammates so they can get the bomb and destroy the gate. PHASE 2/3 Bring power weapons, ground, and air vehicles to bear to successfully defeat the Elites. LOADOUTS @ @ Download WHERE EAGLES DARE Map Download WHERE EAGLES DARE Invasion Gametype Download WHERE EAGLES DARE Invasion Slayer Gametype @ Thanks to all those who helped test my map. All in all about 40 gamers over the course of about a month played and gave input to balance out weapons and spawns.
Without a doubt the best custom Invasion map out there, not being bias although Ive been testing with ManRay almost since the beginning and this map has been groomed and groomed til perfection as far as Im concerned. A quality experience and you can literally not enjoy playing map, the design of it is beyond solid and the gameplay flow is exquisite. A great story behind it and the aesthetics are wonderful 10/10 (check out the little speeder boat, pretty awesome) edit: whoever sniped that banshee is pretty much a badass
Really good invasion map. I remember play testing this with you and it flowed pretty well. The only problem was the tank was way too powerful. Did you find a way to balance it out?
There are fuel rod cannons on one of the spawns and plasma launchers on another. Not to mention the wraiths spawn more frequently really, if you played a recent version its pretty well balanced
Sheesh. This is amazing. At first I thought it was just a bit on the island, but then it opened up into phases 2 and 3, and at that's the point where I became very, very impressed. Jaw-dropping man, I can see that a lot of work and time went into this.
So glad I found this, I've played your halo 3 maps with ya and they were fantastic. I expect no less of this one and will load it up as soon as I get some people going for custom games. Good to see you're still forgin' ManRay
This was the funnest game of Invasion I've ever played to be honest. I don't know what it is, but it just strikes me as more enjoyable than the Bungie Invasion maps...Maybe its because we have the vehicles from the start? I honestly can't tell. All I can say is this is awesome and I had a blast playing it with you guys. Best Invasion experience I've had yet.
Thanks for the comments everyone and glad to hera from you fuzz will send you a FR so we can catch up. As to the question of balance on the bridge vs the tank, the combo of covy weapons as well as Elite loadouts in Phase 3 that have Fuel Rods and Concussion Rifles available solved that after repeated testing. As nilla mentioned I also tweaked the covy vehicle spawn times as well. Thanks for the feedback. MRX
I've played this through a few times now. All that seems to be missing are swordfish in the water (I really like swordfish). Everything else is in place just as it needs to be. We will looking forward to more creations from that Man they call RayX. I like how the tank can not be stolen by the elites.
That took a lot of trial and error in testing to keep those pesky elites out. Had to rebuild that section of the map 4 times. So far it looks inpenetrable. As for my next map its already underway. It will be Invasion and it will be big. No hints yet still working out the details. MRX
I can't believe this fell off the front page! This is one of the best Invasion maps I've played to date. From the kick off at the ship all the way to the grande finale, this map is an exciting play all the way.
I playtested this map a few times and thought it was a pretty fun invasion map. You get the feel of a sort of offshore assault from a naval ship, and there are several staged structures so each round has it's own unique flavor.
I especially like that the defending team can't spawn camp the attackers base either. This is amazingly balanced for an Invasion gametype. No autowin button. Love it. Riding around in the Falcon as an attacker in the end is a blast. Fly in hope out and try to claim the territory. Shame I suck at it so much.
I gave Where's Eagles Dare a downloaded, and checked it out in Forge. Definitely looks sweet, man! I'm looking forward to gathering 12 players and giving it a go.
Thanks for the comments everyone. I worked hard to make it competitive enough to have a pass fail rate comprable to Bungie made Invasion Maps, to have a chance to win forgetaclar invasion. MRX Thanks for the comments everyone. I worked hard to make it competitive enough to have a pass fail rate comprable to Bungie made Invasion Maps, to have a chance to win forgetaclar invasion. MRX