AT-AT Walker

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pigglez, Apr 25, 2008.


How is this map aesthetically and gameplay compatible? (based on thread)

  1. Near Perfect

    15 vote(s)
  2. Looks awesome

    18 vote(s)
  3. not bad

    9 vote(s)
  4. could be fixed a little

    2 vote(s)
  5. needs improvement... a lot

    5 vote(s)
  1. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    yes y do ppl say tht? lol its the camera, it adds 10 lbs, trust me... no, i think the back is actually fatter than the front, not sure y... anyway, yea i did make it slightly wider to host an inside... despite some criticism, which i never mind, when ive played it played quite well nd the gameplay was fine. It wasnt spawn, drive nd die. The rebels when i played, wrking together (hint hint) managed to pretty easily get to the AT-AT. after a few tries we got the flag and ran home. And btw, IMO most maps do make u spawn nd try to do the objective a few times. I dnt think it should ever be too easy to do. But thts me. I guess there r some ppl who rather have a map where u quickly run in, easily overwhelm the defense, grab the flag and win... buts thts just some ppl, not to sound offensive or anything. I just think it isnt fun if its tht easy. It isnt truly tht hard either, u just need to take a few tries, nd ull get it eventually. And maybe u dnt, try again or get a new strategy... cnt always win. Idk, thts my opinion on it... but anyway, thx for the comment :]
  2. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    WOW, this looks GRRRRREAT.
    350th download from me.
    BTW: good job with the filter, it actually has a purpose instead of just placement because it can be placed.
  3. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    Im at school but I can't wait to get home to Download this one :]
  4. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    While I love the idea of the map, I think the AT-AT is a bit too wide. I understand you made it wider to accommodate battles within the machine, but I think there are other solutions for similar gameplay. This isn't a bad start at all and I'm sure the map is fun to play on, but with all of the Hoth maps being created you're going to need something extra to keep your map above all the others being created.
  5. Tork232

    Tork232 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    grate map nice set up nice pic

    #45 Tork232, Apr 29, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thx for the comment DTL, tht a loyal looked is cool :]

    anyway, it isnt tht fat or wide. Trust me. When u get on it, u realize its actually quite perfect sized, altho it is tall, but that isnt tht big an issue lol.

    There isn't much to have done to set mine off, though i had some sick ideas i might implement soon...

    i know Luke hasnt been done before but i'm think of going back, rearranging some things and building a new thing in the map... something definitely not done before. Im positive. i already am pretty sure that i might want to make a version two. So right now im not cause im in the middle of a new forge project takin up my time, but when i get the chance, im making some big additions to the map, espcially with the feedback I'm getting. Anyway thank you DTL for giving me a chance. cya round!
  7. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. Hoth is definitely my favorite Star Wars scene, and it's so awesome to see it made on Halo. Can't wait to play it!
  8. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    doesnt look like its worth all the hype, but ill try it. looks moreastetic than competitive
  9. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
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    This is 1 sweet map dude!!!!!!
  10. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    thx man... this was one of my favorite scenes too, though if i had to pick one, id say the scene from episode 3 when Obi-Wan fights Annikan... that was epic
  11. pred10122

    pred10122 Ancient
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    good job this is awsom if only it could move (sigh)
  12. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    5/5 cool. :D:D:D:D
  13. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    hey thanks guys... a moving AT-AT would be the greatest thing ever made. I think someone suggested it already. THat's what bungie should do, make moveable parts that move as you tell them too. That would kick ass.
  14. Blitzsniper33

    Blitzsniper33 Ancient
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    took a while but I DL and finally tested and heres what I have to say:

    Alright its pretty awesome looking first of all, some slightly sloppy areas where a few things seem at an angle, but otherwise really well made. The floor in the body is one of those areas. I think it was done purposely, but it is slightly bumpy, though I didn't run into any problems with bumps and things while playing. I really loved the turrets on the head. I dont know why but they're very cool. I was happy that if you get on the side turrets and then let go of the turret, you don't fall to the ground and instead can turn and jump back onto the AT-AT. The snowspeeder hangar was a good touch, nothing too special but nice. I agree with Haruki, gameplay slightly suffered here. It played mostly well but I did find myself repeatedly trying to get to the AT-AT. Yet I don't think that is a huge problem. Most maps do require multiple tries to achieve the goal. It wasn't impossible but took a few tries.

    Luke was cool. I liked the idea. Unfortunately he only lasted for a minute and a half due to the CPU limit. If only there was a way to fix that. I saw your poll, though it seems it is gone now, but I think a Luke VIP wouldnt be bad if you could pull it off. Though it would be tough... I don't know, that is up to you. Just my opinion.

    Anyway, that's basically it. I'd definitely recommend maybe adding some new weapons to the AT-AT. it might be big and has 4 turrets, a ghost and wraith, but there are only a few weapons in it. And most of them are power weapons like the shotty, beam rifle and fuel rod gun. I don't know, it seemed work well, but just a suggestion... anyway, that's my review... great map though. Rating: (out of 10) a 9/10. For some smoothness issues and weapon layout... otherwise, quite perfect. :]
  15. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow man, thanks for the review. :] Your one of only two people to do so lol. Anyway, yea the floor was on purpose, so I could hide weapons in it, but it plays smoothly there. Glad you like the turrets, I originally tried mounting the turrets on the sides of the head but they became inoperable so I had to think of a new idea and I think it worked well.

    Luke was one of my personal favorite parts too. I had also designed a grappling system but ran out of money and it didn't work. I'm thinking of going back and making a completely aesthetic version where there is a grapple, and I'd take out the Rebel base so its just aesthetic... not sure.

    As for new weapons, maybe. If anything I'll put some carbines on the map. They're the only weapon I didn't put down that definitely should be there IMO so I will. Anyway, thanks man for the review. :]
  16. x Byob72 x

    x Byob72 x Ancient
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    Looks like a very well put together map, and as he said, maybe a VIP luke would work better

    you have my dl
  17. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    As an aesthetic map, this is very good. But I have a few concerns about it as a playable map. The first and biggest thing that bothered me was getting into the walker by going in through the legs. It was very difficult and frustrating for me to get up to the teleporters. I think it would have been much easier and more enjoyable if the teleporters were at the bottom of the legs or if you placed grav-lifts instead of those barriers.

    Second, why are the teleporters set up to randomly take you inside the walker or on top of the walker? I'd prefer it if I could determine which teleporters went to which area and then planned my strategy accordingly. Perhaps change it so the front legs take a player to the top and the back legs take a player inside.

    But other than those things, it looks like a fun map. And it's definitely a very cool concept. Good job.
  18. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    alright, thank you Furious... you had some really good and useful points that I'm going to go utilize. The legs I know were bad and I realized after. I'm going to go make a v.2 and add grav lifts. I don't know why I had barricades lol, just put them there.... teh teleporters in the legs I'll also change. I like your idea so I will switch them so it isn't random. Thanks for reviewing... look for v.2 and thanks a lot :]
  19. Novak

    Novak Ancient
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    When is v2 coming out? I played this again yesterday, and like furious said, getting up the legs is hard. I thought you werent even supposed to be able to get up, thats how weird it was. Also the thing in your sig doesnt work.
  20. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    V2 coming soon...

    v2 should be out soon. I keep forgetting to edit it lol. But I have begun to and might be adding some cool new treats :]

    I also might make just simply an aesthetic version w/o guns and such that will feature more buildings and things. Im thinking about it.

    Anyway, v2 should have:
    -easier entrance through legs
    -a new secret entrance that Im not going to say
    -new weapons (possibly)
    -VIP Luke Variant

    coming soon!!!

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