So you can buy what you want and not have to grind through a bunch of attachments and junk that you have no use for. Whats the point of a currency system otherwise? Nothing is really much better than anything else, its just different. I could perform the same with a suppressed Galil with ghost, steady aim, and ninja as i could with an red dot AUG with hardline, sleight of hand, and last stand. It would just be a different play style. Everything has pros and cons. Why wouldnt it cost the same?
No I can't prove it, but I can logically speculate that announcement of Reach's armory brought about loads of praise amongst fans and it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to say that one studio will take something successfully implemented from another studio and utilize it. 1) Reach has been planned and developed since before the release of ODST before the Blops story was even thought about. 2) The currency system in Reach is directly tied into how you level up, it's integrated and fluid, it's intelligent 3) Blops was on two year cycle, however player experience is separate from currency, but for no reason other than it was added on later 4) The wager match was put into the game to highlight Blops' new currency system as an add on. @Neo, I'm merely saying that it's very likely that Treyarch utilized a currency system after seeing Reach's integration of their player armory. They could have simply stayed with the CoD formula of unlocking new things, but it's very curious that Treyarch included currency several months after the announcement of Reach's armory. It's certainly not a knock against Treyarch either, but it isn't a feature they should be praised for.
Halo Reach's currency system is tied into how you level up, not how you play. What armor you have doesn't matter. Assume Halo came out the same time as Black Ops and there were no leaks or anything beforehand, wouldn't you think that Black Ops' currency system is more advanced and therefore better? I would. Also, how do you know that Treyarch didn't have the idea of a currency system from the very beginning, but didn't have the ability to implement it until now?
So at you can link your profile exactly like on to use their "Rendering system", which unlocks the ability to Render Film of clips that are 30 seconds or less by uploading to your file share, then automatically to youtube. It's not the best of quality, and the length is meh, but it's cool that they are giving us this function for free, and it's still in Beta testing. Here is Anoj's guide to set it up: YouTube - Black Ops: Rendering Clips to YouTube Without Capture Card Tutorial by Anoj And here is a clip that I Rendered and auto-uploaded: YouTube - Stakeout Collateral (Render Test)
@Rusty Your arguing our point that this game sucks in the wrong way. Assuming that games take inspiration from other games, by direct (research) or indirect (feedback) is just a trip into naiveity, because there are countless games that utilize the same systems. This arguement could be never ending.
Just gotta ask this, Is there any local multilayer custom options?!?!?!!! I seriously can not find any I tried going in system link signing in as guests it gave me options to change settings but when you go in game it automatically uses default options anyway D:??? How am i ment to play localy :S we muck around not so serious and testing stuff etc but gives us like 5 min time limit can barely get any killstreaks or enjoy using them I don't wanna rush and fight normally I'll play matchmaking for that!
I forgot what brought it up, but it wasn't to showcase why the game is bad on the contrary I quite like the player customization in blops. I'm trying to make the point that Treyarch shouldn't be praised for it to such a high degree. It also doesn't make up for the sucky and boring gameplay. It's a rush for casual players, but it's just too easy. If you could compare it to another entertainment medium with respect to it's enormous popularity, what you would you compare Blops too? I also agree that the argument would be non-ending on the basis of who originally came up with the idea first. @Speed e Cake, well not at you, just that you brought up that feature Like rly, theater mode, you guys have got to admit Treyarch blatantly got that idea from Halo. They've certainly upgraded it though by allowing people to upload their clips to youtube and the inclusion of an editor is a step above Reach. It'd be nice to string clips together in Halo, too bad the editing function will be wasted on a **** game. Yay, another codtage where people flank and get trip sprays and tons of multi kills with killstreaks. I do enjoy the fails though, those are hilarious to watch.
The worst part about the multiplayer is that you cant play combat training without internet. I am at my dads house every other weekend and their's no internet. I thought that it would be super fun playing combat training instead, but I can't because Treyarch didn't think of adding local combat training.
Neither is better than the other, sure they're both currency systems, but thats where the similarities end. They are used for entirely different purposes. Halo is a game where nothing you have done previously affects your gameplay in a new game, unlike CoD, where what weapons you have unlocked will affect furture gameplay. Therefore the currency in Halo is just for asthetic purposes which do not affect gameplay (except for visibility, flamehead = waypoint marker lol) Whereas the CoD currency system for the most part affects what weapons and perks and stuff you unlock. The gameplay differences of the two games dictate the differences in the currency systems.
Black ops is a great game. But for just offline? No. You can do Zombies and campaign, but the real deal is multiplayer. Without it, this game would be a mess.
I agreed completely until you said "a mess". The game would be lacking, yes, but not a mess. It would still be a great game, but just not worth what you're playing for it. And strangely, I think its because of the song and not the game or trailer, everytime the trailer comes on tv, I pause to watch it. And ignore everything else, which was the same thing I did when the Reach trailer used to come on.
Okay, can you play coop campaign? A guy in my dorm got it and set it up in the lobby so we play 1 v 1 and 2 player zombies sometimes, but we couldn't see for sure if there was an option or not. Also watching people play video games in the lobby has allowed me to discover a horrible racial stereotype. Black kids scream like little girls when things aren't going their way in video games.
Can we all just agree on this: Black Ops can be better. It's not 100% Perfect. There are good things, and there are bad things. Please? Can we just agree on that? EDIT: @ R Richard P26: You can NOT play Co-Op Campaign. They took it out.
Nearly on my second prestige; goin' at a pretty steady pace. Probably going to have it by this time tomorrow.
Agreed! but the only problem is that if you have lets say 9 right things and 1 bad...that little bad number will magically turn into 100. my point is that the bad things out weigh the good things, sadly. take AL for example in HR, not saying its bad, but there are plenty people out there that hate/disagree with it. which then blows out of hand to i cant F*in stand HR because of AL...but what about the rest of the game. so having said this... I CANT F*IN STAND BLOPS!!!!!!!AHHHHHHHHHHH no j/k, i just have to get use to the game, but please treyarch fix the sound!
My new favorite thing to do is run around with a class using the crossbow and tomahawks. I never get mad about dying and I've made some hilarious videos for my file share. Also, has anybody else had their framerate cut in half for select games over the past few days? Every once in a while my framerate just goes to hell and it's extremely annoying.
I love driving an rc car up to someone and parking it near them without blowing it up right away. It's pretty funny to see their reactions. A lot of the time they will spam the trigger and blow themselves up.