An Acoustic guitar has Heavier strings, and requires more finger strength to hold them down. This also makes holding chords harder. On an electric guitar, The strings are closer to the fret. Also, the neck of the guitar is thinner and lets you get a better grip. Also, depending on the model, most electric guitars are more comfortable to hold. I have personal experience with both, and I found the Electric much easier. Much much easier. Im not debating which is better, Im debating which is easier to learn. Do your homework before making assumptions.
You're stupid, your argument is stupid, and I'm not going to be part of it. We're talking about which is better to learn on, not easier to learn on. So kindly, gtfo. I'm going to college for this bruh, I know a thing or two about guitars.
Is there really a significant difference in quality between a cheap and expensive guitar, and what are those differences? And Camo you should have sex tonight.
Yes. But it's just like anything else, you can spend $500 dollars on a guitar and $700 on a guitar, and the first one be better. It's all what fits you best, what you like best, and what type of wood it's made out of. Basically. (rosewood is boss)
Don't go too cheap. Don't go too pricey. I started on electric, and I'm glad I did, but acoustics are nice since they don't require anything but the guitar. If you ever end up with an electric, I recommend from my point of view, an Ibanez or ESP/LTD model.