
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Stevo, Nov 19, 2010.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Created by Steve 11thSelby

    Envy has been created to merge Competitive Free For All gameplay with the fun and enjoyable twist of Casual maps. It's multiple tiers and vertically orientated map design will leave you feeling more than a little green with Envy. Built from the "ground" up, this map has been constructed to become a masterpiece with it's beautiful water featured shrine and simple yet unmistakable aesthetics.

    The map itself supports upto 8 players for Team games and it's recommended to have at most 6 players for Free-For-All. Gametypes that are supported are: Slayer (FFA, Team), Slayer Pro (FFA, Team), SWAT (FFA, Team), Classic Slayer (FFA, Team), Crazy King (FFA, Team), King of the Hill (FFA, Team), Stockpile (2 Team), Multiflag (2 Team), 3-Plot (2 Team), Territories (2 Team) and Headhunter (FFA).


    Special Thanks to all the Tester's who have played on this map and made it what it is today.

    MEGA UBER THANK YOU belongs to Crypto nv for making such a mint video. Props kiddo <3
    #1 Stevo, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  2. iMason

    iMason Forerunner

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    Well i tested this map a few time with you and its good to finally see it up and ready for a download , so ill download it now and see what the final piece is like (Y)
  3. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    I'm downloading this straight away. I loved testing, and I'm anxious to see what you've done with Envy. I would have easily recommended the map to anybody even at the maps testing stage. The three floors are all very unique and flow very well. The sword at the bottom was especially brilliant, as it never felt overpowered, and it was a perfect risk vs. reward in reaching it.

    Oh, and Stockpile was brilliant on this map, so that's the gametype i'd recommend trying out.

    Expect a full review very shortly, dude. :)
  4. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Nice to see this finally being released after being at all those test sessions! :) I really like the way you worked the colour green into everything, and how each floor looked unique. It was also really easy to move from one tier to the other, thanks to all the lifts, stairs and falls. The windows protecting the grenade laucnher spawn were also a great touch, imo.
  5. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Aww damn doesn't that video just look awesome! :p
    It's good to see this released steve. I think I only ended up getting 1 game of 4v4 slayer when we played and it did play quite well... despite a lack of spawn areas. The aesthetics are amazing. Probably the best I've seen on any map so far.
    Again, it's good to see this released. The community definitely lacks some solid FFA maps and what we have both done is produced some awesome maps with FFA in mind.
    #5 Spicy Forges, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2010
  6. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Tell me about it, Reach has been out a solid 2 months and I've only just got this finished!!!

    Why thank you ;)
    It's been put to the Review Hub also, so more reviews the better I say :D
    I'm still shocked you found Stockpile the most fun lol. I hadn't even set the respawn zones up for teams at that point lol! I'm still glad you like the map though. Don't forget to recommend it to your friends ;)

    inorite, took me long enough to get this out here. I think the windows sell the map to be honest, that and the pool :p

    hahaha yeah, massive thanks for the video man. It truly is something amazing!!!
    Yeah FFA is definately better on this map. I like FFA SWAT and LOVE Headhunter :p
    Try get some games on it whenever you can.

    Thanks for all the comments so far guys :D
  7. kavemanr

    kavemanr Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i helped test this I'm a big swat player, ok, and honestly the small square layout was not to my taste. Swat generally takes place over a medium to long range with line of lien of sites going acrossed all axes normally, also i did not know if u fixed the spawns because during testing there would be numerous times where an opposing team member would spawn in the same hallway as you and either get spawn killed or get a kill right off the bat. I do like he idea though, reminds me of that map on forgehubs favorites (whos name escapes me at this time :p)
    i should try headhunter though, that would be different ^^
  8. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well its not the best swat map ever but... Its great for headhunter, slayer, team slayer, and multi flag. Definitely enjoyed testing this. Nice work Stevo.
  9. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    Ok just a few quick thoughts on improvements here. But since they are so minor it makes the map look pretty good from a critical point of view.


    These pieces of cover, on both red and blue side. The bottom ones I can somewhat crouch jump onto them, but the top side cover is almost impossible to scale. You should seriously consider either lowering them or swapping out for something shorter. The ability to jump onto them would add greatly to the combat dynamic of the area. Think of the cover on the bridge in Halo 3's Narrows. It they were too tall to jump, then they might as well be 20 foot tall walls.


    These walls and walkways look really naked, both from an aesthetic and combat stand point. I would add something, even a little something just to break up the visuals if nothing else. Whether what you add can be used as cover is entirely up to you, but this part just screams "I would never see this on a Bungie made map". Also the point I am standing on there has some texture overlap, just FYI.

    Lastly my screenshot of it didn't upload for some reason, but the gravity lifts. They are tucked into a pair of angled geometry for a nice effect, but why are the two sides not flush with each other? I swear I spent more time looking at those trying to deduce a reason for the asymmetry then anything else on the map.
  10. xGOT THE EDGEx

    xGOT THE EDGEx Forerunner

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    After viewing the pictures and watching the video, I will be downloading this for sure. It looks great. Just from the pics and vid, I already love the sword room and the room with the glass windows. Looks great. I am looking forward to downloading this map over the weekend and playing some games on it with my friends.
  11. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    This map has some nice aesthetic touches, mainly I am curious about how you made your pool... its well cool, i'm envious lol. Some parts of the map seem really open with long open stretches, making for easy kills. I'm going to check it out more. downloading...!
  12. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yes, the ap has a nice mix of close to medium range combat.

    The pool was made by objects being submerged in water, not sure what you meant. And yes, the map does look quite perty. I am green with envy.
  13. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks :D

    Yeah SWAT was never an intended gametype from the start, but after testing FFA SWAT on it, it instantly became one of my favourites. Sadly, when you two tested Team SWAT with me, I hadn't even included Respawn Zones at the current stage in the maps development. That test was basically just testing how often you found yourself in combat scenarios with 8 people rather than testing (the virtually non-existant) spawn system.

    You'll be glad to know though, there is a fully functioning spawn system now and it holds 8 players very well. It only struggles very occasionally when playing 8 player FFA, and even then, it's possible you can complete 5 or 6 games on the trot without any spawnkill issues.

    Thanks for your comments though guys.

    hmmm, well I went over you're points in a game myself earlier with TUF and I couldn't actually figure out where you got these points from? The top barrier is scaleable, as I jumped over it towards the end of the game to surprise TUF with the sword. He actually failed to jump over it though, so I'm guessing you failed to jump like him :p

    Intentionally though, they're supposed to be more difficult than the lower one as they have two ways round them where as the lower one has one. The lower one is also offset more to reduce line of sight and provide cover from top to bottom in the bases for the medkit.

    The graphic overlay??? I'm really confused at this one. I really don't have a clue what you meant by that. If you meant Z-Fighting... there is none. I used the spawn camera's in reference to find which side you were looking at and stood exactly where you were and there was no Z-Fighting. If you meant overlay as in there's one objects graphic poking through the other... that's unavoidable as the piece is laid at a 45 degree angle. It's poking through so there isn't a bumpy transition between the two pieces when walking.

    Finally, during the early stages of the tests, when the mancannon was off to one side, it was hard to spot where to go to get in the man-cannon. People complained the lifts didn't work because they weren't stood in the lifts as the blue glow lights up quite a large area around the thruster. I've sunk the mancannon side down so people automatically look at it and see the lift is in two halfs with one side glowing blue. Thus, the player enters the man-cannon without fault. The raised side also makes it easy to drop down in a hurry and not accidently bounce into the man-cannon and come back up. There's been a great deal of thought put into this map... Especially with the man-cannons. Thanks for your comments though.

    Thanks for your comments guys. I've tried to focus a little more on aesthetics than I usually would and this is the end result. I must say it does look good and I'm very proud of it and the gameplay that suits it :)
    #13 Stevo, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  14. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    But your two top cover points are different heights, see:


    But my real point isn't that you CAN'T jump them, just that jumping them requires too precise of timing. Going back to my Narrows comparison, if the bridge barriers required you to crouch jump to get over them, people would do so considerably less.

    So if you want the dynamic of people jumping over the barriers in combat, my suggestion would be to have them at least a little easier to jump onto. If you do not want that to come into play, make it impossible to scale with standard jumping.

    As for the gravity lift, I get now that you "sunk" one side to draw attention to it, and it works. And putting the drop down portion at a different elevation is smart too. But you may want to consider switching them, so the drop down area is sunken.

    The reasoning being that during one of my test jumps down, I hit the lip separating the two sides. Since the lift side is the sunken side though, that was the direction I slipped off into. If you reverse them, and you hit the space between the two sides dead on, it should theoretically never shunt you off into the lift side. But as you said, the sunken part is what draws your attention, and a new player may assume that is the lift side. Just something to consider.
  15. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Fair enough, I did the whole map by free-merge, so there are a few minor differences. The top cover isn't really something thats easy to jump over. You can spring jump it, and if timed correctly it's probably the blue one I just crouch jumped over.

    And yeah, I thought about sinking the landing slide so if you got caught you wouldn't land in the cannon, but the amount of times someone goes down the lift, is considerably less than the amount of times people go up the lifts so I picked the mancannon side to be more attention drawing.

    Thanks anyway :)
  16. KCDinc

    KCDinc Forerunner

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    Also, a thought I just had:

    Have you considered putting anything on the walls leading to the lifts? A little bit of geometry to draw the eyes and give that much better orientation? Just as an example if you put a diamond on the south wall, a savy player will learn "Hey, I am looking at the southern bottom wall, and the western gravity lift is directly to my right".

    Little things like that are, in my opinion, what make really good maps like this, into really great maps. From just a competitive standpoint. I can't really critique the art direction of the level, which something like that may go against.
  17. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You're right, the aesthetics are unmistakably original. All of these great maps make my current endeavor feel like a piece of junk. Nice job anyways!
  18. Kittenpaste Company

    Kittenpaste Company Forerunner
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    So, like I said I would, I gave this a run-through. Don't have people to test maps with so I can only tell you how I like the looks, rather than gameplay.

    In a word - stunning. It's a small space so it's easy to take in the visual appeal right off. Also, being small, I'm sure the gameplay will be quite fast-paced. On your bridge up top, your jumping is limited ever so slightly but that's not a big issue.
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not particularly, I'm not sure it's overly needed really... The spawning down bottom is fixed to always point in the direction of a way out of the bottom floor (either lift or teleporter) and if you drop down (from the middle tier..) you should 9/10 times have a lift in front of you, or in your field of view.

    Thank you :)

    Thanks KPC, you should try get a FFA game on it. I'll be glad to join and rape play you. :p
  20. Grumpy Duckling

    Grumpy Duckling Forerunner

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    Nice little touch with the water area with the sword. It looks very cool! Like a fountain containing a lethal blade in the middle :)

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