Even though I dislike the game and wish I hadn't spent $60 and bought it, it to me is definitely at least worth a rental, campaign is great and worth the rental, and you can have some fun with the wager matches, and zombies. I will still get my $60 worth out of this game, even though I won't be playing much standard multiplayer. On the discussion of H3 or CoD being more fast paced, its kind of split in my opinion, but H3 is more fast paced overall IMO. Because although you will die faster in CoD (which you might think means faster paced) it leads to A LOT more camping, therefore you move into battle slower, because you want to stay alive to get the killstreak bonuses, whereas in Halo games you are more willing to go forward because you won't die in 2 shots, and if you don't get that killing spree, it doesn't affect you as much.
Pretty much every weapon rapes, which is my main problem with the CoD series. Probably because what I'm good at in the Halo series is team weapon control.
AK47 and AK47u rape ****. Trying out the classified assault rifle tomorrow. I went 15 and 5 on Jungle 10 min ago SnD. **** was cash.
Jungle has the most extreme camp spot, there's a rock with only 1 entry point to it, a ladder, and it has a great view of a large part of the battlefield, while still a little bit of cover if you need it. I camped there with ghost and a silenced and scoped einfield or whatever its called, and a radar decector thing set up next to me. My KDR for that game was somewhere around 4 (not my best, my best was a KDR of 8.0, 16-2)
the commando is the best AR in my opinion. the classified one (G11) pretty much chugs **** if you ask me. its a weaker m16, except the only attachments for it are a horrible lower power zoom scope and a variable zoom scope, both extremely unnecessary for an AR.
Call of Duty: Black Ops Updates Detailed by Treyarch - Shacknews - PC Games, PlayStation, Xbox 360 and Wii video game news, previews and downloads Yes.
Yes, but you can tell that treyarch tacked currency on after reach's announcement of a currency system.
No offense dude, but thats Bull of the highest regard. The currency system in BLOPS has nothing to do with Reach, and nothing in BLOPS has anything to do with Reach.
true, because one sucks balls, the other doesnt. whats the point of currency is everything is 2000CP?
The currency isn't there to make things seem more like what they are worth than something else. (bad grammar is bad) It is there to make it YOUR choice as to when you unlock a gun.
What? I DUN GET IT. The Currency system, IMO, is there to make the game feel more personal. Everyone wont have the same guns at the same rank.