im having a problem lining up items in forge. i cant quite get the height right, the bumpers will either be to high or low. same with the coordinate tool. how do i get everything lined up perfectly?
By holding the object, pressing B and selecting 'edit coordinates'. Then you can nudge the object in multiples of 0.1 along the x, y and z axis.
Try pressing down the left stick then lowering the object with the right and left bumpers. This slows down the process and makes it a lot more precise...
I had the same problem with the giant walls (whatever they're called), even if they were all aligned with 90 degree snap and at 2.1 height the edges were not perfectly aligned, and actually created bumps. I'll try the advise above but I have no idea if it will work.
I am having this problem right now with my newest map. I have coliseum walls lined up at 90 degrees in the editor perfect. Save and quit and reload it it messes em uP! I manually lined em up and I got the same bad result. Is it due to too many saves on the same file? Does the coordinate data get "fuzzy"?
It's nothing like that - unfortunately, because that might imply a workaround (deleting some extra files or saving the map as a new one or whatever). What it seems to be is that forge 2.0 has a legacy bug from forge original edition. The coordinates of objects are not exact down to the micron; there is some fudging going on. So sometimes you put something in one place, at a particular rotation, and it moves slightly when you save and reload. This is most noticeable with the larger objects, and especially noticeable with large objects that you are trying to line up exactly - like coliseum walls. (I've also experienced it with large and x-large platforms.) My advice - just tweak it by eyeball (not using edit coordinates) and with the left stick in for fine adjustments. Save and reload. If it moves too far off, make another adjustment and try to compensate for the shift. Repeat until the reloaded version of the map looks acceptably good. It may be almost impossible to get it perfect, but you should be able to come so close that the discrepancy is invisible except when staring right at it.
Ok at least I know im not alone on this issue. Do you ever had the coordinate system move to identical objects to different visible heights despite their z axis being the same digits? I am having it do that right now and that makes no sense to me. THis is the first time I have ever witnessed edit coords make such a mistake.
I haven't seen that, but then again I don't use edit coordinates much at all. I am much more prone to do things by sight - I only use edit coordinates occasionally to line up specific pieces or to set a benchmark so parts of a map are symmetrical. Some of my maps were forged entirely without even touching that.
Hey thanks for the info! I think I just solved it! Half of my walls were at -90 and the other half at 90! The object isnt actually an equal height so the difference was showing in the polar opposite rotation - if that makes sense. I rotated them both all to the same positive 90 and now a save/reload kept them at their proper spots...for now
Toast, 2x2 flats do that more noticeable than any other piece I've seen. One side will always be flush with everything else and if you flip it it's half a coordinate mark over other pieces. It's pretty gay, I'm not gonna lie.
Yes, they have the most issues out of all the blocks, being slightly thicker on one side. That is to say, it is as if the axis it rotates on is not perfectly in the center.
To me, if I'm not using rotation lock, I accidentally rotate the object by a degree or so, that could be another cause of your problem, as I don't always notice it right away.
I have struggled with this in the past. Here is what I do. when pieces won't line up even though the co-ordinates are the same: I grab 1 block and raise it with the bumper a fair bit, then I switch to the edit co-ord and use that to get to the desired height. if it doesn't match, I take the other offending piece and do the same. The result is a perfect match that stays after a map reload. hope this helps
for extremely fine adjustments, try this: hold down the stick and use the bumpers to raise/lower like you normally would but.. basically hold them down, tap the bumper and then tap A immediately afterward to release the object. if you do it really fast, it will move the object a very very small amount. repeat until object is perfect. sometimes this can fail though, because when a map is saved and then reloaded up again, all of the objects will default to their nearest .001 coordinate (yes, even though we cant edit to that degree, it seems they can still default to it) so sometimes if you use this method and come into your map the next day things may have moved a very tiny amount. VERY tiny though.