Remake Obstruct

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Skisma, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    By: Skisma


    Before Reach came out I knew that I wanted to remake a map from one of the previous games but I couldn’t decide on one. I didn’t want to choose a map that would be done by tons of other people such as Lockout, Guardian, Warlock, ect. I also didn’t want to remake a map that was too easy. Eventually I narrowed it down to two maps, Colossus and Construct. I was gonna go with Colossus but then some people told me that Shad0w Viper was making one so I went with Construct. Now if you know me then you’ll know that I’m a perfectionist, so the first thing I did was load up Halo 3’s Construct and take hundreds of pictures with my phone. But that wasn’t enough, I wanted it to truly feel and play like Construct so took a stopwatch and timed how long it took to walk certain distances. After writing down all the measurements I could possibly think of, I went back to Halo Reach and began building. ​


    Obstruct is an extremely accurate remake of the map Construct from Halo 3. It features just about all of the same aspects and gameplay scenarios as the original. The respawn points are exactly the same as Construct’s other than one that I removed due to its unusual location. The gameplay feels pretty much the same due to a replicated spawn system. Armor Abilities are extremely fit for this map, especially Jet Pack. You no longer have to take a lift, risking getting killed by a camper, in order to make it up top. Although, AA’s like Sprint make the map feel smaller due the increased speed. If you want the map to play as close to the original as possible, I’d recommend Classic Slayer. Another thing I should mention is that Elites are bigger and faster now. Because of this there are some spots where players who play as Elites will have to crouch. An example of this is the area under Sniper spawn; Elites will have to crouch because if I made it fully accessible to both races then Spartans wouldn’t be able to jump up to Sniper. I did my best to get the over-all aesthetic look and layout to be true to the original. However, I did have to make some sacrifices in order to finish the map. Originally I had the bottom looking almost 100% accurate to Construct; the floor in which the Grenade Launcher (Flamethrower) rests used to be glass and you could see the ocean below just like in Construct. The entire bottom floor consisted of 28 objects so I had to replace them with 3 Wall_Coliseums, saving me 25 objects and wiping out the sexy glass floor along with it. Obstruct truly captures the intense and hectic gameplay that Construct had so I hope you enjoy this map despite its minor flaws.

    Recommended Players
    2-8 Players.

    Recommended Gametypes


    Weapon List

    -Assault Rifle x4
    -DMR x7
    -Grenade Launcher x1
    -Magnum x2
    -Shotgun x1
    -Sniper Rifle x1
    -Spartan Laser x1
    -Concussion Rifle x2
    -Energy Sword x1
    -Plasma Pistol x2
    -Spiker x4
    -Frag Grenade x10
    -Plasma Grenade x4​








    Jumps and Hiding Spots​

    The jump to Open Street is back.

    So is the drop down to Laser.

    This ledge was awesome in Halo 3, it's great for racking up some hill time.

    A new spot not featured in Construct.
    Note: I am not responsible for any injuries that may occur when hiding here, camp at your own risk.

    You've been warned.

    Action Shots​

    Titmar spraying down Vorpal with his lovely Assault Rifle.

    thesilencebroken doin' work with the Laser!

    Uh oh, this doesn't look good.


    Vorpal Saint winning the game with a beastly Skullamanjaro!

    Special Thanks​

    I gotta thank Gunnergrunt, Titmar, thesilencebroken, Nibs, rusty eagle, Vorpal Saint, Devinish, Stevo, LD, Bottlecap, Benji, Ell3ment, Spawn of Saltine, and the many others who helped test this map. You guys are awesome and I can't thank y'all enough for helping make this map the best it can be. ​

    That someone was me.​

    Download Obstruct​
    #1 Skisma, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Now this children, is how a remake should be like.
    It looks like Construct, it plays like Construct and most importantly, it feels like Construct.

    If you liked Construct, you'll love Obstruct. The Map works great with Reachs Mechanics, especially with AAs, Jetpack changes the whole Map for example. Everything runs smooth and works, I'm sure it has been tested to death, at least that's what I expect from a Testers Guild Senior.
    The forging is flawless and the scale is perfect, the only negative point I can think of is Halo Reach itself, it's too bad that you had to change the bottom level, because this floor would make it even more epic.
  3. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
    Senior Member

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    How exciting, its finally posted! You put a ton of work into this map, and it really paid off. I don't know many forgers who would go back into the map and clean it up as many times as you did. It was well worth it! I enjoyed dropping in from time to time to offer what advice I could.

    This is definitely the most accurate Construct remake I've seen. Before i played it, I was rather impressed by the accurate geometry. All of the jumps and hiding spots were there. I was even more impressed once I finally got to test it with you. The lift system felt very accurate (which took some creativity, I'm sure). I was able to employ all my old Construct tactics, and I didn't feel limited by the Reach physics at all. The attention to detail really produced some classic gameplay.

    I also thought you did an excellent job with weapon selection. The grenade launcher made a great replacement for the flame thrower. TheSilenceBroken used it to angle a grenade into the lift room. I got him back by launching a grenade up the lift at detonating it at the top (such a cool idea, Skisma!).
    Overall, the accuracy in both gameplay and geometry turned Obstruct into a fantastic remake. Too bad you weren't able to enter this version into the contest!

    Best of luck on your next project!
    #3 Gunnergrunt, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Judging by the pictures I was awestruck by the remarkable attention to detail that was implemented in this map...

    ...unfortunately,as soon as I fired it up to play it,I was awestruck by the immense chugging of frame rate I was more or less unplayable for me.
    ...and I'm not exactly sure why this is a problem for me,yet nobody else seems to have mentioned it. Yet apparently, Skisma went in to "clean it up" repeatedly,so he must've been addressing the frame rate thing,or at least attempting to.

    So,I gotta ask: Is the LAG on this map something that only I am experiencing?...can anyone else chime in here?

    I absolutely LOVE the look of the map,and clearly a TON of work went into it...If I could actually get games on it without the psychedelic flashing of all the objects and the strobelight effect I would be pleased as :punch:

    PS_ Upon more running around I can report that I am almost exclusively having this problem while in the sword hallway,looking back towards the Yellow lift...but I tell ya; it's downright Disco-tronic!

    Most of the rest of the map, the frame rate is....well...playable.

    Sure looks pretty,though.
  5. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Yes there are some framerate issues. It seems like you described them to be a bit much though, there shouldn't be any flashing objects at all. I tested it several times and improved the framerate as much as I could. I lowered it to the point where it's only really noticeable in the sword room (as you mentioned). A good Construct remake requires so many objects that it's quite impossible to have no framerate issues. If you've seen the other Construct remakes then you'll no that they all have problems with framerate, some less and some more than others. I hope you enjoy the map anyways because it's really fun to play on, especially Headhunter!
  6. Bl0odshadow

    Bl0odshadow Forerunner

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    Great job on the map :) it looks just like the original! i also added you because im part of the testers guild but have been having a hard time finding people to test with
  7. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    Man, I'm welling up just thinking about Headhunter on Construct with Jetpacks. :') This looks fantastic, and I can't wait to download it. One criticism, you could tidy up the fusion coils next to gold lift a little bit. Just an aesthetic niggle though. I'mma DL this tomorrow and have a play around, and tell you what I think. PM me if I forget.
  8. Oo iRoNy oO

    Oo iRoNy oO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey Skisma I wish I would've known you were making a remake back before "CONSTRUCT"ion began. That way I would've had the chance to say, "Hey I tested that map." like the people above me. Anyways, It looks incredible, and by the few times that we've played, I have gotten the impression that you're a perfectionist. So I know that this map is as accurate as it gets.
  9. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is far and away the best construct remake I've seen. It plays amazing but has just a smidge of framerate lag near the sword spawn, but that is by no means a gamebreaker. And I agree with LD, its a shame you had to go with the coliseum wall for the floor, the one you had before was orgasmic. Anyway, If you liked Construct, you'd be dumb not to check this map out.
  10. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is by far the best remake of consruct i have seen yet, like the guy at the top said, it feels like, looks like, and plays like contruct 5/5 in my opinion
  11. ImI METAL ImI

    ImI METAL ImI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    :O I'm just gonna go ahead and trust from your post and your credentials that this is the most detailed and refined Construct remake there is or will be. I'm stunned by how it feels like Construct just from seeing these screens. Absolutely pumped that you remade this, my box got redringed so I'm even more eager to get it back now! Can't wait to see how armor abilities transition into this, I imagine it's great just like you said. For real though, this is gorgeous. Fantastic job.
  12. Gamefreak1792

    Gamefreak1792 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok upon downloading,

    *the map is to small, i know you have an item and budget limit but its to small and it takes away from the map.

    *At sword spawn the framerate issues are so bad i can barely move.

    * I managed in slayer customs with jetpack to get almost to the canyon

    So i would go in and revise kill barriers, maybe adjust scale if possible and somehow figure out how to lower the framerate issues cause with them as they currently are the map is unplayable.

    Map as it currently is 2/5
  13. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    The map actually isn't too small, maybe you should read over my "Background" paragraph and you'll see that it's not. Also could you send me the film of you escaping the map because I put a 100 meter kill zone around the entire bottom so jetpacking out shouldn't be possible. And for the framerate issues, sorry man not much I can do there. I already improved it quite a bit and it's not gonna get any better. The map is definitely playable though, you should get some game going on it and see how it works. Headhunter is really fun on it.
  14. LeonVIII

    LeonVIII Ancient
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    best remake of construct a must for any remake collection a couple things tho on the first picture u posted u r missing some fusion coils to the left near the lift also on the bottom level u r missing the fusion coils near the lift also u replaced the mauler in the bottom level with a magnum but im pretty sure there was also a mauler when u go up the side lifts u know where u have the assult rifle i think its to the left of the lift besides that im not so sure about replacing the missile pod with shotgun and id watch about the health pack placements and to repeat some other concerns the framerate issue near the sword and the bottom floor no more glass :( beside that amazing dont get me wrong i love this map just some constructive criticizim i already went through and fixed some of these myself so its mad amzing/epic lol
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever thought about installing Reach to your HDD? I did and I varely ever had framerate issues afterwards
  16. Celic

    Celic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Mind my ignorance but 10x Frag Grenade?? I can't remember where 10 frags would have been on Construct, I remember 2 at bottom gold but it escapes me as to where they all were located on the original. This map looks incredible though, clearly a lot of time was spent into recreating one of the best H3 maps. Though I will say I miss the flamethrower :(
  17. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    I didn't have enough budget to put all of the fusion coils on the map, I just put the important ones. The two at bottom purples would be pointless because they would explode before they made it up top. Since there aren't any replacements for the maulers I thought I'd just put magnums there so players who didn't have a DMR could grab those. Yes you're right it isn't a good replacement for the missile pod, but just like the maulers and flamethrower, nothing is. Rockets would be way too overpowered. The shotgun actually works great because it makes up for the missing maulers.

    There were in fact 10 frag grenades on Construct. The two at bottom gold as you mentioned, two on either side of the bottom maulers (making 6), two by sword, and two at the base of the ramp that wraps behind gold (making 10). Yes unfortunately the flamethrower is gone, but don't worry, the grenade launcher is a great replacement.
    #17 Skisma, Nov 19, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010
  18. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I managed to reduce the frame rate issue in your map a good amount actually. By adding pieces (yes, adding), I managed to cut down on the items rendered in that particular area.

    Of course there were some sacrifices that had to be made though (the two glass windows by sword base had to be removed, and two of the glass pieces leading to the sniper). But that glass had a lot being rendered behind it which was causing a lot of slow down. And in order to complete my fixes, you'll have to find an extra block piece in your map somewhere. I just took one from gold lift and swapped it for a bridge piece, just as a temporary solution. I'm sure you can find a way to free up a piece better than I.

    It's a sloppy attempt to show you what needs to be done, but if you do like what you see, I know you can easily recreate what I've done. It doesn't completely eliminate all the lag, but it greatly reduces it.

    Anywho, here is the link to your modified map. Let me know when you download it so I can remove it from my file share.

    OFFICER NASTY T Forerunner

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    0 mean construct right?
  20. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
    Senior Member

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    Thanks so much man! I get off of work in an hour so I'll download it then. I just hope it still play the same without windows in lobby:/

    What was the point of this post? It doesn't even make since. If you have questions or concerns about the map then by all means ask them, but don't post meaningless one sentence responses. It's called spam.
    #20 Skisma, Nov 20, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2010

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