Screw Sarge. I heard he was in favour of leap seconds. So what if the solar day increases by 1.7ms each century. I wish he'd stop being such a metronomic jerk.
it's like he's ignoring the fact that there's more than just the playable area, which really makes me question if he even has one
You know when you realise months before-hand that a movie is terrible, then you see it and it reaffirms how bad you thought it was? Well I saw Gamer.
LOL I only liked it when I saw it because my gamertag was AGAMER at that time... haha derp. seriously movie sucked though.
That's not saying much when I've got the Doctor as my avatar [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, this is not shopped in any way.
You guys likely aren't going to be able to answer this, however, I guess it doesn't hurt. So I downloaded a relatively "old" game, MTW2, to be exact, and now the installer won't work properly, something along the lines of a video error. I know that I need to have at least 128 mb of video ram, and I only have 64 dedicated. Is there any way to raise the 64 up?
Doctor Who [br][/br]Edited by merge: Only the coolest person in existence. The only person I look up to.