
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Spicy Forges, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Finally after a long wait, Gyroscope is finally here! I have spent many weeks tweaking and perfecting this map to make it what it is today. I hope you guys enjoy this map as much as I did making and perfecting it.

    YouTube - Gyroscope









    This map is also part of the upcoming Eventide Map Pack
    created by Irony and Nyte

    #1 Spicy Forges, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    That's an epic idea to have a sphere thingy for your design. You might want to put railings on some of those edges so people don't fall though.

  3. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Awesome sauce!!!
    About time this map got released... It's some quality FFA Fun that everyone enjoys.

    Some +rep to you sticking at it with this map aswell and getting it into the state it's in now. Well done :D
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    No need. I have placed railings where people are most likely to fall off.

    Damn right steve! I wasn't gonna give up on this map, and well, my efforts paid off! :D
    #4 Spicy Forges, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Effing finally man.

    Just a note to all people who need railings: There are enough. I know this, because I spent a lot of time falling off the map at the worst places, and there are railings there now.

    This has kept it's basic structure throughout development, but little changes like railings, weapon spawns have been made to tweak gameplay.

    As an advice to any people, play this map as FFA KoTH. But Crypto, did you take out the Stockpile? Did that end up not being so good?
  6. DoubleDown9

    DoubleDown9 Forerunner
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    WOW! Love the design and idea of it! Downloading, this just looks sick! Kudos for thinking outside the box!
  7. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
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    Listen to what people are saying and put some railings down man. Sweet idea though honestly. I would definitely download though if you just put down railings it still looks great.
  8. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Are you listening to me? There is no real need for any more railings. I've tested this a multitude of times and helped throw down railings in the most offending places. It's fine.
  9. Jflood

    Jflood Forerunner

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    I loved playing this with you Crypo. It was an excellent map and had a lot of fun with it. Wish you did leave stockpile in (doesn't say it in the map info bar). Yeah I fell off a lot but it makes the player have to just be careful in firefights and keep his head about him. Well Done
  10. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    Ingenious idea. I remember seeing this in H:R Discussion. I love on how the rings are smooth. Although it needs railings just to prevent from falling. But it can also be a challenge for slayer.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    How can you be telling me to listen when you haven't even played the map? Play before you criticize. It usually helps, trust me :D

    Thanks man, also, I forgot about Stockpile. Ill update the thread quickly, although Stockpile never played all that well.
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Did you change the way this map plays at all? I remember testing it once and the entirety of the map was centralized on the upper most platform.
  13. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
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    It's rare to get such unique ideas now a days. This looks great. I can't wait to play it. Congrats on the front page too.
  14. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    As people keep saying, the map "needs railings" these people haven't played the map. They've just looked at the pictures and tried to pick out flaws in the design. Watch the video... Pretty sure I don't see anyone just fall off the map due to a lack of railings...

    Indeed, you tested it with me. I've played a few games on it since then with different changes (like the counteracting platform at the opposite side. But since then, the man-cannons at the sides on the horizontal ring have gone to prevent 5 access routes coming to the same choke point. All in all, I think the gameplay's been improved drastically.

    Front page? wth?!
  15. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
    Senior Member

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    I have played this map.

    Upon initial glance at the map, it does kinda look like it would play badly.
    In fact, when i first saw your preview of this way back, i thought this as well.

    But it does not! It plays great!! I was surprised and pleased to finally play a fun vertically oriented map.
    You did a great job of encouraging motion throughout the map,
    and the layout of the circles is intuitive:
    players rarely fall to their death, they instead fall to a lower circle.

    Really digging the unique layout, and the fact that it actually plays good.
  16. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Lol, thanks Steve for answering to all those posts for me. You're spot on in all those answers :D

    Wow thanks man! The map has changed a LOT since that first preview and now plays amazingly well.
  17. BadCompany Brik

    BadCompany Brik Forerunner

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    In the iteration I played there were definitely problems with railings, but not in the places you would expect (well, everywhere) but it wasn't really a problem. I don't know if the railings will be in the places I needed them, but I'll have to wait and see.

    The other problem I had (this was during FFA KotH) was the ease of grabbing a Shotgun, Dropshield, and then camping the top of the lift. People can't see where they're going, so they only know someone is waiting when it's too late. Was/how was this fixed in the final version?

    Besides those two very minor issues, this map plays amazingly. I really didn't expect anything above average because to be honest it looks like it should belong in the bottom of the aesthetics forum, but to anyone wavering over DLing, don't hesitate, it plays far better than you think it will. Really love this map.
  18. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    When i played this earlier today with a few friends it was a blast but we all died quite a bit by walking off while trying to back up. It made for a few laughs. I like the idea of falling but maybe adding railings/walls with gaps in between on the outer most ring would produce the same result yet still allow for people to fall. Though usually most people fell to a different ring on the inside, I dont know if it was planned but it help get me the win in an oddball game today :) Good map
  19. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    You can still do it in this version, but it would be pointless as there is no cover up the top and only one man cannon that takes you straight there now.

    The falling down to different rings was half planned, half just turned out unexpectedly but overall improves gameplay. Along with the strategically placed railings it definitely reduces a boat load of suiciding.
  20. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No you love it so much you can't find the words to convey your happiness. Also lol I just that about the 'Angeled', cbf to fix it.

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