Checkpoint Golf Part 2: The Checkpoint Series Welcome to part 2 of the Checkpoint Series, (part 1 is in my sig) i feel like i have some explaining to do so i'll start with that. The story was not the most straight forward, and i'd be surprised if anyone got it without me telling them, please bear through this wall of text. The Backstory A species unknown to humans lived on this ring world for a long time. Their purpose eventually changed from surviving to learning, because they were very well off and could support themselves. They still needed a police force to keep the people under control so they made the monitors. These monitors of course monitored the world. After they saw the world and all the corruption, greed, and wrong doings, they realized that the only way to accomplish the "Creators" goal was to wipe out this race. They were very loyal to the Creators and if anyone goes against the Creators, even if it's the Creators themselves, they would take them out. They killed every one on the ring world and started up their own civilization with a goal of just to learn. Eventually a leader was established and this leader gave himself the title "The Director" Eventually the Humans found this ring world and decided to colonize. The monitors welcomed the humans so that they could study them, but the Director knew that the same problems would arise. Covenant followed the humans here, and a costly war broke out. The Director's believe that the humans would bring nothing but trouble increased. He built a bunker with advanced technology able to withstand a EMP. He detonated the a very powerful EMP, powerful enough to disable the monitors and prevent them from being reactivated. While the power was out and there was mass confusion he released a infection that killed almost every one, excluding some high level elites and spartans. A squad of spartans realized what the director did and they tried to kill him, but proved unsuccessful. Only one of the spartans survived and was able to send out a distress signal. Story: Alpha through Foxtrot The lone spartan (you) were in a small ship alone at the time, and the distress signal was just powerful enough to reach your ship. You, being a spartan, knew that you would have to go and investigate. The spartan arrived at a destroyed building, and continued through forerunner and human architecture finding weapons without bodies and messages. Eventually he found a message that said "Kill the Director" and other messages telling what he did. You found his bunker and blew it up. He called for evac and eventually humans returned to this ring. Story: Five Years Later Humans have returned and have reestablished destroyed settlements, and of course the covenant returned too... They've attacked, get to the UNSC Naval Academy and Museum and protect it. It's a long walk... Get through this destroyed military base, and continue to the Naval Academy. A classic start. The old target range. A destroyed armory. Continue in a vehicle. A old friend... Through the destruction. They did rebuild... Remember, if you want to follow my progress follow me on twitter. (link in sig)
Lol about time you posted this. I am just digging the checkpoint series, I'm amazed the aesthetics and the beautiful architecture. I love how even the stuff that's destroyed looks good. The one thing I never understood is the weapon text. But oh well, I'm all exited for part 2! Keep trucking! Lol feature Nao and first.
been looking forward to this! insta-dl! these maps are kickarse and make my eyes melt at the aesthetics
Oh that was quick, surprised I didn't see you working on it. Story sounds epic now. good forging also. What's next? Omega? This one seems like the biggest, first one with a vehicle too.