I'm trying to put together a testing session for tonight starting at 7:30 Eastern time as a last-minute Forgetacular thing. If you would like to join, please post your gamertag here. I need to run some 4 vs. 4 team slayer on one map (preview thread link here); and I'd also like to run a minigame map I just finished, not for Forgetacular, but just for fun (preview thread link here). Apart from that nothing is planned, so if you have a map that needs testing, let me know and we will play it. I have probably at least 2-3 friends joining the game, but the other however many slots (4 or 5) are open right now. First come first serve - the party will be capped at eight though, since that's the Forgetacular requirement.
I'm down to give it a go. You're luck I don't have class untill later in the morning tomorrow... Being in Austria this is set at 1:30 AM for me.
Wow - I appreciate your dedication! I'll send a party invite around that time, thanks for helping out.
I would love to get in on this, but I have a chemistry lab that starts 30 minutes before this session. It's an easy lab (one that I can do before hand) so I can try to get back as close as I can, but I'll be a little late. If there are any openings, I'll gladly fill one, but if not, I understand.
Thanks Spartan - I have no idea how many people to expect or when the latecomers will straggle in, so there's a good chance we'll have a spot for you whenever you show up.
If by some awful means I don't last that long into the night, definitely take a look at my friends list and invite some people off of there. Most any of them are generally down for customs.
Id like to help you test this map, I SHOULD be available during this time. You can send me a friend invite if you want or just invite me. GT: sir derp
Ill try and get on, id love to test out maps as none of my friends play halo reach and when they do they never play customs im in scotland though so i may not be able to make it My GT is: Dandino14 Im not 14 btw it just happened to be when i got live
I need some testing done too. It's always a pleasure to play and critique others maps. I'l be on at 7:00, so invite when the time comes. Thanks in advance for setting this up. GT: Dylanpwns u27
Cool. What is the name of your map? I want to make sure I know everybody that needs to test one also so they don't get overlooked.
Psychokinesis. It was a preview of a map back in September, and I'd like to test it, also for the forgetacular contest.
Got about three hours to go until start time actually! but I'll hit you up if you're online then and there's a slot open.
Ah ok, 12:30am for me :S thats gonna be hard, but I have a free day tomorrow so I can probably fit it in.
I will gladly test (all of your others maps are awesome btw) GT Alex10687 and inv me and I got a map called beachfront arena that needs testing its on my fileshare. 1 flag ctf I want to test. Maybe 1 bomb. Inv me I promise I will be on =)
Thanks man! I hope we can fit you in, and if we do we will definitely run your map as well. Note to all - if we end up with more than 8 it will just be whoever joins the party first is allowed in. If anyone leaves between games though, I will invite in replacements. I'm not sure how long to expect this all to take but probably not more than a couple hours.