
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by GuardianV3, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    EDIT: I posted 3 new pictures that show a general overview of the entire map.



    From behind Red Tower:


    From behind Blue Tower:


    Hey, I'm new to ForgeHub, and this is my first map ever, Forgotten.


    Married to the past and the land it is buried under, this mysterious, destroyed site houses many secrets. 2-10 mans.

    Forgotten takes place on one half of Paradiso, the half containing the small island, to be more specific. It's set to be a settlement that has long been abandoned due to an unknown cause. From the map's design, though, it seems like it was probably some sort of earthquake or landslide. It is essentially symmetrical, and though it is very open, cover is placed in key areas to give variety in the lines of sight and give yourself a fighting chance in all sorts of scenarios.

    This is the Red Base:


    And this is the Blue Base:


    Each base has a very simple interior design. They have 2 entrances, and the interior is basically 1 large room with a destroyed wall that once divided it into 2. The floors are littered with parts of the ceilings and walls that used to be part of the building. Boulders completely crushed the back wall of these structures, but formed a handy new rock wall to prevent people from exiting the map. Each base contains a health pack, 2 DMRs, and 2 ARs to get people started.

    The center of the map holds 2 key weapon spawns:


    See that little purple tower thingy behind him? That houses the Focus Rifle spawn. I decided to use it because if there was a Sniper Rifle in this map, it would be pretty dominant. The Focus Rifle does not encourage camping nearly as much, and is a very fun and awesome looking weapon to use as well. Our friend, Purpleman, will guide you through the map from now on. As you can see, he's enjoying the Focus Rifle.

    This is the elevator to Red Tower:


    I originally wanted to use a simple gravity lift as the 2nd entrance to the Red Tower, but that soon proved to be impossible, or impractical, as a back entrance. Therefore, I made this cool little elevator thing. All it is, really, is a light man cannon that will calmly launch you upwards through this sexy tunnel. One Way Shields ensure that Purpleman will not get caught in this elevator for all eternity, and once he hits the ceiling, he'll hit a teleporter that only sends him a few feet away. It's a cool little feature that a lot of people I've played with like, and it took a lot of testing to get it working, so enjoy.

    This is where you'll end up:


    On that little node. Assuming you enter straight on, you'll be walking forward, ready to go. It's like you were never teleported.

    But uh oh... Purpleman's making some marshmallows. And hot dogs. This isn't good:


    Purpleman's got a hold of the Shotgun and I don't think he's going to let go anytime soon. This actually proved to be a problem in an earlier version of the map, which led to a lot of combat atop Red Tower, giving the map Estate syndrome. But I found a pretty straightforward solution that came straight from friendly feedback:


    Ouch. Looks like Purpleman got a heart attack or something in just 10 seconds. How unfortunate. You can still camp the teleporter where Purpleman was in the first shot that I showed its location, but the stairwell entrance, and the fact that you are WIDE open, will add a risk factor to that.

    "Screw that. I'm going to the Blue Tower."


    On the opposite side of the map lies the Blue Tower. It has a different design, but still has the same use, with 2 entrances and identical weapons to the Red Tower. But make sure you don't camp too long, or something real bad might happen.

    Like this:


    Or that:


    The Grenade Launcher is another weapon made for the anti-camping effort. It is VERY easy to get kills or do big damage with it by bouncing it off the ceiling of the towers. The Fuel Rod Cannon actually used to be the Rockets as the generic main power weapon, but I am a huge fan of the rather underused FRC so I put it in. It has no spare mags, so make it count.

    Oh no! Poor Purpleman has been sighted and he has no ammo! But have no fear:



    There's that mini-armory I was talking about earlier. Even if he took a nice jog to Blue Base, like this:


    He'd be fine too.

    The map is not perfectly symmetrical, but for the most part, each side is even. Each side has the same weapons with the same respawn times, essentially the same tower and base, and similar geometry. You might not be a huge fan of open, fast paced DMR battles, but I assure you that this map is good fun. Each side also has a Mongoose to get around really quickly, just in case you're getting camped real hard by a group of players determined to make you sadface.

    The map is actually not entirely complete. The gametypes still need to be fleshed out, as they have little to no testing. Some of them (though I didn't list them) don't even work at all even though they are compatible. Also, due to the location of the map, setting up Safe Zones, Kill Boundaries, and finding ways to stop people from getting out of the map has been a pain. This map is definitely open to feedback, whatever it may be. I will not make any absolutely drastic changes, but whatever suggestions you may have to make this any better, I will take into consideration.

    Thank you for your time, please download and recommend.
    #1 GuardianV3, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2010
  2. Prototape

    Prototape Forerunner
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    Substandard criticism.

    I'm having a hard time pinpointing where's what. Could you post an overview of the entire map?
  3. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    Higher standard? This isn't or anything hardcore enough not to accept this.

    Forge Hub accepts anything and everything that isn't good enough for MLG. The only time I've questioned threads like this is whether or not they belong in the competitive maps section, and this map clearly wouldn't be suited anywhere else.

    I like how your map is symmetrical, yet the actual base design isn't. Nice aesthetics and great job deciding to build your map in this location of Forge World.
  4. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    If you can, right now, it'd be easier for you to DL and take it for a spin. If not, I'll put up a shot sometime soon.
  5. JDB95

    JDB95 Ancient
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    I really like the concept and I understand that it would be hard to make this sort of map but the forging does not seem that great. The gameplay may be outstanding but I have a hard time downloading maps that do not look exceptional though. As I always do, I will review it and give you some more useful feed back.

    OFFICER NASTY T Forerunner

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    you, my arrogant friend, are an @$$. i don't even care if you were kidding it isn't an excuse for you to behave like a 10 year old teacher's pet. this is the kind of snobby, mod sucking up to, thinking-you're-better-than-everyone-else-attitude that really gets under my skin. seriously, no one really needs you here and you're not as special as you think.
    phew, got that out. m'kay so dude don't listen to this jerk just keep on forging cause' its a game and that's what its for.
  7. PowerSpartanl99

    PowerSpartanl99 Forerunner

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    No offense, but I have to agree with this. If you want to put a map on forgehub, make sure it's at least pretty good. May I suggest an asthetic map?
  8. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    If you want to come out and insult my mapmaking, at least make some sort of an attempt at downloading or actually reading my post. I have no doubt that you just skimmed through a picture or two and assumed that I'm a god awful forger, where if you read the post you would see that I purposely made the map look ruined. Furthermore, you probably didn't download it and play a game on it to be able to say something like "make sure it's at least pretty good before posting".

    I'm really not trying to come off as cocky and say I'm an amazing map maker, as I know I'm a noob, but I've seen far worse on this website, gameplay-wise, concept-wise, and aesthetically. Good criticism =/= "your map is total **** and get the hell off my internet forever." So can you at LEAST try making some semblance of an educated guess as to why this map would play poorly before posting something even worse than what you think my map is?
  9. Monstre

    Monstre Forerunner

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    Bases too close to each other, it looks good other than that. Just move the bases farther apart and it'll be great ;)
  10. GuardianV3

    GuardianV3 Forerunner
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    The bases are pretty far. The Towers are not the bases, although I can see why you would make that mistake.
  11. Mr GUINNESS13

    Mr GUINNESS13 Forerunner

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    Wow, ya i wouldn't worry about him.I'm a fan of the overlay And It actually seems like a good map, but you do need a lot of fixing up. There's a number of corners and edges that don't line and through off the level big time. But that's my opinion, I'm kind of addicted to this stuff and with my maps i can't let it go if something isn't perfect and doesn't line up just the way i want it to, lol. So if you want to improve it i'd recommend for now spend some time locking objects in place and explore the forge options. In reach it's much easier to make things line up, you just need to know how. Good luck
  12. Sharkface

    Sharkface Forerunner
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    Don't worry about the haters. If you can find a group of people who enjoy your map for what it is, then more power to you. That's what forge hub is about, sharing your maps (even if they aren't the greatest) with others who can have fun and play on them. It's not about the BEST MAP EVER, that's why we leave that up to bungie and the pros.

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