
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Aquarius Zodiac, Nov 3, 2010.

  1. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    Slants (V2)



    Please download the new version of Slants if you currently have the first version, these updates are critical and improve the map’s gameplay. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    *Update - I’ve been listening and taking in all the feedback that you guys have been leaving me and now I’ve created Slants (V2) which creates an overall better map. Somethings that I changed was the frame rate issue with the center building, improved the team bases, added crates to the bottom level for more cover, new corner pieces on the top level to make the map feel less open and there are other small and unnoticeable changes as well plus some new game types have been added as well.*

    Slants is sweet and simple map with beautiful symmetrical designs and scenery that any player can enjoy. The center piece of the map features a stunning glass building that is accessible on all four sides. Finding cover will not be an issue in this map but it is far from being claustrophobic. Weeks of testing and tweaking has been done creating a nearly flawless map that offers the ultimate Halo Reach enjoyment for all players. Multiple access ways and platforms helps lessens the amount of camping and offers great rewards for the risk. All of the weapons are balanced and strategically located for the areas they are placed at, creating intense battles.

    Weapons are easy to find and they consists of:

    4x DMR
    2x Assualt Rifle
    2x Needle Rifle
    2x Needler
    2x Plasma Repeater
    2x Sniper Rifle
    1x Energy Sword
    1x Rocket Launcher
    4x Plasma Grenade
    4x Frag Grenade

    All feedback is welcome so please leave me a post if you download and tell me what you think of the map. Thanks!

    Below center room

    New improved base fronts

    Below base

    Side shot of base

    Grav lift bridge

    Higher grounds (Grav lift goes to these)

    *New corner pieces*

    Crates added to bottom level
    #1 Aquarius Zodiac, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
  2. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    i've ran through this map and played it, and ive gotta say it's a solid layout and its very balanced. i dont think its getting attention because it looks plain, make it flashy. You need something that catches the eye, this looks just like a basic forge map in appearance.
  3. Polymuter

    Polymuter Forerunner

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    Can't wait to try this map out for some team slayer. Two things though, the teleporter in the red bunker pops you out sideways and the lift could use something to direct the player forward, like an incline.
  4. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback, I really do appreciate it. But to Bows, yes I know it isn't and eye candy type of map but you will come to see that the level design and the gameplay its offers makes up for this. I really did try to make the center piece of the map stand out but I guess it was still nothing to eye catching. Hopefully this next map I'm currently making will be eye catching and also play very well (crosses my fingers!).
    To Polymuter, I will definitely get that fixed within the teleporter fixed within the next few hours hopefully and try to figure out a way to make the grav lifts more directional.

    Thanks guys!

    *Map is now updated and loaded to file share*
    #4 Aquarius Zodiac, Nov 6, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  5. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Hey Aquarius, I downloaded your map. Seems like a really fun and balanced map. Did you mean for people to be able to go on top of that main room and drop in to where the sword is? I think you did, but if you didn't then I'm just letting you know about it, because I know I would be standing up there all day :)
  6. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    To Juke777, yes I did intend for the drop on the center building because it opens up the center a lot more. Might have to make some changes to the center piece though because the framerate drops because of it :(

    I've a question though, someone told me that the rockets were to easy to get but there would be no other place to put them. I was thinking I could set the rockets to have 0 spare clips, or the other option would be to replace it with a grenade launcher. Please help me with this one guys
  7. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Seeing as how the rockets are on low ground and they have much more of an advantage high up, I think they are in a place that helps keep the balance of the map intact. If it does turn into a problem though, the first thing I would do is just lower the clip count like you said.
  8. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    Those were my thoughts exactly, same goes for the sword as well. If it were down lower, it would be much more powerful do to all the cover. I myself think the weapons are pretty well thought out. But thank you for the help. If anyone else downloads my map, please leave me feedback.

    Also, should I make this an MLG map variant or no?
  9. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I saw in another thread that you weren't getting as much feedback on your maps as you had hoped. I'm in the same position, even though I've been on the forums for about a year.

    So, the map. The first screenshot looks great. The aesthetics look quite nice and everything looks great in general. Some parts of the map however, do look a bit flat. I don't just mean that they look like they are flat. I mean that they have a bit of a flat look. The 4x4s just don't look that interesting when theres several of them together and there's nothing on them. All in all though, the map looks very good. I'll give it a download and check it out tomorrow and then I'll give you some more feedback. Hope that helped!
  10. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    Well the top is meant to be open like that and the other thing is, is that i cant do much more with the map because i've 0 dollars in forge for it. But let me know what you think, just cause it isn't flashy, doesn't mean it won't play good.
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok I downloaded the map and chacked it out. Overall it looks quite good. The aesthetics are good and gameplay looks solid. Some parts of the map are a bit open, but I guess there's nothing you can do about that. There are, however, a few things you could change. First of all, your starting points for each team are fairly spread out. Its best if all of a team's starting points are close together and facing in more or less the same direction. Also, the sword looks a bit lame just laying around in the center. It would be better if it was leaned against something, or at least straightened out and not at a random angle. Other than that just see if you could delete some non-essential objects to allow you to create more cover along the top, or just expirament with a bit more height verietion up there which would also solve the problem. Overall, nicely done and welcome to ForgeHub!

    Edit: I see in the screenshot that the sword is standing up but in-game it was flopped over at a random angle, not sure whats up with that.
    #11 Psychoduck, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2010
  12. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    The reason the sword was flopped down is because you were in forge. During custom games, it for some reasons stands up. I'm currently in the process of making a new map which blows this one out of the water, but I will make sure to update it when i make the time since I absolutely love playing multi team on this map. Thanks for the reply! much appreciated.

    PS - add me on your friends list "aquarius zodiac"
  13. Juke777

    Juke777 Forerunner

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    Ok, I actually got to play some customs with you on this map today. Feedback from people who have only walked around the map can only tell you so much about a map.

    Anyway, I had a good time playing it. We played some multi-team. I feel like the outside of the map has a big advantage do to the open space between the outside and the middle, where the power weapons are. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, just something I noticed. It made me not even really try for the power weapons. It may have been just because we were playing multi-team too. I'll have to play some team slayer on it to see for sure. I really like the wide open ramps. I think that sort of thing is fun to play on.

    Are the top of the mushroom looking things there to block site lines between the bases and the side bunkers?

    I love maps that are easy to navigate and this one was just that. I didn't experience any framerate drops, but I heard a couple people saying that there was some lag. I'm not sure if this was from the middle structure causing framerate issues or if they just had bad connections. People are saying to make it "prettier". I think the play of a map comes first and foremost, but keep in mind, if two maps play great and one looks really good too, peoples eyes are going to be willing to stay around to play the one that's "easier on the eyes" longer.

    I give it a thumbs up. I would rather play this over a lot of the customs I end up seeing.
  14. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    Thanks for the feedback Juke, I highly recommend that you download my newest version because it has some pretty crucial updates that improve the overall gameplay of the map. The addition of the two new side bases really helps to supply cover because the corners were a large area where I would see players getting stomped on because they had no real area to hide at.
  15. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This is a legit inverse symmetrical map, and I haven't really seen that much orthodox symmetrical maps for Reach on these forums specifically. Nice job, I like the middle structure, and how Juke777 so accurately said, "I'll be standing up there all day :D".

    How do you have possibly $0 left?! That blows my mind, I haven't even lowered the budget to below $1000 in any of my maps.

    One thing that I would try to avoid using in any map, really, would be 45 degree angled ramps, specifically 2x2 steeps. If and only if there is enough room, change them to a more gradual slope. The reason that ramps with angles like this are a bad idea is because they screw up grenades and give the high ground one advantage too many.

    More on the design side of things, I think that the glass cover protecting the rocket launcher should be removed, to improve RvR (risk vs reward).

    Nice map overall!
    9 or 10/10
  16. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    The reason why the map has the steep inclines is because it balances the map out very well. Yes you are at a disadvantage below BUT the upper level is extremely open while the bottom has multiple tunnels and objects that can be used for cover. This was definitely put into consideration while I was creating the map and that seemed like a flaw at first to have a disadvantage being up top but hence, the top being so open, makes them very vulnerable to be taken out. Thank you though for the great feedback and I hope you enjoy playing this map. Maybe if im lucky, i might win the forge contest (crosses fingers) :)

    Edit: I forgot to address two things you posted
    1) the rockets are covered because it adds diversity to the bottom room. So lets say someone does snag the rockets and the room is wide open? You're most likely going to get screwed. But with the glass cover, you are able to try and avoid being killed by hiding behind the glass.
    2) the only reason this map cost so much is because of all the rails I used. I didn't want to have the issue of people complaining because they would fall off the map when running and gunning backwards/sideways. Plus I used up pretty much all the structure pieces except for a couple categories.
    #16 Aquarius Zodiac, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  17. Wacker117

    Wacker117 Forerunner

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    I like the rigid construction, very symmetrical. couple things to improve on though, I think for a team slayer map its a bit too open even after the update. gotta put some aesthetics down. also, looks like there is a possibility for camping, but then again asylum is camp city soooo we'll have to play it, hah. lets get a party together and run some maps. thanks for the build.
  18. ShKai

    ShKai Forerunner

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    Now I have had the pleasure to play with you and I do have to say your a cool player. Though I never saw the first version I do have to say simplicity helps here. This is the kind of map a beginner can learn on while a veteran can utilize it's capabilities. I'm a fan of it and hope to see more of your work.

    If you ever need a hand just message me or invite me when I'm on :)
  19. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I was under the impression that that is what is supposed to happen when you go for a power weapon. It's risky because you could get killed very easily, which would be the "risk". The "reward" would be the rocket launcher, which is like a guarantee of at least two kills. This is called RvR, or Risk vs Reward.

    I might be wrong with my statement, and if so, I need to know for in the future when I make my next map.

    I'll try to test out 4v4s on this this weekend, as well as some of my other maps, if your interested in playing, send me a PM.
  20. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    ok first off i just wanted to say wow! i really did not think this map would get over a 1000 views so thank you everyone on forgehub for checking out my map. sadly though, I am not planning on updating this map any longer because lets face it, no map is perfect. But still feel free to leave me feedback as it is always appreciated :)

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