Adrenaline, Help Wanted

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by xRage10, Nov 16, 2010.

  1. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    I've got a basic outline... scratch that. I've got a VERY basic outline of a map built on forge. I like the idea I have, but it isn't aesthetically pleasing AT ALL. I'd like some help of somewhat seasoned forgers to come on and help me, if you wouldn't mind, and help me make this map look way more beautiful than it currently is.

    Though I like what I have, I'm more than open to changes to the map. As much as I would like to keep the basic idea the same, I wouldn't be surprised if others found basic elemental flaws that I wouldn't have otherwise noticed.

    If you'd like to help, either respond here or join my forge map. The gamertag is xRage10, so just join in on my forge map and I'll explain everything currently done to you :)


    Here are some pics showing what the map basically is...


    Here is the basic overview of the map. Pretty much the teams start on both sides of the map and can either choose to go immediately up to the top floor, down to the bottom floor, or to the sides to take the long way up to the top with different angles for shooting people. The red circles are where, I feel, there is too much open room that needs to be taken up by something. Any additional comments and help are welcome.


    This is just a side view. As was with the last pic, the red circles are where I think it's too bland and needs something filling it up. To the far right side is somewhat of a "base" or building where the sniper tower will be on top. Room on bottom of it is empty, don't know what I'm going to do with it yet.

    EDIT 2:

    I've decided to go bigger. The bigger the better, right? Well I've spent about an hour this morning messing around with some things, such as the way the floor is constructed, walls, if I'm going to use any new pieces for pre-existing structures, etc. I have to say, I'm going to like the level being a lot bigger than it already was. It will give me a chance to reimagine the parts of the level I didn't currently like.


    Here is what I've got done so far in about an hour this morning. The red circle signifies what will be the entrance to a tunnel that will extend down below the level. It will come out on both sides of the map and house a power weapon. We'll see which when the time comes.

    Besides that, really not too much new. I took Titan's idea of making a bridge go across the middle of the level above the ground floor and have to like the idea. Deciding against using actual bridge pieces, although I might have to in the long run depending if I run out of building blocks or not. Also, as many of you can see, I've both widened the level and lengthened it. Now there will be much more room to create things and leave more ideas as possibilities. Besides that, there's nothing new. What you see in the picture is what I've accomplished in the first hour. I'm going to try to get more done before I head off to class but I'm not making any promises.
    #1 xRage10, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010
  2. Toiletlord

    Toiletlord Forerunner

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    Hi, I will definately help with the map whenever i get the chance, unfortunately im in english time so its a case of if im online, im online, and I will try and help out :)
  3. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I definitely like what you have here. As basic as it is, it's pretty solid. I'm running on a Silver account at the moment so I won't be able to help you in-game, but I'll see if I can't elaborate on some ideas here.

    On top of the middle platform, I would try making a bridge that arcs from where the red and blue teams spawn. I'm not sure how much space you have though. The end structure will create a raised bridge connecting Blue and Red sides, but there should be enough space beneath for players to cross under. Then maybe columns/structures of some sort by the corners. Here's a basic illustration of what I mean:


    As for the bottom floor - experiment with different block/structures and try to get something that flows together well. As vague as that is, I wouldn't suggest towers or anything that might get campy. Something with gravity-lifts up to the center platform might be nice too.

    Good luck with the map.
  4. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    I think I see what you mean. You're talking about going through UNDER the top middle structure, correct? Sort of like a middle level bridge? The only issue might be that there actually IS a middle structure on the bottom floor under the top middle platform. The issue is that I was going to have it where you walk up the ramp or down another. With the way it's currently built I think the middle bridge connecting the two sides might be overkill. If you hold on a second I'll upload a screenshot with the middle structure.

    And I quite like the idea of grav lifts going up towards the middle. Kind of reminds me of that level from Halo 3 that I can't seem to remember the name of :p

    I had originally thought of making the 4 corners of the level into 3 story towers, but then I thought that sniping in them might be too much of an advantage and the map would become completely unplayable. I like the ideas you've presented better.


    Here are some more pics of what I have...


    There's the current middle section. It's nothing stylish currently as that's just a basic that will be more complex in the final version of the map, but it houses the rocket launcher in the middle of the map. That's what's gonna make the middle bridge hard to make. My only idea is connecting the bridge to the top of the middle piece and have it connect over the rockets.


    Better view of the middle "base" or building where the sniper is. The top circle shows the sniping windows. Bottom circle shows the entrance to the bottom of the building. I'm thinking of expanding the building out, though, and making players have to go through the bottom level of the building to be able to get up to the top level. I don't like the way it's just open at both ends the way it is.


    What is currently the top section of the sniper building. Sniper is circled.


    The bottom level of the sniper building. Big red circle for a big open space xP
    #4 xRage10, Nov 16, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2010
  5. PowerSpartanl99

    PowerSpartanl99 Forerunner

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    Hey i would love to help you with this map. I do not have much expirience with MLG maps, but i consider myself to be an excellent asthetic forger. Just send me a friend request over LIVE (gt: PowerSpartanl99) and i will probably be able to help over the weekend.
  6. TitanC005

    TitanC005 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Are you thinking of "Construct"? If you maybe build a more expansive "middle level", you might be able to pull away with an awesome spiritual successor of sorts.
  7. xRage10

    xRage10 Forerunner

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    Yeah, it's Construct. I don't know, though. Ever since I started this I wanted to go bigger but with how far I am already in to the overall design of it already I'm not totally sure I'm going to want to. Who knows, though. I don't have class until 3pm tomorrow and could start working on something :p

    ... on the other hand, I expanded a middle bridge across the middle of the map connecting the two sides and it looked pretty good imo. With that, though, I didn't save, and as I attempted to expand the middle building, I ruined it completely since those "braces" holding up the middle section ruin the line of sight for the snipers. I might delete them, or maybe I will just make a bigger version of this map. We'll have to see.

    Edited by merge:

    Quick Update:

    I've decided to go bigger. The bigger the better, right? Well I've spent about an hour this morning messing around with some things, such as the way the floor is constructed, walls, if I'm going to use any new pieces for pre-existing structures, etc. I have to say, I'm going to like the level being a lot bigger than it already was. It will give me a chance to reimagine the parts of the level I didn't currently like.


    Here is what I've got done so far in about an hour this morning. The red circle signifies what will be the entrance to a tunnel that will extend down below the level. It will come out on both sides of the map and house a power weapon. We'll see which when the time comes.

    Besides that, really not too much new. I took Titan's idea of making a bridge go across the middle of the level above the ground floor and have to like the idea. Deciding against using actual bridge pieces, although I might have to in the long run depending if I run out of building blocks or not. Also, as many of you can see, I've both widened the level and lengthened it. Now there will be much more room to create things and leave more ideas as possibilities. Besides that, there's nothing new. What you see in the picture is what I've accomplished in the first hour. I'm going to try to get more done before I head off to class but I'm not making any promises.

    I'm also seriously considering making the "middle level" into a construct sort of idea, such as Titan suggested. Just the idea of it is kind of making my mouth salivate lol
    #7 xRage10, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010

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