Based off of the Halo 3 campaign mission, Crow's Nest's Motor Pool (right after arming the bomb and before re-arming bomb) I modified it little by little until it seemed a playable multiplayer map. For the most part, the only thing similar to the level is the main rooms with turrets. Windows spawn on top floor and are removed on symmetrical gameplay, along with a wall that blocks some movement to the upper floor. Sadly, I have lost my fast internet right now, so this isn't a up-to-date version on my file share, so some things are missing. Because of this, the map isn't ready for anything besides slayer The general picture is there though. Terund Weapons/Vehicles Spoiler 2x Spiker 1x Sniper Rilfe 1x Plasma Repeater 2x DMR 2x Assault Rifle 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Needle Rifle 2x Magnum 4x Plasma Grenade 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Needler 1x Shotgun 2x Mounted Machinegun 1x Ghost Pictures Spoiler Combat zones Spoiler Area(reflected on both sides) Area 2nd view Middle Top and Stairways Spoiler Blue spawn to the roof(blocked on asymmetrical gametypes) Blue stairway Red stairway Under red stairway Red spawn to the roof Aerial view Middle Bottom Spoiler Shotgun spawn Shotgun path Rocket entrance Rocket spawn Last entrance Action Shots Spoiler Action shot with ghost Action shot in combat zone Campaign Pictures Spoiler Video Spoiler YouTube - Terund - My First Forge 2.0 map I DON'T know why the audio is faster than the video, but it is irrelevant the end.
the pictures are blury so i cant tell what the maps like you should fix that. also i have to click loads just to seea picture
Your settings must be off then, the pictures load fine and aren't blurry enough to obscure the content. *** This map looks pretty good, I would be interested in helping playtest whenever you get back to having regular Internet. The pictures don't reveal much though (other than the first two).
Added the video a bit ago, I hope it enhances the preview and maybe I can get some ideas on if I need to change it or not. I still have not updated the playable gametypes, but I put up the wall and windows in the file share.
Fyi, action shots are gameplay shots... not you randomly shooting off in the distance with your (pistol) with nobody else visible. Just saiyan. XD its ok though, it looks fine, little bland but ok
Sorry! I just don't have any friends that really like halo. If I actually get a game going on it, I will be sure to use pictures from that instead.