Armor Abilities

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by SuperCoolHerb, Nov 1, 2010.

  1. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    **OK download link has been updated and so has the map. checkpoints have been added in the form of teleporters!

    *im currently working on an updated version with checkpoints and minor tweaks. when its done ill re-edit this with the download link. i also have some ideas for something new so look out for that :]

    A test of your use of the 4 major armor abilities (sprint, evade, armor lockUP, and jet pack). Fairly straightforward. With a little luck, some knowledge of forge(ie fixed vs
    normal), and some good timing you shouldn't have too much trouble. Good luck and have fun :]
    Any feedback is appreciated!




    #1 SuperCoolHerb, Nov 1, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  2. Volcom Guy992

    Volcom Guy992 Forerunner

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    I downloaded have yet to beat it cause I got to annoyed with the armor lock parts. The first part is fine, the second part I think I am cheating maybe. The second part where you have to armor lock on top of the coils I don't know how to destroy them so at the first part i wait for a second plasma and just use that, not sure if that's how it intended but its how i do it.

    Now the third part is really annoying. I say that because you have to be very quick with armor lock and have your timing on point. This wouldn't be bad if you had to do it maybe once or twice but 5 or 6 times. That's just annoying. That's where I decided I am not doing this anymore.

    Now if the spawn timer on those coils were maybe 2 seconds rather then one I would like it much better and actually try and finish. That or if you had some checkpoints. Checkpoints are always good in obstacle/puzzle maps.
  3. Arlight

    Arlight Forerunner

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    Yeah, I played up until the second armor lock part and quite because I couldn't figure out what to do! But yeah, fun map, just make checkpoints.
  4. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
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    how would u set up checkpoints? respawn points? or a respawn zone combined with respawn points? if u time it right u can actually skip 2 fusion coils at a time in the third armor lock part.

    how would u set up checkpoints? respawn points? or a respawn zone combined with respawn points? if u time it right u can actually skip 2 fusion coils at a time in the third armor lock part.

    Edited by merge:

    the second armor lock part can be done with the plasma grenade but its not quite how i intended it(lol more difficult than that =P). i think ur right about the third part. it is a bit excessive but a 2 second timer is too long if u only pass one at a time. also how do i set up checkpoints? btw thanks for downloading and giving it a chance everyone. much appreciated
    #4 SuperCoolHerb, Nov 2, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  5. TheFretgod

    TheFretgod Forerunner

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    You have to wait for the grenade to respawn before you go through the wall of fusion coils. This way you have 2 grenades

    Edited by merge:

    To the creator: love the map! Needs checkpoints. The part with the fusion coils where you have to shoot them and armor lock is excessive, and the gap where you throw the flag should be a little bigger. Otherwise great use of abilities. I think I was most impressed with the evade part.
    #5 TheFretgod, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010
  6. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
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    u dont need a second grenade to make it through the second set of fusion coils, just the flag and good timing. =D

    how far did u get? and how do i go about setting up checkpoints?
    #6 SuperCoolHerb, Nov 3, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2010
  7. Twilighttail

    Twilighttail Forerunner
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    An easy way to set up checkpoints is with teleporters and just blocking off the exit point with a fusion coil. Once you get there, you blow it up and bam, take the tele there. Simple, just make sure you can't shoot it from far away.
  8. Bibby001

    Bibby001 Forerunner

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    Do you carry a flag around throughout the map? I've always wanted to create a map where you have to carry something around and solve puzzles while getting this item from point A to point B but I'm too lazy to begin something like this.
  9. Twilighttail

    Twilighttail Forerunner
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    Yeah, you carry the flag from one end to the other.

    To the OP, I actually modded the map a little and added in some easy checkpoints. Just block off the exit with a movable item, and make sure you can't jump at the entrance one.
  10. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    I made a map called "the great escape" where u have to carry a flag from one end to the other but 2 people are required. Its in my fileshare if intereested but its not yet complete. I might download this to see if theres any thing i can copy lol cos sounds similar to mine
  11. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
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    yes u do hafta carry the flag thru the whole map. and thanx twilighttail for the info on checkpoints. lol smokemonster

    Edited by merge:

    so im working on a second version with checkpoints. its almost finished, i just need to tweak a few things so when im done ill post the link to the updated version.
    #11 SuperCoolHerb, Nov 21, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2010
  12. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    Im liking this map so far. Up to the sprint section and keep falling off the cliff under the coloseum. Definately would like a few checkpoints

    Edit: lol I was actually not playing the right map. Was playing someones elses which just happened to have the same name. Now I'll go download the correct one
    #12 Smokemonster, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  13. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    so i updated the link to the map. it has checkpoints so it should be less annoying when u die. enjoy and lemme know wat u think when u finish it :]
  14. Smokemonster

    Smokemonster Forerunner

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    I just completed your map after dying about 100 times. I quite enjoyed this one up until the jetpack section which while certainly challenging, it was also extremely frustrating and not very intuitive. For example, the bit where you need to jetpack over the landmine was quite difficult and easy to stuff up, so I thought it might have been better placed at the beginning of the jetpack section or removed entirely. I also lol'd when I saw the checkpoints as I think they may have been a little rushed. Something else whick confused me was the gametype u used.. Im not sure what the purpose of the flag is as it doesnt hinder your movements or affect gameplay in any way. I would recommend changing the gametype to something like invasion or king of the hill and scrap the flag altogether. anyway sorry to nit pick but if u want help with the checkpoints let me know
    #14 Smokemonster, Nov 27, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2010
  15. SuperCoolHerb

    SuperCoolHerb Forerunner
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    well u use the flag for the second armor lock part. i thought i tweaked the grenade spawn time and the fusion coils in part 1. watever. and i didnt want to use fusion coils in the teleporters because id need to give the player a gun and that would give them too much ammo for armor lock part 2 so i thought just meleeing the boxes worked a lil better. thx for feedback. and the mine in the jet pack part was quite evil of me :D u cant fly thru the center. u gotta go thru the left or the right side. i usually go thru the right out of habit

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