Complexity I've made this map mostly for oddball, you can play team slayer if you so choose to Long story short this map took about a total of 5-6 hours of work, its a competitive, confusing, map. There are two teams, to win one team must hold the oddball for as long as possible...I don't like describing my map over writing so here are some pictures! View from red base
This map looks really fun. The whole purple light theme just seems to make it slide into a Halo game seamlessly. I like the ledges and the wedge shape. And, you may have inspired me. Many thanks.
Your welcome, yes I was trying to get this to look more like a halo map. Considering the objects they give us are just weird and not related to the 'halo' theme ya know? Well any way I'm glad you enjoy the map's design, I was really going for the wedge shape to be a success and turns out it is FYI if you fall into the bottom of the wedge you will die
The map looks very original. You could make a second game mode featuring gravity hammers since this is a closed map.
Very original, what does that really mean? Good or Bad? And yes you could this yourself my editing the game type from needlers to gravity hammers.
I disagree. I think it looks like a pretty close clone of the famed and loved "Pennyless" by Deathtoll and idiotninja.
Thank You!! This is the exact map I got this map's idea from. I didn't want to say this because I forgot the maps name and creator. So in the end i was influenced to make a map like this from Deathtoll and idotinija.