Call of Duty: Black Ops discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Combat P3nguin, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My friend told me that the graphics arent as good as they could be because the game is one of the first 3d games on the xbox (3d as in like jackass in 3d) and I kinda noticed it on some multiplayer levels, but not so much, is he just bullshitting me?

    btw, broken spawn system sucks uber bad. zombies is more fun IMO than world at war and combat training should be available offline.
  2. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    **** Black Ops.
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Black OPs so far, for me, has been worse. The maps are more camp friendly with few long range engagements, so sniping pretty much sucks ass, unless you sit in a tower waiting for another player to go in their tower with towers having little to no advantage over the map. The game play pretty much revolves around bad spawns. I was loling, especially on domination when each team would spawn near each others' capture points. Personally, I liked the weapons better. They looked nicer and I had an easier time siting people. There's a little less badassery and more sitting somewhere in the map with your thumb up your ass sitting in a well traveled location. You can get a good streak going by roaming the neutral areas of the map. The controls are a little slow when looking left and right, which is the most important aspect to the game and they failed at it. You have to up the sensitivity to compensate for it, but it throws off vertical aiming. Graphics are worse, so players blend into the environment a little more, so it's harder to aim at a distance.

    The theater and file share system are a complete rip-off. I've seen decals, camo, and even the torque-bow in other games. Nothing outstanding or original.

    Pretty-much if you like this game and believe it's good, you're a dumb ass. I uploaded a vid to my share that just shows how dumb the spawn system is.

    I'll try zombies and campaign some time, but the multiplayer is worse than in MW2 and it had nube tubes.
  4. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Exactly, Multiplayer is worse overall in this one, and that is the biggest part of the CoD series by far. Wager matches are a great fun addition, but the mainstream multiplayer has taken baby steps forward (removing shotty/smgs as secondaries, less noob tubes, and slightly better perks) but has taken major steps back with spawning, and I for one hate the CoD points system a ton.

    Campaign has an awesome story this time around, kinda a brain twister, and really fun to play through for the second time around when you can see everything knowing the end (like if you've ever watched the movie watchmen twice, and see roarshack)

    Zombies is awesome as before, Five dialogue is hillarious, but I just can't get used to the layout of it, so I only play the cinema one for now.

    Side note, in sticks and stones I wish that knife kills were only worth 10 and tomahawk kills were worth 25, because knife kills are just way too easy to get, I'm tired of people just running around knifing everyone.
  5. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    the only thing IMO to move forward is the game TIMELINE itself. i never really liked the old CoD's as much because of the WWII era. I mean i like history and all, but its 2010 (2007 for duty4) and i like the fast pace action (H3) and awesome guns our generation has to offer! so to me cod4 is more relevant and therefore more interesting....MW2 you cant go wrong with that either (besides F'in tubes)

    so as you can see to me the WWII to games are dying b/c todays generation is much more interested in the day-to-day conflicts and not so much the past!

    i mean check out the past few years of Era chainging titles...

    Call of Duty 4 - modernwarefare - 14.4 million copies sold
    Call of duty WAW: "almost" 15 million copies sold (thanks to Shatakai)
    Call of duty Modern warefare 2 - $310 million first 24HOURS. 20 million copies as of 5-15-2010
    MoH - 1.5 million in five days, although this game was absoulute ****! i sold my game back to gamestop the next day...i lost $15 in value :( great idea MoH taking it to iraq, but it needed another year or so to really polish off the bugs...
    Call of duty: Black Ops - $360 million first 24HOURS...not sure how many copies yet!

    it is my personaly belief that BLOPS sold so much so far, beacuse of MW2. people assume that beacuse of the name i will be getting the SAME GAME, but 10TIMES better b/c its NEW! im not bashing BLOPS i just think they got tunnel vision on setting a record in sales and forgot to make a game to go with it!
    but my overall point here is that, like i said, we all love a good up-to-date shooter that puts us into the real world drama, even if were not there!

    qoute "Let's break down the numbers. Modern Warfare 2 sold 4.7 million copies in the first 24 hours, earning $310 million. Those sales figures only count North America and the UK. Worldwide figures will roll in soon, snowballing well beyond the $155 million that box-office record-breaker "The Dark Knight" raked in during its opening weekend." /qoute

    ^ Modern Warfare 2 sales nuke all previous records -

    quote "With $360 million launch-day sales the latest version of the popular franchise easily beat its predecessor and previous record-holder, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2," which racked up $310 million in day-one sales, publisher Activision Publishing said Thursday. The sales figures for both games are for North America and the United Kingdom only. " /quote

    ^ 'Call Of Duty: Black Ops' Shatters Sales Record -- InformationWeek

    halo 3 sales! 10 million (still the best game EVER)
    ^ Halo 3 sells 10 million copies worldwide - gamrFeed

    Halo: Reach $200million on luanch day
    ^ Microsoft's 'Halo:Reach' Launch-Day Sales Total $200 Million - DailyFinance
    #105 schleb, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  6. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I was considering renting BLOPS, but after reading all these comments, I feel as if the game is complete crap and I shouldn't even waste my time.
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    hold on there cowboy, i hope you did not just claim that halo 3 is a fast paced shooter...
  8. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Black Ops is to MW2 as Reach is to Halo 3.
  9. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    You guys can really stop railing on Black ops now. If you hate it go rant about it in the chatbox or something. There are a lot of people (including me) that really enjoy the game. I'm level 40 and the only reasons I've gotten pissed are because I'm a dumb ass and can't shoot straight. soo...relax and enjoy the little things.

    On another note, the MPL (is that the right name?) is a pretty dominant smg. It reminds me A LOT of the PPsh from WaW.

    #109 Spawn of Saltine, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Tz, I mean this in absolutely no bad way at all, but it seems as if a WALL of fanboyism has hit this thread. The games bad points are being exaggerated to such an extreme, and although these are peoples opinions, some of the small problems are being so badly put out of context.

    The game is pretty good. Ive only put a small amount of time into the Multiplayer, so Ill mention that last.

    The campaign is fantastic. The graphics are pretty good, but there were a couple of framerate drops here and there, but every game gets that. The story is great and the campaign missions have a nice variety to them, although I didnt love the games ending, the story telling is incredibly well done.

    The Zombies mode is much better than it used to be. The guns, gameplay feel and maps have been hugely improved. There isnt much else to say except that its pretty addictive with friend.

    The Multiplayer is fantastic. I loved Modern Warfare 2 for the few months before the community went sour and the hacking and **** began. And I adore this. The gameplay is great. The spawning issues can be SLIGHTLY problematic at times, but they have been exaggerated too much here. They arent that bad, and its pretty rare youll run into a spawn trap, although they did happen to me once or twice over the 40 or so matches I played. The guns are great and the Customization system is FANTASTIC. The maps are pretty good too.
    With the maps, I found I felt the same way about some maps as I did in COD 4, 5 and 6. The majority I though were decent. There were 2 maps I destroyed everyone on and there was 1 map I despised. And even on that one map, I had fun.

    If you have second thoughts about buying, give it a rent. Its MUCH better than WaW, COD 4 and MW2. Much better. I adore the game. I didnt buy it myself, I just rented it and got a lend off a friend, but seriously, the games worth the buy. But as I said, give it a rent if you are having second thoughts.
  11. Mischgasm

    Mischgasm Ancient
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    I love black ops. Haters gonna hate. Tran, I wouldn't listen to these people, try it for yourself, I don't know why they think Black Ops is so bad. Black Ops is really good, as has been pretty much every multi-player fps I've ever played. It offers it's own unique features and has it's own unique gameplay. whether you like it or not is completely an opinion, and if you try and tell me popular opinion is it's bad, it's not because this thread is not the popular opinion, it's sales and reviews are.

    I for one, am really enjoying **** zombies. They pretty much perfected it now. Last night I got to round 20 with my friends and it was ****ing amazing. One flaw right now is if you have a party of four or more, it gets really hard to get put into a match. I assume that they will patch/fix that soon. The snipers are almost useless now. It is really difficult to snipe, and if you get kills with it, it's more of a right time, right place kind of thing. The spawns are problematic on a few select maps when you are playing ground war or free for all. I've had it happen to my a couple times where I spawn, run forward for 5 or 6 seconds, then I die because somebody spawned behind me in free for all on Nuke Town. Nuke Town is pretty much the new rust, it's a really small map. I have a love hate relationship with it. When you are doing good, it's really ****ing fun. When you are doing bad, you are usually getting raped. This game is dominated by assault rifles and the MP5 and the AK74u which is are sub machine guns that are great if you traverse the map correctly. The maps are close to medium range lines of sight for the most part. There are a few long ones, but it's obvious they tried to keep the majority small to medium except when creating a risk to go into an area of the map. COD points are pretty fun, and there is always stuff to spend it on. Spending a lot of COD points on something is really satisfying. Getting Pro Perks is actually a challenge now that you have to work towards. There is usually an easy, a medium, and a tough challenge required. Once you complete all the challenges for a perk, you can buy the pro version. The new map vote system is pretty kickass. If you liked the map you just played on, you can vote for that map. If you want to play on the next random map you can vote for that map, and if you don't like either of them, you can vote for random, and it will pick a completely random map.

    I wrote that pretty quickly with whatever popped into my head, but that should give you an idea. I like black ops. I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws, but were you honestly expecting a perfect game? Halo is far from perfect, I assume that's what you are comparing it to. Halo Reach has **** maps right now haha. I only play halo for customs and forge. Halo 3 was a much better game than Halo Reach, but for some reason, we're not discussing that on this forum. Now stop bitching about black ops, if you don't like it, then you have nothing to discuss.

    Haters gonna hate, yo.

    Also, campaign is really good, I forgot to include that because I don't think you should judge a multi-player game on it's campaign. The ending is kind of a mind****, but if you see endings before they happen in movies a lot, you may figure it out before it tells you.
    #111 Mischgasm, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  12. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    yes i did, but i dont want to throw this thread off topic from BLOPS so ill give you a reason why i used that example...

    1 - H3 you could take on the world if wanted too. CoD games are the same, but if your on a 2v1 battle you prolly go 1-for-1.
    2 - 75-90% H3 doubles that ive played will end with someone getting 25 kills, H:R dubs, not so much maybe 65-75%
    3 - lol i didnt know what other game that is relevant to compare, maybe unreal tournament, but not a lot of people play that...

    so back to BLOPS! (zombies is fun, yes)
  13. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Haters gonna be right, this time.

    The real Multiplayer Experience:

    The controls aren't as 'tight' as the last series of CoD games and the graphics are sub par in comparison to them. I wouldn't say the gameplay is unique at all. It's very much the same narrow, tight, corridor shooter that it has always been. Basically, you want to camp the enemies' spawn hive to rack up the on the kills. CoD points are a complete rip off from Halo, so pick whatever game you like as far as personal customization. You can make your own emblem, which is cool, but most people prefer making penises. Personally, Halo's armory offer's cooler armor permutations than Cod's does, but whatevs.

    Whoever was downplaying spawns is a complete moron on that note. Bad spawns happen every game and in a variety of ways. There's poor objective spawning in domination where you can spawn near the other team's capture points even when the other team isn't spawn trapping you. There's bad spawns where you can spawn in the exact same spawn point you just died on a couple times in a row. There's whole bad team hives where teams will spawn and be within several yards of each other. You can even spawn in front of people's tac inserts right when they spawn too! The whole competitive mechanic to winning is setting up in a highly defensible position and spawn trapping the other team and if you're feeling brave you can roam through the other teams spawn hive and rack up on the kills on freshly spawned players.

    Haven't played campaign, but I mean that's probably several hours of enjoyment then what? CoD is for the multiplayer and if you're dishing out $60 for 4-6 hours of gameplay then LOL.

    Zombies is kinda cool. I never made it that far, only like round 8 or 9. I never really felt compelled to put any effort into playing it. Once or twice I just ran around attracting zombies towards my teammates for my own amusement.

    I've only had one moment so far that I highly enjoyed. I threw a smoke grenade into a room and emptied a mag into a guy and killed him, I started to reload and see two more guys emerge through the smoke. I tomahawked one guy and dove for cover siwtched to my pistol and popped a few rounds off, charged through the smoke and shot the guy in the head. It was a rush and it has been the only fun moment I've had. I've had plenty of streaks, but those have only come through camping. Most engagements are just really boring.

    Tz, don't listen to these guys. Listen to your friends. It's the same game, same style of game play, but with less quality. Treyarch is certainly more creative and pretty good at ripping stuff from other games, but Infinity Ward did it best. MW2 is better, CoD 4 is immensely better, and I still feel at times like I want to play it and it has nube tubes and the nuke. It plays better than Blops does. I'm done with Blops, no desire in the world to play it. There's no competitive factor to it.


    Halo 3 is a faster paced competitive game than CoD.
    #113 rusty eagle, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  14. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    That statistic is way off. The game sold almost 15 million.
  15. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    like i said i couldn't find the exact number to date... i just quick googled every thing. thanks i will edit that. That didnt seem right to me either.

    side note: thanks Rusty for backing H3! :)
  16. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Has anyone taken into account that the game hasn't been released for a full-week yet? Or am I just stupid?
  17. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    despite the negative things ive said about the game,
    i still think its decent enough to warrant a rental.
  18. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    This game sounds like a party, eh?

    reznov dies and you're brainwashed
  19. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    The gun graphics are definitely a downgrade from mw2.

    M16 black ops

    M16 MW2

    Even CoD 4's M16 looks better.
  20. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    false. the art style is different for some weapons, but in no way does that mean the graphics are worse. That is a vietnam-era m16, of course its not going to look the same and be as "fancy", for lack of a better word, as the m16 in modern warfare.
    those graphics look good to me.

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