Call of Duty: Black Ops discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Combat P3nguin, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    except im standing still...
    and using ninja pro.
    #81 Wood Wonk, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  2. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Yeah, I can't seem to hear people footsteps either, like at all.

    Also spawns are pretty broke, I will spawn like 10 feet from where I died, which is wierd.

    Also starting weapons pretty much blow, and it takes forever to get out of the first few levels ditch, because you have to buy everything, so intially there is absoluetly 0 cutomization, whereas in previous game you had a pretty decent selection from the beginning. I'm not playing regular MM anymore because of this, and the fact that I can NEVER win, I've played like 20 games (in mercenary team DM) and I think I might have won 1, so I have concluded that they just dont want me to play matchmaking.

    But on the other hand I am addicted to wager matches, they are so fun, and everyone is on the same page, and you're not at a disadvantage just because you haven't played the game as long as everyone else. My new personal favorite is sticks and stones, because of the crazy fun everchanging gameplay (no full auto helps alot :D ), and gun game is a great way to remember my times playing it on CS.
  3. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    yea thats the other thing i try to footsteps sound like the countdown to the nuke in MW2! louuuddd. and i can seem to hear my teammates footsteps just fine, especially when the run. sounds like a scurrying mouse...tap, tap, tap....tap, tap! very funny. but as far as the other teams footsteps thats a no go...

    plus its the same when im getting shot (and its hitting me) its tough to hear/see until its almost too late and im behind in shots. i just think there needs to be a little tweak in the sound effects...thats all
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i just prestiged yesterday, and i got to level 22 without buying almost anything except the enfield and a supressor, both of which i could buy after one game. And i mostly just used the default classes. And still kept up a 2.0 K/D, and being at the top of my team almost every game, and winning almost every game. So no, the starting weapons do not blow. its the player, not the weapons.
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    But the enfield is ****ing lethal. So is the m16, which is a default class weapon. However the MP5k is pretty wack without some customization.
  6. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I'm actually starting to get used to sniping and the AUG is my favorite weapon so far.
  7. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    played this game for a couple hours last night and i need to rant about it.

    honestly, this is the worst COD i have played.

    graphics are not bad, as someone was saying. they are just... bland.
    they dont seem to be any improvement at all over MW2, which is disappointing to me
    because ive always looked at COD for top notch graphics.

    the new customization system and options are admittedly pretty damn cool.
    i was huge fan of MW2, but i love how they changed everything so far.

    the gameplay is more balanced only in terms of damage being dealt by guns.
    the rest was TERRIBLE.

    i played for about 3 hours, so this wasnt some random fluke:
    in MULTIPLE games over mutiple game modes,
    i would be getting spawn killed over and over.

    Now, the spawn system has always been easy to take advantage of in COD.
    its part of the game to understand and know the system so you can predict where the
    enemy team is spawning and will be approaching your position from.
    if you were on a good team of experienced players, you've always been able to control the map's spawns
    by staying in certain areas to force them to spawn where you want.

    BUT, in Black Ops, i was literally spawning in the exact same area, as an enemy player just sat there shooting me every single time i appeared. i had 37 deaths.

    if it was MW2, i would say to me "well, you suck and you arent doing it right."
    but for this, there is no excuse.

    in other games and other modes, more terrible spawning was noticed.
    many times i had a player literally spawn in front of me. and i dont mean 15 feet away.
    i mean directly in front of me, i was shooting at someone else, and suddenly another player appears in the trajectory of the bullets, just spawned, and dies.

    also, many times i would spawn, advance a little bit, only to have the next player spawn directly behind me.

    MW2 did not have spawns this bad. even WAW had better spawns than this.
    i dont understand how anyone can call it "balanced" its the most unbalanced and terrible COD ive played yet.

    true, there are a ton of new features and small things to hook us in and get us addicted again
    but with gameplay this frustrating and broken, i cant see myself playing this game much again,
    and definitely not purchasing it.

    the thing that frustrates me most is that they just churn this crap out
    just to rip off all the morons who dont know **** about games and just go
    "grunt grunt dur hur new call of duty ugghhhh"
    they knew damn well all of them would buy a broken game.

    bungie didnt ship a broken game. and if they did, they'd have patched it already.
  8. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    People seem to be complaining about spawns, but i havnt noticed a ton of horiible spawns. no more than in previous cod games.

    I only need to know one thing about a game: is it fun? and yes, i think blops is hella fun, so its worth a buy from me.

    and i really dont care that they churn out a new game every year because
    1. its a business, theyre just trying to make as much money as possible, which is the goal of any business and
    2. not to sound conceited, but 60 bones really isnt a lot of money to me, im perfectly willing to shell out $60 for a fresh new cod game every year. you gotta stimulate the economy.

    So if im buying a "broken" game, then so be it, cause im having a ton of fun playing that broken game with my friends.
  9. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    The game really is an unmitigated failure right?

    Their design philosophy must have been something like "Lets make a re-skinned WAW, only with a few gimmicky customisation options", and the maps (which are insanely important to gameplay) are flat and boring.
  10. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Wood Wonk, im not telling you to not enjoy it.

    60$ is nothing to me as well, its the principle of the thing that matters to me,
    and its like what chrispthrnbrnrbrbrnbrrbnrnnnnnnnn was saying earlier in the thread,
    i dont want to give my money to this shitty company.

    my point is that if more people would think about what they're buying instead of going
    "herpaderp new COD omg buy buy buy"
    then maybe companies would learn that they have to put effort and time into making a good game
    instead of just churning out the same crap and making billions.

    im not saying YOU are one of these people.
    but i think the majority of COD players are,
    and i'd be willing to bet the majority of them dont even know its a different developer.
  11. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Holy-****in-Amen Titmar.

    I will probably get this game when it's only 20$ but that's for Zombies mode.
    And until then WAW's **** Zombies will suffice nicely.
  12. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Just finished the Campaign, and I'd have to say it's the second best CoD campaign, right behind CoD4.
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Thing is though, this game will never be $20. Activison is far too greedy to ever drop the price of their games. In fact, over the life span CoD4, WaW, MW2, those games actually increased five dollars (well not MW2, it launched at an increased price).

    It's like Titmar said, as long as people getting wasting their money on this garbage, Activision can keep giving you garbage. Infinity Ward is dead and gone and there will never be another CoD4. My hope is that the subscription fee will come in on the next CoD and destroy the series.
  14. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    All I like is campaign, sticks & stones, and zombies.
  15. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    +1, spawn system is far too broken to play other stuff alot. And Gun Game needs a curved weapon setup, not the steps that they have now. Like I mean when you upgrade from dual pistols to shotgun its far more of a step than a curve, like it should be.
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Yea in my opinion this game is nothing past a breath of fresh air.

    Titmar was pretty spot on. On top of that theyr ****ing morons for slowing down the scope zoom. MW2 is better.

    I have been spawn camped on SnD, demolition, domination, deathmatch, ctf..
  17. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    You can't spawn camp in search and destroy ;)

    In all honesty though, I have not been spawn camped except for one game of domination on Jungle. Sure I have had my share of bad spawns but that exists in every game.
  18. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Dude the game is pretty bad. You've gotta admit it. The only reason people like the game is because it's easy.

    It's still a campfest.

    It's still spawn killing, though with less nube tubes.

    The graphics are worse.

    Honestly...the only reason I play it is to play with my friends who are so bad at Halo they need to play CoD.
  19. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Well, my curiosity peaked and I ended up buying the game... Assassins Creed Brotherhood will just have to wait till December I guess. Halfway through campaign right now. It's not a bad game, a massive improvement over MW2 IMO which is good, I enjoy most of the maps but have found a new hate for ground wars. I did notice a fair amount of spawn killing, especially on Nuke Town. I have yet to play zombies but it should be good.

    Still, I think I'll be keeping this game for longer than I did MW2 and will probably play this every once in a while to take a break from Reach.

    Oh yeah, and RC's are ****ing annoying.
    #99 Rifte, Nov 15, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  20. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I got WAW about 2 months ago for 10$

    And me even talking about ever owning Black Ops ever is a big step up from MW2 where I had no desire to ever own that game ever.

    I've never particularly liked the COD series especially since I felt it sold out after COD 4 and they simply started rehashing their old **** and in most cases for the worst. This being said, MW2 was the epitome of awful and I'm glad to say that at least Black Ops was just a little better than it predecessor, IMO of course.

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