Duck Hunt: Escape First thing's first; Even if you hate duck hunt, give this variation of it a shot. Like many others, I felt that duck hunt was a fun and casual concept for a mini-game but I got bored of the how 2D and linear things felt with most duck hunt maps. I wanted to make a duck hunt that offered options to the ducks and made it an overall more fun experience. This is also my first map so I would greatly appreciate some feedback. My main objective was to provide the ducks with multiple options when running towards their goal and create the most balanced game of duck hunt I could make. Whenever it may seem like a duck is cornered by the sniper, 90% of the time, there's an alternate way to do it that may catch the sniper off guard. There are two symmetrical paths (left or right) that the ducks start on in the beginning so that the sniper can't camp the first open spot and just kill everyone right at the beginning of a round, no matter how good he/she is. Over the testing phases, I noticed some players like to be really cautious and take the smartest possible path while taking their time and other players like to rush through and push their luck in hopes that they'll beat everyone to the sniper. For that, I created a balanced route for both types of players. Balanced players can make a right for a more covered route with higher chances of making it to the end; albeit significantly longer than the other path. Players who like taking a risk and need to quench their duck-instinct thirst for revenge on the hunter can make a left into a set of carefully placed man-cannons in completely open space that will get them to the finish line in a matter of seconds if their luck serves them right. Sweet revenge! Of course credit needs to be given where it's due so I would like to thank BiancaPanka, joshmosborne, and BabyLoveTibs4L for helping me test out this map. I would also like to give credit to KN1G4T PACO for the original duck hunt game type. I slightly modified his game type to save myself some time. Be sure to check out his maps. Extra Info: -Feel free to change the number of starting infected depending on the party size. The default is 1 infected. There can be up to 3 infected at the start or as little as 1 infected and 15 ducks. -The sniper can be shot and killed with the magnum while they're distracted but it isn't exactly easy. -Trying to skip sections will get you killed by a hard kill boundary (in most cases). -Be on the look out for hidden armor abilities! NOTE: The original author of both the map and the gametype are listed under joshmosborne. He is my roommate and I made this map before I even had a gamertag. If you have any suspicion of me stealing the map, feel free to send him a message for confirmation.
This looks like a great map, but i think there is a problem in it. Did you ever killed the sniper? And did the round go over? probably not, because this is a glitch in reach. A new round will only start if: 1. sombody reached the score limit 2. the time limits got reached 3. If there is only 1 player alive 4. or if everybody is in the same team This only works for 1 live games. if one of the 3 rules happens a new round will start. and 1 of those rules must happen in every situation. This means you have to switch the sides of humans and zombies, make the sniper a human and the ducks zombies. and set the zombie count to 15. If you don't believe me just try to kill the zombie for once, and the new round will never start.
I've actually never run into this problem. It's part of the reason I decided to use KN1G4T PACO's game type to begin with. All credit goes to him. I'm not really sure what he did to make it work but I picked his game type because his duck hunt map actually worked properly. Give it a try and see if I'm wrong and missed something per chance. During all the testing I've done we've never run into that problem. You can kill the sniper with all the ducks left on the playing field and the round WILL end once the sniper has been killed. The game also ends when all ducks are killed.
I have seen the gametype, and the glitch I'm talking about isn't solved in it. The reason the rounds end was because the last man standing killed the zombie, this means that there is 1 player alive, however if there are 2 or more players who get to the end the round doesn't end. So you have to change the sides, or otherwise some problems could happen.
I don't know.. Did you actually play the game type on my map? There was plenty of scenarios during testing in which one person managed to beat the other ducks to the end and killed the hunter and ended the match while other ducks were still running. I'll do some more testing again with different number of ducks alive when the hunter gets killed. Has anyone else actually played this map with friends? Anyone have some feedback on my forging abilities? What could've been improved?
I would like to test this map, but i have no friends who play halo reach. And you can try to see if it's fixed with 3 people, so if you have extra controllers you could make some guests and test it out.