300 dead cats in man's freezer

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Chipsinabox, May 6, 2008.

  1. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have posted this in the general chat, instead of off topic, because
    I don't want posts that consist of "ZOMG wtf roflcopter that guy
    iz kewl lawl
    ". I want your true feelings toward this, I want civilized
    discussion about this mentally ill person.


    "A Sacramento man was arrested Saturday after
    authorities found more than 300 cats and kittens stacked inside freezers
    in the man's home.

    Officers were called out to the house on the 7400 block of 19th St.
    around 8:30 a.m. Saturday after a call to 911 was disconnected,
    according to Sacramento Police Sgt. Jim Hose.

    Hose said Michael Parnell, 46, initially refused to allow officers
    inside his home. Fearing for the safety of Parnell's 81-year-old
    mother inside, officers entered to discover a horrible stench, a large
    number of live cats and unsafe conditions in the house.

    Upon further investigation, Hose said officers found three large
    freezers filled with hundreds of dead cats and kittens. Investigators
    were working to determine why the man was saving the carcasses
    and if there was any cruelty involved.

    Parnell, who also goes by the name of Michael Vondueren, was arrested
    and booked into the Sacramento County Jail on a felony charge of possessing an
    assault weapon as well as a misdemeanor count of
    obstructing an officer.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    If investigators determine Parnell was involved in the deaths of the cats
    he could face additional criminal charges, Hose said.

    Sacramento Adult Protective Services officials were also called out to
    the scene. It's unclear where the elderly woman was taken, but the
    house was sealed shut by order of a city building inspector.

    "Every so often, if they wouldn't clean or something, there was a smell,
    an odor that just reeks on the street," neighbor Marquita Trotter said.
    "I was afraid to have a party here and have family come over."

    Sacramento City Animal Care Services senior officer Pete Alarcon
    said about 20 live cats were taken from the home by animal control
    personnel. The surviving animals were being examined by a veterinarian.

    "It's unusual that such a big number of animals be kept in the one residence," Alarcon said."

    + Reference +

    Please tell me what you make of this, because this really blew me away.
    #1 Chipsinabox, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  2. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    I know you posted this here because you want opinions on the subject, but it is so disturbing, I don't think you should have posted it. It is depressing, and even though it is in general chat, I don't think this topic is right for forge hub, just my opinion though
  3. Phishman631

    Phishman631 Ancient
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    dang thats pretty messed up
    i hope they find out if he did killed the cats or not
    im hoping he didnt though because that would just be sick
  4. Xenomorph52

    Xenomorph52 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ZOMG wtf roflcopter that guy iz kewl lawl
    lol jkjk i like cats 2
    wanna see

    lol he thinks hes people

    And break for laughter.

    Yeah, that's pretty messed up. I always kind of cringe when I come across stories like these, assuming I'm not being an ass. Even if the guy didn't have all his marbles I don't understand how someone can harm an animal like that, let alone 300 plus.
    #4 Xenomorph52, May 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 6, 2008
  5. darkmuse19

    darkmuse19 Ancient
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    thats very creepy and disgusting. why would he have killed all those cats let alone keep them in his freezer. that is just awful
  6. Penguinish

    Penguinish Ancient
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    whilest reading this, the only thing i could think of was when old man herbert from family guy asked chris if he wanted some Popsicles in a freezer down in his basement.

    Simply put, the guy wanted popcicles, so bad, he killed a kitten, and then another, soon he was wasit deep in his own mistake, that mayor kittytens sent officer meow meow to the mans house to inspect, soon, the man had to kill every cat he sees just to protect him self, agiasnt the kitten onslaught.

    Wait where am i going with this? Oh yea, thats messed up, but i belive its not the first time the news reported dead animals in a freezer. Hell i got 5 dead cows in my freezer. Who wants hamburgers?
  7. halolover4549

    halolover4549 Ancient
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    that guy is crazy
  8. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    It might be part of the man's nostalgia, or his refusal to accept the death of the cats. He clearly didn't take care of them while they were alive though. I saw a national geographic special where this woman had all of her pets preserved and stuffed as part of a religious belief. It could have been something like that, only sicker.
  9. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
    Senior Member

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    cats .... are awesome.

    god thats gross.
  10. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
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    that was just really disturbing. i'm glad they didn't show any pictures of the cats.
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    wow thats real nasty and sad. why would he do such a thing.
  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Wow. That is quite disturbing. Personally, I've never hurt any animals, and I don't think I could. Sure I swat my cat every once in a while, when he's being bad, but I don't think I really hurt him. I hope he gets what he deserves. I love animals...
  13. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    I have a cat of my own, now I won't to strangle that man...
  14. DrawingMan

    DrawingMan Ancient
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    maybe he just happens to like cold *****? :D

    .....but seriously though. Im guessing he wasnt right in the head there. It takes a certain kind of human heart to do these kinds of things, you know?
  15. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    how sad......what a creep. it was prolly the mother who did it though :p
  16. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like, lol!

    On a lighter note, my friend found a stray kitten at our school, and she adopted it. Schweet!
  17. the other dark

    the other dark Ancient
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    Anyone who has more than 5 cats freak me out. Anymore than that just seems too much.
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    It reminds me of that girl who lost her dog, and one day she found a present from some random person. It had batteries on top and a note, I think it said enjoy or something. She opened it and it had her dog's head cut off in it =/

    Sick people out there
  19. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Anyone who does that should have their head cut off and shipped back to them. Don't ask me how that would work.
  20. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Although I hate cats (they're only good for funny pics) this is pretty weird. No its really weird. Im kinda lost for words on how to describe this, I have a suggestion in the form of a pic to ensure safety from this guy. Cats, listen up, when you see that guy.....

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