Double Credit Weekend?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Megadoug, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    Although I don't think they should, if they do, I expect them to have their fist dub xp right after DLC release and make it DLC only for a bit, because thats what they do.
  2. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Gave me a idea!

    Instead of introducing a completely new thing making it all complex and possible bugs etc, Why not have weekend challenges give you more cR's :D?
  3. wi1lywonka

    wi1lywonka Ancient
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    This assumes that all you play is matchmaking--all I play is Forge and Customs, and I probably spend more time on the game than you. I occasionally play matchmaking, but never enough to get more than one challenge (about 2,000), at 2,000 per day plus on weekly (~4000) and no other cR from matchmaking, ranking up/buying armor would be a very slow process.

    While I agree that you are supposed to 'earn' the armor, I don't think you should have to put in a significant effort. You should unlock armor as you play, not play to unlock armor.
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    wait a second.... aren't those the same damn thing? Its all a matter of perspective.
  5. Eclipse240

    Eclipse240 Forerunner

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    Aight dude, you make a good point. but still, would'nt it be nice to get double the cr even if it's only for a few days or so...make it a little bit more easy for the players...just alittle is all some people need....
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Dude, no... especially if they increased the payouts for challenges, like they have for this week. DcR weekends are not necessary.

    The last thing I want is for ranks to be as meaningless as Halo 3. The last thing we want are ranks to be so watered down that everyone will be an Inheritor. The fewer top ranks there are, the better it is.
    #26 MaxSterling, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  7. CzIz

    CzIz Ancient

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    I like the idea of special playlists on the weekends, but I'm not a fan of straight-up double xp/cr. In halo 3 it never worked for me, because I had absolutely no interest in xp; I preferred less xp with higher rank, as it takes more skill to rank up in fewer games.

    In Halo Reach, you actually do something with your xp (or credits), so I see more of a use for them and could see double credits weekends being more effective than in halo 3. Howver, i don't want it implemented still. What I would like is a weekend playlist with casual gametypes (like double xp weekends were in halo 3) but with normal credit earning. However, there would be challenges specifically associated with this weekend playlist, and the playlist would be different every weekend.

    @Shroomz, dude 50,000 credits a week minimum? someone has waay too much time on their hands.. I see 50,000 has a maximum possible per week.. although I do have a lot of college work atm, and i pretty busy social life i suppose.
    #27 CzIz, Nov 25, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2010
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    That statement is so false that i didn't even bother to read the rest of your post. Somebody who gets to 50 in 25 games simply took advantage of the fact that it is EASIER to rank up in less games. I got my 40 in >300 games on my first account, which was incredible. Then it took me another 1000 games to get to 45 because halo put my highest skill locked at a forty, so it became almost impossible to rank up even once i had become a better player.

    It took like 25 wins in a row to rank up once. That means i had to get over 150 wins with five or so losses to get those five ranks. Against people who were ranked about fifty.

    Tell me how 150 wins against really good proven players took less skill than 25 wins against people who aren't that good?
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Or you hideously suck at Reach. 50,000cR/week is just over 7,000cR/day. If daily challenges give you a minimum of 3,000cR, you easily get over 4,000cR just for playing the game to get those challenges. Most of the time I don't even complete all of the challenges. Take this week for instance... I don't care to play more than an hour or two/day. I've only completed 2 challenges/day... and still managed to gain over 25,000cR the past 3 days. I've only got 13 games played since the weekly challenge reset, so it's not like I'm investing a lot of time to this game... maybe an hour/day.
  10. Wrek

    Wrek Forerunner

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    I completely agree with you because that way you still have to earn the credits but it would simulate the double XP. i think it would be good if these challenges only gave you about 1.5 times normal daily challenges rather than having it double because daily and weekly challenges also do give the average player a lot more credits than they get from playing
  11. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    When I heard of the challenge system in Reach, I figured that you'd get more challenges to do on weekends. That way, it's not like double cR where you get twice as much for the same effort, you actually have to invest more time in the game to get the benefits of the weekend bonuses.

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