
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ThrowinDemBows, Nov 6, 2010.

  1. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    I ran around on this for a good 20 minutes yesterday and it seems like you put more thought into aesthetics than into gameplay. The map looks great, but I couldn't see it playing that well in a competitive setting, as the bottom floor is so secluded from the top. Now, not saying it's a bad map in the slightest, because I really like the concept, but it seems like it was all designed on the fly so some pathways seem to intersect and become cut off by cliff faces and rocks from forge worlds terrain. Overall, it's pretty good, but it needs a lot of polish. I'd love to run some games sometime if you're interested and then I can give you more detailed feedback.
  2. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    i appreciate the response, good criticism. i definately focused on gameplay, i just was really careful as to what i did because i didnt want to take away from the aesthetics. I've had a lot of feedback in that regards. i've also been working on this for 3 weeks so not exactly rushed, cautious would be the better term lol. i definately see what you're saying, but the way i have it set up i dont think it takes away from the map. I want to get on reach with you and discuss this, because i would love to improve the map. If theres anyway i can have more access to the bottom from the top or vice versa without taking away from the map i would like to try it.
  3. Terrible Towlie

    Terrible Towlie Forerunner

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    I got some ideas for you too, send me a friend request on XBL. I think you could use another way up, and you may want to consider moving the bases closer together. Of course that tree might be in the way. I think this is close to breaking the surface, you just need to be patient.
  4. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
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    Official Review Hub Review




    As a map built for Big Team Battle, Pavilion performs well as an arena in both Slayer and Capture the Flag. A hill between both bases breaks up the map and from the beginning creates two clear fronts. Players are often given the choice to fight, defend, or veer off either underground or to the side. Such opportunities to covertly penetrate the enemy’s base adds realism and enjoyment to the way a game plays out.

    Pavilion has a similar industrial atmosphere to “Swordbase” or “Courtyard” and has the same level of enjoyment within it. Crates and cones placed in the center area add to the industrial feel, and the walkways underground and to the side is reminiscent of Swordbase’s form.

    Most of the fundamentals required for smooth gameplay are present, though there are a few small hiccups. Most game types, excluding some mentioned later, play well and have a natural flow. However, there were a few issues with weapon and objective placement.

    The placement of the energy sword and rocket launcher forced the player into awkward situations and were of little aid within those areas of the map. However, this was an isolated incident as the rest of the weapons were placed perfectly.

    All of Pavilion’s areas are well connected and have healthy circulation throughout. Ramps leading down into the underground area work well and show the player a vast lower section. Ledges provided snipers’ spots, while the natural slope happened to create an almost symmetrical area.

    Within it, two tunnels on opposite sides lead underneath the red and blue bases to allow quick access behind the enemy lines. Because of this and the presence of valuable weapons, many player’s fight for control over the tactically advantageous area.

    Overall, this is a good map with qualities that allow it to be a great arena to hold a Big Team Battle. While most maps are designed for all game types, Pavilion is built specifically for BTB.

    The layout is tailored to the gameplay of games like Capture the Flag, while still being perfect for Slayer. Most maps tend to end up with players messing around as if they were playing a Slayer match, Pavilion encourages teamwork and coordination in ways most other maps cannot.

    Enjoyment Rating: [​IMG]


    Pavilion was aptly symmetric within its geometry, which is a fundamental requirement for all objective game types. The non-symmetric power weapons were placed in the middle of the map for mutual use and created enjoyable conflicts around the center areas. Those who choose to race against the opposing team found that they had to fight their way towards a reward, instead of it simply being handed over to the player.

    Most potential vantage points offered a wide angle of view over the landscape, while also being situated in areas which were not overpowered. While a sniper could be picking off players on the other side of the map, little cover is offered for the player to defend themselves. This balances the vantage point between advantages and weaknesses.

    The biggest issue of balance seemed almost out of place in juxtaposition with the rest of Pavilion’s successes. The stockpile goal for the blue team was located in the center of the map, while the red team’s goal was placed safely within their base. This created the biggest imbalance and meant that the red team had a clear advantage. The blue team is forced to travel into the spacious center of the map in order to score a point, while red players only needed to stroll a few feet out of their base to bring home a point.

    Only four or so respawn points were placed within the underground “basement”, which created a sense of commodity within the area. Areas of the map that normally are not attractive to players, such as corners or minor walkways, were useful to avoid conflict and provide safe respawn areas.

    Conversely, areas far away from respawn zones had more material attraction such as weapons or strategic walkways. Therefore most areas were used equally during gameplay, and the equilibrium of balance was maintained.

    Balance Rating: [​IMG]

    Pavilion was completely airtight and its borders were impossible to manipulate or compromise. A mountainous border on one side of the map helped phase the cavernous underground into the industrial surface.

    The border helped to maintain an element of realism as it was possible to climb. This feature, however, does not compromise the durability. Soft kill zones and street cones clearly warn the player that to not stay on or cross the rocky terrain past a certain point.

    The necessary density of respawn points around each area was present. This made it hard for opposing players to predict respawn areas and was impossible to trap players within them. Respawn zones were also used expertly in objective game types in order to spawn each team within their own territory.

    Despite the small hiccup of stockpile goal placement, Pavilion performs well in most fundamental areas. Respawn points were placed well and all the respawn zones covered the necessary areas.

    The map was inescapable and no one area was more advantageous than the other. Even with the issue of the blue team’s stockpile goal, the game type still plays relatively well and doesn’t affect gameplay as much as would be expected.

    Durability Rating: [​IMG]

    Pavilion did well to manipulate the natural surroundings of Forge World and incorporated the natural change in elevation into the rest of the map. The rocks in the middle of the map on top of the natural hill were phased almost seamlessly against already existing rocks.

    The atmosphere does not feel like a forge map as the general form of Pavilion was simply unique. The scenery was augmented by extra rocks phased through preexisting others, and every other feature was built on top of that foundation.

    The mood of the map is similar to the firefight map, “Courtyard” and Halo 3’s “Isolation”. The apt cones and piles of crates placed throughout the main open area did equally well in providing cover and adding to the theme.

    Gas cylinders and fusion coils added to the scenery, but also created necessary hazards around possible camping spots. The underground area felt reminiscent of the caves underneath “Isolation”. They make the player feel sheltered and separate from the rest of the map, thus creating a whole new space and a brand new theme.

    Many would have left the pieces of a map neutral, but the colors throughout Pavilion help add to the unique characteristics and sense of professionalism. The objects all around Pavilion were colored apprpriately, adding a gloss over the rest of the area. Such streaks of blue, green or yellow were a welcome reprieve from the default and bland grays.

    Unfortunately, some ceilings were marred by ugly pieces poking through them. For example, the cave ceiling had the bottoms of ramps from the upper level poking through it. In the sky, a player can see a large decorative tower looming overhead, however, the roof underneath had small pillars jutting out of it. Regardless, these were tragically necessary.

    Such issues were barely noticeable to begin with and moving them would only create more problems than it would solve. The underground entrances, underneath the blue base in particular, lacked any decoration at all. The blandness of each tunnel dampened the excitement of the player, and left those areas with an awkward atmosphere. The tunnels are therefore uninteresting and detract from their specialty and grace.

    Pavilion contains some unique features which not only add to the look, but also to the function of the map as a whole. The juxtaposition of cavernous and industrial areas creates a interesting yet comfortable environment. Contrary to conventional uses of “Building” pieces, default rocks and mountains, Pavilion succeeds in augmenting the structures with a unique flair of its own.

    Aesthetics Rating: [​IMG]

    For a map to become unique, it needs to break the mold created by Forge World’s limitations, and perform independent from them. In that area, Pavilion performs well.

    Natural elevation is used as a tool for creating separate sections of a map, and this is obviously original. The geography of the region in which the map takes place adds to the geometry of the playing space.

    A slope is cut in two by the floor of the main section, leaving a rocky hill on top and the underground area beneath. The stones on the hill in the center formed a natural fence under which players may take cover. This created, again, a unique feel as if the center hill was in itself a small playing area. As well as acting as cover, a player could climb on top of the rocks in order to have a good view of the red and blue bases.

    The rest of the map centers around this distinctive aspect with great results. The moveable crates in the central area of the map create a unique and clever cover system. People could expose a player by exploding the fusion coils beside them and toppling over the crate. This worked well in both execution and within the game’s mechanics and flow. The success of such an adaptable area reflects upon the skill applied to both aesthetics and function.

    The architecture and form of the map also added to Pavilion’s unique atmosphere, as opposed to the typical platform/bridge combination that many people opt for. The red and blue bases themselves were constructed well.

    Using the opaque areas of glass covers to form columns, a comfortable foyer was created. All pieces complimented one another geometrically, and thus formed the seamless structures. These two bases act as a point around which players may orientate themselves, making it easy to navigate through the map.

    The largest gem of this map would have to be the underground area which is integrated very well. The walls of this cavernous area climb up past the floor and form the rocky borders of one side of the map. This rocky area creates a more rugged section and varies the mood of Pavilion

    Originality Rating: [​IMG]


    Enjoyment Rating:[​IMG]
    Balance Rating: [​IMG]
    Durability Rating: [​IMG]
    Aesthetics Rating: [​IMG]
    Originality Rating: [​IMG]

    Average Rating: 39/50 (7.8/10)

    Final Score:
    #24 Tedium, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2010
  5. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Thx for that review, any idea on where to put the rockets and sword. very interesting you found the stockpile error, ill go back in and fix that. i went back and fixed alot of those ugly pieces you mentioned so they aren't nearly as noticable. All i have to do now is get a video, if anyone is interested in testing pavilion send me a message on XBL: ThrowinSomeBows.

    Towlie, yea ive thought about that but im gonna leave the bases where they are.
  6. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    To be honest, this map is extremely flawed. Not only does the spawn system feel non-existent but the overall map movement feels sludgy and just not fun to play on. There have been times where I have spawned in away from my entire team and right next to or behind them. The weapon layout feels dull and uninspired and the map movement doesn't compliment it well.

    The only thing I comment positively on was the fact that it looks very nice, so if you were trying to please the majority of the Forge Hub and userbase then you have certainly met your goal seeing as how they really lack any knowledge in any aspects other than aesthetics.
  7. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Thats your opinion and thats fine, but i was in that lobby with you and you wouldnt stop complaining about every little thing. so i find it hard to agree with you whenever the other 15 people in those games were doing just fine. But there you were complaining every time a new map was started. I didnt know if you noticed, but you spawn away from your teammates on MM a good bit as well, in fact the spawn system in just about every reach map is flawed. Im not even going to comment on the rest of that because you have no reasoning behind those claims, if you cant give me constructive criticism dont bother posting. That sounded like a bunch of QQ's just like you were doing the whole time we were playing customs last night. make suggestions, i know the Rockets and Sword arent in the best place, im looking into where i can put them. so hearing that they aren't in the right place isnt helping seeing as how i already know that. So are you just posting to rip it or are you trying to help.

    Before i start i must note that you've played this map once, what do you mean there have been times. (in that game you spawned 5 or 6 times max, no way you can tell if a spawn system is bad off that.) Its also funny how the only time you've played this map i happen to have on video. You didnt get spawn killed once, and there was someone within walking distance of you at all times. The only time you were truly all by yourself was when you wandered to the bottom by yourself and ran into three reds. I also noticed you out in the open alot, and not looking in your peripherals. Look, i cant hold your hand when you play my map, and i would hope you dont expect anyone to. anyway im moving on.
    (Heres the video)

    I noticed theres a small amount of lag (not lag neccessarily just that annoying map flashing) when the map is full, Any suggestion on how i can fix that. it seems like it would be difficult to find the problem when you can only see it with 16 people in the game. do you think fixin that and small things like the misplaced stp_goal would be worth doing and losing all of my DL's over? I dont know how bungie is really doing this, because i know they'll fix things with the map but to what extent. I would honestly like to perfect it myself, but if i need DLs to get noticed i might need to leave it as is. So im pretty much wondering, are # of DLs going to have a part in which maps bungie looks at.
    #27 ThrowinDemBows, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  8. Eacrataes

    Eacrataes Forerunner

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    Pavilion is THE single best map out of our little forge group we've created over the last two months; with the best chance of winning the BTB competition for bungie. Hours upon hours of playtesting and redoing alot of areas. I'm glad to have been a part of this map. Good luck Dave!
  9. DrSammyD

    DrSammyD Forerunner
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    I have to agree with the above post. ThrownSomeBows comes up with good map concepts. And he's not afraid to ask for help with execution. It's definitely the best btb map I've seen.
  10. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Ok i've made some finishing touches and this version will be sent to bungie tonight, i need another forge film tonight (already done 3, cant keep them because of changes). redownload and recommend plz.

    -Rockets and Sword switched positions
    -fixed map lag
    -fixed stockpile goals

    Pavilion Download
  11. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    This is the best BTB map that I have seen on Halo: Reach. I cannot think of any other map that would beat this for the Forgetacular BTB contest.
  12. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Thx anteres, i need support. Most DL'd today is 28 i got 4 in the last 30 minutes since posting this. If i could get on most DL'd it could get alot more than the 560 i lost from my last version. Should i update the photo's? i mean the changes are minor and the only thing that would stick out in the pics would be the rockets and sword. (they switched)
  13. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Shame nobody is downloading the updated version, it was one of the first things I cued to download when I checked Forgehub this morning, this map deserves more's so freaking good.
  14. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    I downloaded, fun map. I rarely get friends on who like to play on these sort of maps through :(
  15. Aquarius Zodiac

    Aquarius Zodiac Forerunner

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    This map is awfully... good ha! I definitely enjoy every round on this map due to the amazing design. Only one thing I can think of that I do not like about this map is the elevator under the bases because you will only know of it once you figure it out. That is such a minor minor thing that it takes absolutely nothing away from this amazing map. Anyone who hasn't downloaded it... GET TO IT! You're missing out
  16. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
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    After testing this, I can say that the gameplay's top notch. I particularly liked the little jump pads behind the flag in each base, even if I got assassinated whilst trying to figure them out. :D Anyways, I have one minor criticism. Is there any way you could work around those 45 degree slopes? Or are they integral? It's just kind of annoying since you can't really see very far up them until you're over the top. But meh, it's a personal gripe on an exceptional map.
  17. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    For the forgetacular contest, I don't think the rules say anything about map DLs being a factor in choosing a winner. But creativity (which a lot of maps lack) is a significant part of the grading.
  18. Fortified Brad

    Fortified Brad Forerunner

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    Ive tried creating a map on the exact same section of Forge World this map is on, I failed...horribly. And this is rubbing it in my face, and a source of inspiration :) good job...
  19. ThrowinDemBows

    ThrowinDemBows Takoyaki?
    Senior Member

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    Thx, i cant change the 45degree slopes, it would completely change that area and quite honestly it wouldnt work because the slopes would be sticking out further. I NEED a video tonight send me message GT: Throwinsomebows.
  20. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I'm not sure how this managed an 8.1 from the Review Hub. When I played it yesterday, all the power weapons were spawning WAY too fast. I'm not exaggerating when I say I had a sniper with full ammo the entire game. This is because of three flaws:

    1. The snipers are too close to each other, allowing the team who gains control of that area first, to have full control of the sniper and in turn, the map.

    2. They spawned too quickly (previously mentioned).

    3. Too much ammo.

    The same goes for rockets.

    I managed to spawn kill a few people who spawned in their base throughout the game as well. This was because of the vantage point I had on the rocks.

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