Call of Duty: Black Ops discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Combat P3nguin, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Number 2 has raised my respect level for you to unimaginable heights.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    Ballistic Knife is gangsta ****
    So is the M14
    So is the camera
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    This bothers me aswell. I liked having to work to get Camo's for a weapon. I also don't like the many of the Camo's either. Tiger and Red seem to be the most used.

    On another topic, I just finished the campaign. I think it beats Modern Warfare 2's story in every way. The environments were much more interesting. (Especially the levels in the jungle) The story was much better and easier to follow and overall it was a much better experience.

    I'm glad that I got this game, any worries I've had about the game have all been proved wrong. It's definitely worth getting.
  4. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Forgetting One in the Chamber.

    I don't believe I've posted in this thread yet for my opinions, so here goes:

    I've honestly been hyped from the start for this game, I think 3Arch noticed what they did wrong with WaW, noticed what IW did RIGHT with CoD4, and what IW did wrong with MW2. Then, they fixed most of the problems, added in what could be added from CoD4, and had a long evaluation over everything the community said/wanted/etc and we have Black ops.

    To me, Black Ops is a grittier-less modern-CoD4 -- all in a good way. The only thing that's been bugging me, has been the RC-XD and it being a 3 (or 2) killstreak. I was in a game last night, where this guy went I think 39 and 9, using Hardline, Warlord, and Tactical Mask... using pretty much only the RC-XD. Another thing that's a bit iffy with me, is the CP. I, for one, love it. Sure, it could be changed in some ways, but I'm fine how it is right now. I just think it should be a bit more easier to get. I'm REALLY not the greatest CoD Player, and I don't want to have to go into Wager Matches, on High Roller, to get 10,000CP easily. No, I don't want 10,000CP in a normal TD mode, but maybe like 2,000 - 2,500CP a game? These numbers are totally off the top of my head, so if you feel it should be changed, go ahead.

    The guns. I was one who could NOT wait for the AKs-74u (Yes, that IS it's real (technical) name) because I felt it was perfect in CoD4. It wasn't OP, and it wasn't UP (underpowered), it was just right. I feel like Goldilocks and the 3 Bears with the 74u:

    Black Ops is too OP.
    MW2 doesn't even have it.
    CoD4 has it just right. <3

    Now, if you haven't noticed by now, I'm basing a lot of things off of CoD4. Why? Because CoD4 is a superior game to MW2, therefore I think Black Ops should be compared to CoD4. Not MW2. The gun balance has been really great (other than the 74u) thus far. Of course, it IS only three days in.. I really don't think I even need to touch on the Gun Balance, truthfully, so I'm just stopping here.

    The Customization. The customization is pretty darn awesome. I love being able to customize my reticule/color, and the lens and such. I was never a big one on the Customize stuff, so this REALLY fits.

    All I've to say so far.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    you are now realising that you are using a gun 6 years before it was invented
  6. FlamingArmadillo

    FlamingArmadillo Forerunner

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    I for my first day of playing Black Ops, thought that the campaign had some pretty cool gameplay, and a twisting story, but one that kept you captivated through it all.

    Then I played zombies, and omg the zombie mode you unlock after campaign is 100% awesome, I have LOLed many a times while playing that and listening to the comments. The intro video to it was the best though.

    Then I went to multiplayer. I felt that the starting weapons are way underpowered than they were in previous games, I just couldn't seem to do anything with the starting armory. And the fact that smoke grenades were standard, and you had to buy the others, was just annoying. They should have given us at least some selection to start off with in perks and equipment.

    Then I went to gun game, and I love it (stems from my addiction to gun game in Counter Strike) The only guns that are EXTREMELY annoying are the dual wields, they are just horrible without a perk like steady aim, and you can be stuck on level 2 (dual crappy pistols) forever
  7. used man

    used man Ancient
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    Meh, feels like re skinned and patched MW2 IMO.
  8. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    You don't need to finish the campaign to get "Five". (Yes, "Five" is the actual map name)

    But I do agree with you on the Dual Wields.
  9. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Not forgetting, intentionally omitting. One in the Chamber is fun and all, but the three lives thing makes it too competitive and ruins it for me.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    so, to summarize, blops is the ****. the commando is a boss of a gun that requires a magnum condom when it ****s. im sittin at 50 and cant decide if i should prestige or not. and one in the chamber is an awesome, insanely fun gametype, even more so when you do the high stakes one and the buy in is 10,000 Cheez Pizzaz.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    So Black Ops is pretty much the most balanced Call of Duty game post-CoD4 judging from what little I've played. It isn't an amazing game by any means but in no way is it bad. Hopefully the lack of any noticeable flaws will make people realize that the gameplay is exactly the same as practically every other Call of Duty game ever and makes little attempts to branch off and do new things to the core mechanics and no, Dolphin Diving hardly counts as a change to the core mechanics. At best, it's a gimmick that has little use outside of looking cool. Sadly, the next Call of Duty game will probably be just as balanced as this game and feature no changes to the core gameplay and people will still buy it like they do with Madden.

    To sum up my feelings, Campaign was great, yet predictable. Multiplayer is boring and feels incredibly stale. Combat Training on Veteran is like playing against Wallhackers but that challenge alone makes it super fun for me. Haven't played Zombies yet, but that's all I'll probably play once my brother gets it and lets me play it after it bores him for the lack of quickscoping.
  12. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    has anyone noticed how BROKE the spawn system is...i feel like once you are spawned in, you usually will spawn in that exact same place for awhile. to me it doesnt seem like there is any spawn weight (im using HQ for example) the other day my team was caught in a spawn trap....sorta. i say this because the other team was caught in the same trap....huh? both teams literally were spawning 20ft from each other and NO ONE could get to the HQ? this lasted about 5 mins before i finally noticed a change in spawns...

    i see where they're [treyarch] coming from by not giving a team the upper hand when gaining ground on the HQ. forgive me if im wrong, but isnt that the point. Pushing through enemies lines to gain control then spawn in that area...

    i just find this to be a big negative for me always having to march across those GIANT (FREAKING) MAPS! lol

    and a second note - the sound effects are terrible IMO. i use headphones and i constantly adjust the volume during the game...even with out ninja i can not hear footsteps until they knife me, plus the Demo countdown clock is "lol" you cant hear that either...and yes ive tweaked the game sounds, voice sounds, FX, quite, loud, tv, headphones....the whole nine yards, but havent found that right setting! any suggestions
    #72 schleb, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  13. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    Are you kidding me? Your ears must be broken or something cause i dont even use headphones and it sounds like theres ****ing elephants stomping around the map. i can easily hear people coming up stairs if im in a building even if im across the room from the stairs shooting out a window. Their footsteps are literally louder than my firing gun.
  14. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Those are most likely your footsteps. Whenever I sprint anywhere, all I hear are my own feet stompin'.
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I actually agree with Scobra 100%.

    Also, is there another Zombie map?
    I know about Kino, and 'Five' but there's another slot from the looks of it and I'm wondering if you can unlock another.
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    Well, my **** of a friend just went and spoiled the entire campaign today. Now I don't even want to finish.
    Ah well, I think I want to prestige before Monday. So close, 4 ranks.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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  18. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    It's Dead Ops Arcade.
    To Get it:

    1) Go to the very main menu (Where it shows Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies, Options) and look at your hands.
    2) Mash on the triggers!!
    3) You'll break free. Now move around and go to the back of the room (behind where you're facing) and there will be a Computer.
    4) Go up to it and press and Hold 'X'.
    5) Type in DOA
    6) ????
    7) Profit

    (I know it's longer than a normal ???? Profit thing. But w/e)
  19. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    So I sort of have the game.

    Anyway, I went ahead and started up the single player campaign to go ahead and try to pull an allnighter. The first couple of levels were actually really cool, however not much different from the previous game(s). I've noticed a pattern, as most people probably have... the gimmicks. It seems like each level has a different object or kick-ass weapon that must be acquired, and then used to kill people, blow something up, etc. This was great and all for the first few levels.. until it just kept going on and on. The in-between combat is down-right boring, likely because I've seen it before, in the past 4 games. Shoot a crouched enemy, move up, shoot some running enemies, move up. Gimmick. Bam, I've just made millions of dollars by writing a level scenario.

    It wasn't all bad, it had its moments, especially with the visuals and overall story. I'm saving the last few levels for tomorrow, so that I can get the full affect wide awake. And then, in a couple of weeks, when I get live back, I can take multiplayer for a spin, which I've heard is a lot better this time around.
  20. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    The latest patch helped but they still need to fix GPU hitches, which is very frustrating

    (PC version)

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