The Spire

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by timmypanic, Nov 13, 2010.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The spire

    This is now my 6th published map!

    There is now a final version. This has z fighting fixed and improved gametypes.

    YouTube - Halo: Reach Maps - The Spire

    This version has improved gametypes, improved spawning for different game types
    Aesthetics only visible on certain game types. No lag - z fighting fixed.
    1 shot gun removed and 1 rocket launcher reduced to 2 shells.
    And I fixed any little things that were bothering me aesthetically
    Also fixed center middle lift
    The spire (f)

    The spire consists of a huge tower level ascending up to the top floor and the throne room. 4 - 16 supporting most game types.

    1 x all weapons except
    2 x Rocket launcher (2 shots)
    2 x DMR
    2 x Assault rifle
    2 x Magnum
    8 x Plasma
    8 x Frag

    2 x Health pack
    no power-ups or additional equipment

    Also I have updated 2 of the hammer and 2 sword can be on the map at the same time.

    All spawning is at the bottom of the tower.
    The blue team spawns on the ground floor, the red team on the second.

    The tower consists of around 7 - 8 floors (throne room on top floor is elevated)
    This map contains some nice looking aesthetics, that you can go inside of, also containing some nice weapons.

    There is a lift down taking you from the top of the spire to the ground, pain free.
    Thus keep the map flowing and all areas accessible.

    Jet packs aren't needed in this level and I wouldn't say it favors the jet pack in any way. (From previous comments on other maps)

    After some work and testing the map has been updated and finalized with most game types working and some adjustments to the spawning.
    comments appreciated.. And criticism will be taken on board for any updates that may be needed.
    There aren't many decent vertical and ascending maps I have played of this size & quality. I am very happy with the way it looks and plays! Also Lag is not an issue on this map, Just try and see.

    Great fun on multiplayer match ups. This is my best map made to date.
    Plays well, good cover, plenty of floors to keep things mixed up. Lots of good weapons.
    I feel this map has plenty to keep you playing on this map for many weeks to come.

    The spire

    This is the top floor and entry to throne room.

    Only 2 of the 12 pictures I saved were uploaded to my bungie screenshot file share [​IMG] ... I will get more on later.

    Throne room!

    Entrance to throne room

    The top floor

    entrance to top floor

    Some nice looking aesthetics

    Looking from one sphere/ball to the other

    The spire tower and huge lift/drop down to the ground
    (this is 100% working with no fall damage)

    This central column is where you lift up from 5/6 th floor! When you come up it elevates u slightly and you can go to any direction you choose.

    from 4th floor looking to the ascent up!

    second floor is where red team all spawn first, although this has changed slightly, it is still set on the same floors, the spawning is now closer to the walls.
    And safe spawn locations have been added.

    Plenty of cover on the top floor

    This is the 5th floor, it is like a large chamber. lots of good weapons from this floor up

    3rd floor

    Just to give you an idea of the shear size of my lift down... It is massive [​IMG]

    Angled shot of top floor and throne room!
    The throne room, and my attempt of a throne... Hammer does look a little small in comparison lol

    The scenery behind the throne is a little dark ... But I feel it works as it is only for show...
    ......... And this is the only dark spot on the map

    Spawning is now further back! Also some exterior spawning has been added in this new & improved Spire v2

    Finaly a few action shots taken from the map.


    Trying a little yoga!!!!


    Bomb going off in assault match

    Also have The Spire V2 made up. It is working with assault, CTF, kotH, InFeCtIoN, Head Hunter, Odd Ball, Slayer, Jug, It has improved spawning locations.

    Big thanks to all that have supported my map, dl's, playing it, comments and feedback! Now it is time to enjoy the map! I will update with more screen shots once I have had some good matches on the different game types.
    Anyone want to help me test ???
    Add me up on my GT timmypanic!!!! Sign In
    Thanks : Halo Reach : File Details
    The Spire v2

    This gives a better view of the central column inside, floor 5 - 6
    This map now has (the spire)(8000+ DL :)
    The spire v2 (3500 DL)
    The Spire (f) final version with no z fighting and InVaSiOn sLaYeR
    Thanks for looking!
    #1 timmypanic, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2010
  2. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

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    It looks amazing. Why the name? I would stay original and choose a new name. BTW is the elevator actually working?
  3. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    oh I know, Sphererunner. pretty cool huh? u know it
  4. Kitchener Kobra

    Kitchener Kobra Forerunner

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    it looks cool and artistic. but looks like it would lag allot in game. Also i think it would have been better building it over water on an elevated platform or something cause the canyonis kinda dull in my opinion and make the structure seems out of place.. I just think forge worlds grass is ugly. or maybe just add some type of base the the bottom so its not just comming out of the grass and than add some soft kill zones on the ground if you havn't already to keep people in the playing field. I played spherical last weekend with a buddy who was playin random maps and some spots seemed pretty laggy on it so hopefully thats not the problem on this.
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello and thanks for checking out my map! R you confusing this map with spherical? The spire I felt was ok name as I was trying to make my own version of halo's spire.. Though this isn't a remake and all is original... Any ideas on a good name lol.
    The elevator down/ is more of a drop as there is no actual moving lift but as u try it you will see why I call it a lift. It is 100% working with no fall damage. Made to keep the map flowing and all areas accessable. Thanks for your comment!

    Do you mean spherical?

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks! It is difficult to make new shapes with out the overlap, The two balls dont have lag as u use them, the big blade decoration behind the throne does lag a little I guess, although I haven't noticed any slow down in game play playing 4 x 4 slayer though I am unsure how it plays 8 x 8. Also the dark part is only on the big blade behind throne, this doesn't affect game play. And the budget is totally spent up so nothing else can really be added to ground. I know the grass isn't ideal in the base but with the amount of budget it is unavoidable on this map.
    Thanks for your comment
    #5 timmypanic, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  6. lipagirl

    lipagirl Forerunner

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    All i can say is .....WOW! You are getting well into making these maps now :)
    Looks bit like your spherical map, but bigger.... Can't wait to try this one! DL from me! x
  7. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's like your map Spherical, but better. You use the same style/aesthetics, but you improved the design a bit. Imma download.
  8. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Why thank you! Glad you like it! Will show u how to make anything you want on here ;)
    It does have few things from sherical map on here that I liked! Just developing my skills! Thanks for the download !!!!

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks! Yes I have used some of my previous designs but I have tried to intergrate them into the map better! Thanks for the download :)

    Edited by merge:

    Hehe ! Thanks! It isn't your standard basic map! I have tried to be as CrAzY as possible giving the viewer something new! Thanks
    #8 timmypanic, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2010
  9. lipagirl

    lipagirl Forerunner

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    Thankyou!!!! It is well cool! Playing it now ! R u going on xbox live tonight? We will have a match if your not making more sexy maps lOl x
  10. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Not sure ! Maybe later ye! Will look you up if I get on! Just having some JD'S
    #10 timmypanic, Nov 13, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2010
  11. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    I didn't even know u had a map called Spherical. I was just saying u could call it Sphererunner because it sounds like Forerunner.
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Cool I wasn't sure ... I may change the name. But for the weekend it will stay as spire...for now. Thanks for your comments and views. Have a good weekend all

    HOBO ITCHY Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    0 eyes are lagging just looking at those pics!

    The lag and the Z-fighting were the only things I didn't like about Spherical...

    ...were you able to address these with this map?...cuz it looks considerably more...MORE.
  14. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
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    You really have an amazing architectural theme, those shapes are just awesome. Besides the overlapping spheres the other aesthetics are great. Definite DL for me.
  15. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    looks nice beut what aobut spawn killing and what is the gameplay like for the map?
  16. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Hello.... I'll be honest. I'm not happy with the spawning. I need all to be low down and fairly. And the spawning is far to close together. .. I need some work done in this map. And need to figure safe fair spawning for all players. When I update next week I will be making some changes and some spawns for the different game types. Thanks for your comment
  17. lipagirl

    lipagirl Forerunner

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    Was bit too crazy with the spawns so close. Level. Looks really cool but it needs some work
  18. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Judging by the pictures this map looks amazing, but would play horribly.

    From what I saw it appears as if there are no distinguishable player paths and the weapons are just strewn about the different floors.

    I also see a definite camping possibility on the top floor seeing as there's only one entrance to it and it's a small vertical hole.

    However, I hate to judge just by pictures, so I am going to download it and will get back to you.
  19. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thanks for the DL and comments... I understand that the overlap of items causes some lag... I just wanted to make something new and different. The map does need some time creating stratagies, The map starts at the bottom and the top is where the action will be. Who ever is at the top first will have the advantage. This is how I want it... But I do want it to be a fair game....Perhaps I should add a teleport to the top too, as I know there is only 1 way up.. And the sheer size of the place limits the amount of ways to get to the top. Appoligies, I should have taken more time before publishing
  20. Skarrow

    Skarrow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool map but I was checking out the spawn points and red team spawns right on top of blue team/ Whats up with that blue team will be slaughtered

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