Apotheosis Apotheosis by Swordfish4242 Gorgeous map. 1v1, 2v2. Plays great, looks wonderful. Ample cover and areas are easily identifiable.
Rise by Sethiroth and Solo XIII, but I've already said that. I still think it's the best map in Reach, including the ones on the disk. Also, I'd like to add Sequence by Nexn. 1v1s haven't been this competitive since Halo CE. Also, it introduces the jump pad. A concept that's sure to be copied many times in Reach's lifespan.
Id like to see the map Memoriam because of the amazing playability and aesthetics. It a really balanced symmetrical map with lots of tactical ways to use armor ability's. It is inescapable and is very well put together. Link---> Memoriam
Stronghold: Remake of Citadel Id like to see this featured because the gameplay is amazing, the design is perfect and the because the forge world forge palette suits this map better than any other remakes I have seen. As a bonus, there is also little to no frame rate lag.
I've always been a fan of smaller arena venues for 1v1 up to 4v4 and after two weeks of looking through the forums I have to say that I enjoy, and it would be nice to see featured, are the maps Nuclei by Iced Tea Guy or Scrumtralescent by Joony Joon
Thanks for the nomination but this map is the old version. The one you were playing on will be put up tonight. Edit: I just updated the post, it is now up to date.
Ok im really confused as to how this works. Genome wasnt nominated once on this thread yet its featured today. Is this part of the process or is it to keep people quiet and occupied while you pick the ones you like. Not hating on Genome i havent even been on it, im just curious as to how this little "system" of yours works.
This isn't a system. It's simply a nomination thread. A way for people to get other peoples maps noticed that they think deserve a feature. A feature however, is not decided by members. It is selected by a majority vote of Staff and it if it passes; it becomes a Feature of the site. Each of the maps that come through this thread are looked at by staff and it is then decided amongst themselves whether or not the map is worthy of a feature. If you want publicity for your map, ask a friend to nominate you for ForgeHub Favourites, which is based on community votes.
I'd like to nominate Sanctorium, by JPeloquin218. It's a map that perfectly balances map flow, player movement, power weapon control and many other elements into an aestheticaly unique package.