Call of Duty: Black Ops discussion thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Combat P3nguin, Nov 9, 2010.


    BASED GOD Ancient

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    campaign set pieces are beautiful no doubt
    argh but I'm playing on PC and its so stuttery
  2. QKT

    QKT Ancient
    Senior Member

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    campaign is awful.
    set pieces are cliche and you cant interrupt them for the sake of time.
    the level design is based around corridors and lanes.
    the story is so obvious that i figured it all out after mission 4 or 5 seeing as the pentagon level is NOTHING.
    allied AI is worthless. ive watched my teammates just walk into fire and turn around and back again and do nothing - see metro 2033. their suppressing fire doesnt do anything because enemies can shoot you by simply saying 'bang' apparently.
    teammates also often take cover in your line of sight, and they dont actually fire on priority enemies, i.e. the enemies 2ft in front of them, thus allowing them to charge up behind you and melee you. thankfully that doesnt happen too often, BECAUSE ITS ALL CORRIDORS.
    and the amount of cannon fodder is just lame and boring and leaves a bad taste in your mouth by the first vietnam mission.
    voice acting is terrible, enemies only have 2-3 lines, and allies only know 2.

    on the other hand the graphic are nicer, but there are some exceptions.
  3. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    I love this COD. BUT

    I have to say it.

  4. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    The campaign kinda reminded me of some movies:
    Fight Club and A Beautiful Mind
    Anyways the campaign was awesome and was also a little creepy at times.
  5. schleb

    schleb Ancient
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    its nice to see that there are other people out there that are not "jaw-dropped" by this game...

    cough-mongoose, devil95-cough.....see, not everyone likes it i.e. that last 15 posts!
  6. Kewl hoovy

    Kewl hoovy Forerunner

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    My only response to Black OPS.
  7. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    Stop being so stupid. The majority of us like the game. Get over it.

    On topic:
    I like the game. I only got it yesterday and it took me a while for me to really get into the multiplayer aspect of the game. After playing some more I can say that this game beats Modern Warfare 2 in every way. The multiplayer is much more balanced. I have yet to be killed by a grenade launcher, which is fricken' sweet.

    Overall the game is great. Although I admit that I think they went to far with the whole COD points thing. But that doesn't really bother me.
  8. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    On the topic of CoD points, my friend and I both lost 5000-ish of them last night, We checked the playercard to see the records and challenges, and when we came out, we had 5000 less than before.
  9. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    From what I've heard so far it seems like a much more ballanced and enjoyable game. No quick scoping is great news as old men like me aren't getting pwn'd by these awful twitch skill kids of the gamer generation. :D
    Having a credit system for upgrades is cool too. I hated the get X kills with Y weapons to unlock Z upgrade crap in MW2.
    I would give it the chance, but I'm too poor to afford video games over life necessities. Also, I don't like dying when I stub my toe. (jk jk) :p
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    After reading this discussion I think I will butter up my parents for money being that I am broke. I have what... Oh yeah, 2 pennies... Lol

    My only complaints (from what i've seen) are:
    Spawning, constant spawnfest. They need set spawns and not just random ones.
    Textures. I don't like them.
    Movement. It looks a bit cartoonish.

    but I do think I will get it within a week or two.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh yeah; there's been a care package glitch since around noon on the ninth. Just so every body is aware.
  12. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Just finished the campaign on normal. I don't know why everyone dislikes it so. I thought it was ****ing awesome. The plot was impressive (so much better than MW2's, that there's not even a number to compare it with). The way the story progressed was very unique and I thought using Mason in the chair as a medium for learning all the information you needed was pretty cool.

    The level designs all had their own feel to them and some were quite difficult. So much so, that I rarely even noticed that some were linear or just corridors.

    I've already posted how I felt about the multiplayer experience (****in' awesome) so I'll go more in depth with zombies instead. I've been playing zombies for a good portion of the time I've had this game. They've changed it up since WaW, in a good way. The game flows much better and has some new features that make it a truly enjoyable experience. I'm not even upset with not getting the original maps, because I'm in love with the new ones.

    I want to make it clear, I HATED MW2. Every aspect of that game seemed rushed and was just begging to be abused. This is why I'm so glad Treyarch actually took the time to see which points of the game needed overhauls.

    Quickscoping (for the most part) doesn't exist anymore. I don't have to worry about 12 year olds running around on small maps with snipers.

    Noob-tubing (so far) seems to be dead.

    An amazing game. If you haven't played/purchased it yet, I would recommend doing so immediately.
  13. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Truly, how do you guys not notice your own bullshit when you say that the game is balanced because you have yet to be killed by a grenade launcher. Wouldn't that mean they are useless? Correct me if i'm wrong but that isn't a signiture trait of balance.
  14. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    It does make it more balanced. The nub tub isnt and was never a counter to anything, it was always just a cheap way of getting kills. If it is taken completely out of the equation by making it useless and nothing else becomes over powered as a result, then yes, i do believe that means the game is more balanced.
  15. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    From the interface, to the level design, to the game mechanics, just an all-round terrible game.

    So you're clearly impartial.

    Yes, they have overhauled their engine since WAW. Unfortunately, Modern Warfare 2 (a game that came out almost a year ago) is still better in terms of gameplay. In both campaign and Multi-player.
  16. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I disagree completely. Everything Nibs said (Except the MP, havent tried it on account of being goldless) is what I think.

    The Campaign is incredible, and the story is truly unique. The zombies mode is much better and more reformed this time around too.
  17. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    It's almost like you're taking MY OPINIONS and replacing them with yours. I found the game to be enjoyable in all the aspects I previously stated. If you find Black Ops to be so terrible, that's fine as well. Just keep your opinions in the form of an opinion. Nothing I said is set in stone.
    #57 NlBBS, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  18. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I think Black Ops has better gameplay. I've played matchmaing for a total of about 8 hours now and I've got a good feel for things. The only qualm I have with this game is that you can buy Camo's. I enjoyed the challenge of unlocking new camo from headshots. It is actually challenging to get Pro of a perk as well because you have to do an easy challenge, a medium challenge, and a relatively difficult challenge to unlock it.
  19. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Wager matches are pretty much my primary form of multiplayer now. Gun Game, Sharpshooter, and Sticks and Stones are much better than any traditional gametype.
  20. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm going to offer a different opinion to this situation, as I haven't played the game. I have no bought Black Ops and it's unlikely I will. If Activision announces 100% that the next CoD game (I was hoping BO would be) is subscription based, then I may buy this, for it would be the last CoD game the majority would buy.

    As for the reasons I won't buy this game:

    1) It is made by Activison and I do not want to support such an awful company
    2) Bobby Kotick is a **** and I want him to be the reason why Activison will start losing sales
    3) I bought this game last year. CoD never changes drastically. Cod4 was the best, and it was different..but since then it's been downhill copies.
    4) No matter how stellar the game looks from the outside it never lasts. People got bored and hated MW2 on the basis of glitches and unbalanced gameplay. These things show after a few months of community play, not first week game reviews.
    5) Halo: Reach is out. I personally don't love all aspects of Reach, and I'm not where near as involved as I was with H3, but it still is much more likely to hold my attention for an extended period of time than BO ever would. If would hold it even longer if people weren't jumping ship to a game they end up hating in two months.

    So no, my reasons for BO not being worth a buy don't necessarily have to do with the gameplay of the game, but with what a terrible moral decision it will be. Also, Zombies sucks..don't understand why anyone ever liked it. It is a shittier version of Horde or Firefight.

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