
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by iTs_NeXn, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    It's quite interesting it took me a good 30 minutes to recreate the jump pad. It's pure genius I tell you.
  2. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
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    The map plays great. There is awesome flow to it. It was slightly confusing at first which parts were death at the bottom of the map and which weren't. Also there is a grenade launcher and sniper that spawn at the same spot.

    Other than those two very little quips I had, this is a great map. It plays great. Well done
  3. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    It shouldn't lift you up when sprinting, so I'm definitely going to look into that. That probably happened when I lowered the shield door before release because for some players it would spawn just a little too high and they wouldn't be able to use the jump pad. Very weird... but it might have to be a sacrifice I'll have to make to make sure the pad works for everybody. Thanks for letting me know, even if it was indirectly. I'm looking forward to your review later this week bro!

    It's actually quite simple once you know how to work it. I'll be making a video tutorial soon.

    A small text tutorial would be;
    Vehicle man cannon has to be placed 1.6 units under the top of the block that the jump pad will be on. So put the vehicle man cannon on the top face of a block that is snapped to coordinates and lower it 1.6 units down. Then do the same with a one way shield door (orange side facing down) but this time lower it .02 and a half units down. What I do is lower it down .03 units, then raise it a little bit with the bumpers and test until it's working. Pretty simple. I still need to find out a good way to make a more powerful jump pad, because so far I haven't been able to make a consistent one.

    Thanks. The death pits should be fairly simple to understand after a few playthroughs. And the grenade launcher and sniper are 1v1 and 2v2 specific; sniper in 1v1, GL in 2v2. The rocket is also the same; GL in 1v1, rockets in 2v2. This was done by setting the 1v1 specific weapons to 'FFA only' and 2v2 specific weapons to the 'team only' option. You just had it loaded up under the 'basic editing' gametype, so it spawned every object from every gametype at once. :)
    #23 iTs_NeXn, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010

    Senior Member

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    Do you mean .02 and a half??
  5. WitDarkstar

    WitDarkstar Ancient
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    Oh that's a really smart way of doing it Nexen. I should DL the gametypes and try it again.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Please, for the love of all that's holy.

    This is a great map, Nexn. I've hopped around here quite a bit since it's earlier incarnations and love the vibe this map gives off. The design is like no other, and truly resembles halo campaign spaces in a way that most of us dream of creating. Once I find a player as crappy as me I can get some games going and give you some proper gameplay feedback.
    #26 squidhands, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  7. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Thanks a lot bro. H:CE's forerunner architecture was actually one of my main inspirations when it came to the visuals, that and Mirrors Edge. If we're both ever on at the same time, we should play a few games.
  8. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
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    Wow, nice map! I'll download and run through it tonight and if I can get some games going on it I'll do that as well. I don't really like the effect ball, but I'll still check this map out. I'll provide some feedback when I am able to run through it.

    Nice job, and the 3D model is cool too. Did you do that in SketchUp?

    Senior Member

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    Wait, I think we both had it wrong lol.

    1.6 down for the cannon
    .2 and a half for the 1-way shield door
  10. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    When I put .16 I meant 1.6. Sorry for the confusion. Haha glad you got it figured out though! Took me a few hours to figure it out the first time. But it's really not that hard is it?

    The map actually doesn't use an effect orb, so no worries there. What you're seeing in the screens is the wonders of some light Photoshop editing haha. And yes, I used Sketchup for the 3D model.
    #30 iTs_NeXn, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  11. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Feature. This is amazing. Would you mind if i used that jump pad idea? :p
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    He did post a how-to-make-a-jump-pad thread. I think it's safe to say you can use it. Not to mention that once he shows the idea to anyone, let alone posts the map for all to see, the idea can't be purely his anymore. You see something you like on anyone's map, you go ahead and use it and if anyone complains it was their idea, tell them where to shove it.
  13. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay, thanks. I already started to design a map around a jump pad.

    Also, Nexn, in the youtube video rifte gifle did on it, he had the one-way shield door 0.1 down (I'm pretty sure) and it worked?
    #33 Erupt, Nov 14, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2010
  14. Combs53090

    Combs53090 Forerunner

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    There's been rumblings of this getting featured and after checking it out, I'm not surprised. From the pics it looks amazing. I'll give it a DL and let you know how it goes.
  15. JDiggin

    JDiggin Forerunner
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    Yea, I noticed there was no effects orb when I ran through it. The map looks great and there are a lot of neat ideas you put into this map. Haven't played a game on it yet, but I'm looking forward to it.
  16. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    What Ladnill said. I posted a tutorial on it here. I'm not sure of what he did in the video on YouTube to make it work, but I would stick to my technique, because I've had some serious problems in-game if it's done any other way, such as some players not being able to use the lift, the lift not working at all, or players getting hurt when lifting.

    Thank you mang. Let me know how those games go.

    Yeah, the pictures are slightly edited so it probably looked that way. Looking forward to hearing some feedback after you run a few games.
  17. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    that's amazing. I liked how you used the red satellites to hold health packs it looks like you put a lot of thought and effort into it a definite 10 of 10
  18. iTs_NeXn

    iTs_NeXn Legendary
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    Thanks bro. I'd love to hear how you think the map plays after you play a few games. Any feedback is appreciated.
  19. SpLiT

    SpLiT Forerunner

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    Pretty nice! Idk what Im impressed with the most. the map or your Screen shots. Lol
  20. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    There's a depth to movement in this map and multiple ways to approach playing it. Sequence has multiple, memorable engagements that leave lasting satisfaction. As fun as sequence is, it's equally competitive and brings in game play styles foreign to Halo. Namely UT, which is known for it's fast paced movement. Sequence certainly delivers on creating player movement, but lacks in fast paced slaying game. It's still a ton of fun to play and even run around on by yourself leaping across the map and discovering new ways to move.

    Again, sequence's enjoyment really comes through it's depth to movement. It's fun enough running around like a ninja by yourself, but with two people in the mix it's always a memorable experience.



    Sequence, at first glance, compares to riding a teeter totter with an elephant. There's several power weapons and two custom power-ups. However, strategy revolves around maintaining control of the customs through movement and the power items take a less significant role than in standard Halo play. The low OS really helps when an opponent resides in one of the three upper areas. The upper areas themselves help to counterbalance each other out and hitting a tele to cause your opponent to burn the custom and break their cycle is satisfying. While game play is balanced, the map as a whole is not. Game play didn't flow around the entirety to the map and focused more to one side. I would have liked to have seen the low custom have a third entry point and the orb moved in line with the low lift.

    The weapons, health pack, and customs have all been sensibly placed, but without a third route to low custom the game slows down whenever it's coming up. However, there isn't a single camp-able spot on the map or any position that doesn't have a counterpoint or a counter strategy.



    There was never any overpowering position on the map or one that players could get up to and exploit. Especially with the soft kill zone, which could be moved just a tad, because when lifting towards top OS, players will hit it on occasion. There were really only two hangups in all the games played. On rare occasions players will actually spawn at top custom's tele as there opponent is coming through. The spawn point should either be moved or removed. The other hang-up occurs with low lift, on occasion it will fail.

    There aren't any game breaking flaws in the map, but it does have some minor tweaks to be made.



    Sequence's beauty not only shines in it's game play, but also how well structured the layout is. It doesn't boast any eye-catchy focal piece, but everything has been built with polish. The overall dark mystic provides a great atmosphere to play in and the added light breaks up the dark in what would otherwise be a dull space. There's one standout feature that's reminiscent of Pallet Parade, but has practical application in competitive maps and that's the jump pad. Simply put, it's awesome.

    Taking in the map as a whole and then looking at each individual piece it's beautiful. It would have been nice to see the jump utilized twice though, especially as a route to top snipe.



    Sequence might be common amongst other shooters, but as far as Halo goes it doesn't get more original than this.



    Sequence isn't something to miss especially for it's hybridized Halo/UT play style. It's something fresh and has the potential to remain unique for the length of Reach's lifespan.


    EDIT: I've been thinking about this a little bit more and discussing the map with some friends and they've made some great points. Sequence is for the advanced player and even then there are still some parts that are confusing. It would be nice to see some visual indicators on each teleporter to help players learn them faster. Basically, Sequence's game play style is confusing for the new player and even the intermediate player. Players have to develop a new play style specifically for the map on top of it's complex layout. As it is, it isn't bad, but for the general halo crowd, Sequence will only appeal to the few, elite players.

    So, the real score...9/10
    #40 rusty eagle, Nov 17, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2010

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