Download Map Variant: Download Gametype: Alright. Have any of you played that game Medal of Honor Frontline? If you have, there might be a resemblance. This one take place on the "Beach" level. I know, you're thinking, "Great... another Storm the Beach." I did not use Last Resort because it did not have the right layout. You probably skipped that paragraph and went straight to the pics... Overview from "****/Tower" side: Overview from Boat side: Side view w/out the wall: Here are the links again... Download Map Variant: Download Gametype: This is my first map to be posted on Forge Hub.
Walls, set up in largely straight lines, are simple to interlock. Simply use boxes/other walls to line them up. Works wonderfully.
In case you were wondering this is supposed to be from "D-Day" in MoH. Great battle, like the only good part of that game, so good choice ^-^ Anyway, looks allright but could also use a little cleaning up
waaay to easy to escape from the map, and it would be easy to interlock that stuff, just time consuming
this is an old map. You always say "This should go under aesthetics" with my maps. They aren't that awesome (maybe they are). Thank for reviving this post though
Looks ok. The map seems kind of messy,That is probably from the lack of merging and interlocking. Although, i did like what you did with "the beach" area. The river looked good. Even though i did expect something better. Sorry about the flaming. 3.5/5